Melee minions still broke?
I've noticed this too. Flesh golem isn't slow as frequently as before, just about half of the time now. Fixed some, not completely.
Wow, I had no idea...
People still use Flesh Golem?
People still use Flesh Golem?
Former Ruling
All the good minions were fixed :\
Griff Mon
I've spent some time trying to figure this out. To me, it seems that they get stuck on the corpses they just rose from at times, not moving until the remains disappear.
The Flesh Golem (which I still love to use, BTW) seems to still have some problems at times. My workaround is to stop when possible and wait for them all to catch up to me.
It is annoying to be in a fight a good 10-15 seconds and then have the Flesh Golem come up from the rear.
The Flesh Golem (which I still love to use, BTW) seems to still have some problems at times. My workaround is to stop when possible and wait for them all to catch up to me.
It is annoying to be in a fight a good 10-15 seconds and then have the Flesh Golem come up from the rear.
Shambling Horrors are still as absent-minded as before.
Hand of Ruin
Yea it seems the canthan minions are bugged now.
Yup my melee minons are still staring into blank space from time to time.
I use Bone Fiends and Shambling horrors and both seem to be fine, but my Flesh Golem still lags behind...
Cassandra Tanacel
Yup i have the same issue with the Master Of Whispers Hero. If i flag the master away, the golem does take its time to shift off
It is better than it was, but some minions do still slack off and show up when they feel like it.
I refer to the flesh golem as the necros version of Orion's Firestorm: Never shows up till everything is dead.
Originally Posted by Eviance
I refer to the flesh golem as the necros version of Orion's Firestorm: Never shows up till everything is dead.
I was out questing with my monk around Ascalon yesterday with Olias as my MM... kinda depressing to see the flesh golem lagging behind me as I sit back monking.

The "only" minions that are lacking are those exclusive to Factions, namely the Flesh Golem and the Vampiric Horrors.
The other minions (Bone Horrors, Bone Fiends, Bone Minions, and Shambling Horrors) are working fine for me.
Anyway, this issue is pending resolution for too much time.
The other minions (Bone Horrors, Bone Fiends, Bone Minions, and Shambling Horrors) are working fine for me.
Anyway, this issue is pending resolution for too much time.