Ok, lets say my warrior has a max stats armor, the one with 80 armor per piece... and lets assume, the armor pieces have no bonuses or insignias attached to them.
what does the 80 armor mean? Does it mean 80 armor against physical as well as elemental? because, the armor doesnt specify what the 80 armor is against. Now my ranger has armor that is 70 armor, with +30 against elemental. So does that mean that he has 100 armor against elemental and pretty much 70 against everything else?
This is why im asking, im trying to decude what insignia to apply to my warriors armor. He is always in a stance, so i figure the sentry insignia would be great. However, the insignia doesnt specify if it is +10 against physical or elemental, so does that mean it is pretty much +10 armor across the board, in all catagories?
And in this case, would the Sentry insignia (+10 armor while in stance) be better than the knight's insignia (reduce damage by 3)? Assuming you are always in a stance, which would you choose.!
thanks a lot!
Got a question regarding armor stats, need help please
If it isn't specified, it's +armor against all sources that don't ignore armor. Normal Warrior armor that's 80 AL and +20 AL vs. physical would give you 100 AL vs. physical (blunt, slashing, piercing, etc.) and 80 AL vs. everything else that is resisted by armor (air, earth, fire, water, etc.). Sentry's Insignias give you 90 AL vs. everything resisted by armor.
Mesmer in Need
the +10 armour is better- it provides protection from everything, and the damage reduction only guards vs melee (afaik)
Yes, unfortunatly for the knights ingsinia, its been, well best word would be nerf, but you can call what ever you want. It use to be -3 damage vs anything, but now its only against physical damage.
Xeones The Great
lol, yeah, knight's was godly, but if ur seriously always in a stance, go for sentry's insignia, which gives u ten extra base armor, so ur armor would end up being 90 and +20 vs physical, making u basically invincible to other warriors or rangers. base armor is armor against all things, elemental, physical, everything. the only exception are spells that ignore armor, such as obsidian flame: http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Obsidian_Flame.
physical damage is, as DarthGreg said, blunt slashing piercing, etc. so knights would reduse this damage by 3. dreadnought's is always a nice choice because instead of ur armor being 80 and +20 vs physical, it becomes 90 and +10 vs physical. so, in the end, against physical, its the same, but against eles, u get 50 more armor, which cuts damage by more than half. link to armor: http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Armor
radiant for a warrior for the extra energy may sometimes be useful if ur running an energy heavy build. survivor is a basic choice for extra 35 health, so u may ant to choose that.
hope this helped.
physical damage is, as DarthGreg said, blunt slashing piercing, etc. so knights would reduse this damage by 3. dreadnought's is always a nice choice because instead of ur armor being 80 and +20 vs physical, it becomes 90 and +10 vs physical. so, in the end, against physical, its the same, but against eles, u get 50 more armor, which cuts damage by more than half. link to armor: http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Armor
radiant for a warrior for the extra energy may sometimes be useful if ur running an energy heavy build. survivor is a basic choice for extra 35 health, so u may ant to choose that.
hope this helped.