Help, please. I've hit a wall in Nightfall.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006


I've played through prophecies a few times and enjoyed it thoroughly. I recently received Nightfall as a gift and have been enjoying that as well. However, I have completed every quest I can find, have done only 3 or 4 missions, and have run out of things to do. I can see on the map there is a huge section that I've yet to visit, but I don't know what I have to do to get there? Has this happened to anyone else? What next? If it matters, I have almost reached the rank of commander.

EDIT: According to the map I viewed online, I've gotten to and (as far as I know) done every mission in the southern island/continent. I can see the other, larger continent to the northwest, but don't know how to get there. The last city I quested in was Blacktide Den, and I've been to and thru the Mehtani Keys. I currently have zero quests, done every one I could find.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2006

Be Aggressive B E Aggressive [AGRO]


where in the game are you? what is last city you came to?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006

sh*tvill england



well really till we know more info i hope this helps


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Sunny ol' Manchester

The Trumpet Blowers


Best advice I can offer is follow your primary quest - you should still have one of them...


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2006

Be Aggressive B E Aggressive [AGRO]


Originally Posted by Swamprob

EDIT: According to the map I viewed online, I've gotten to and (as far as I know) done every mission in the southern island/continent. I can see the other, larger continent to the northwest, but don't know how to get there. The last city I quested in was Blacktide Den, and I've been to and thru the Mehtani Keys. I currently have zero quests, done every one I could find.
If you did the blacktide den mission then your next thing is to talk to Castellan Pubba in Sunspear Great Hall and take quest "The Iron truth" after that you talk to Jerek just outside the SS Great Hall and get "trial by Fire" (doesn't really matter how you answer questions but since you have done storyline it should be easy) then after that go back to SS great hall and talk to Pubba again, take all 3 quests from him and do them, then go back and talk to him and get rewards for those 3 and he will give you another one "the time is nigh" After you finish this you should "land" in Kamaden go to consulate docks and do mission there and you will be taken to mainland....also even before mission you can get the quest "Terror in Tyria" which allows you to travel to tyria and from there you should be able to get a quest from a dude at the end of a dock there to gain olias (necro hero) and if you had factions you could get the quest from Funwa Shento in Kamaden "Plague in Cantha" that would allow you to go to Cantha where you could talk to a npc by Bukdek Byway portal that allows you to gain Sin hero.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006


Originally Posted by Keithark
If you did the blacktide den mission then your next thing is to talk to Castellan Pubba in Sunspear Great Hall and take quest "The Iron truth" after that you talk to Jerek just outside the SS Great Hall and get "trial by Fire" (doesn't really matter how you answer questions but since you have done storyline it should be easy) then after that go back to SS great hall and talk to Pubba again, take all 3 quests from him and do them, then go back and talk to him and get rewards for those 3 and he will give you another one "the time is nigh" After you finish this you should "land" in Kamaden go to consulate docks and do mission there and you will be taken to mainland....also even before mission you can get the quest "Terror in Tyria" which allows you to travel to tyria and from there you should be able to get a quest from a dude at the end of a dock there to gain olias (necro hero) and if you had factions you could get the quest from Funwa Shento in Kamaden "Plague in Cantha" that would allow you to go to Cantha where you could talk to a npc by Bukdek Byway portal that allows you to gain Sin hero.
Thank you all, especially Keithark. This was exactly what I needed to do. I guess I got too used to Prophecies 'lead you to the next area' formula.

Titan Chrae

Titan Chrae

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Frozen Lake

Illustrious Chromatic Enigmas (ICE)


Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) are not spoonfed everything in Nightfall. The story tends to loop back on itself so it pays to visit areas periodically to see if new quests have been opened up. While it makes it a little more of a challenge to get from A to B it also gives you a reason to look around, explore and revisit places you have already been. This is a good thing IMHO.

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by Titan Chrae
Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) are not spoonfed everything in Nightfall. The story tends to loop back on itself so it pays to visit areas periodically to see if new quests have been opened up. While it makes it a little more of a challenge to get from A to B it also gives you a reason to look around, explore and revisit places you have already been. This is a good thing IMHO.
I'm not sure what all this is about, but as far as following the storyline, upon completing a mission, the NPC that gives you your next primary quest will always be in the outpost you are dropped in after the mission, usually right in front of you with a big green exclamation point over his head. If you turn in a primary quest for reward, and that NPC (or the NPC next to him as is the case with the Emperor's Hand in Factions) doesn't give you your next primary quest, then you have reached a mission location. It's not really hard at all to find how to continue the storyline as long as you realize this.

Keira Darkwind

Keira Darkwind

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Clan Arthur


Originally Posted by Swinging Fists
I'm not sure what all this is about, but as far as following the storyline, upon completing a mission, the NPC that gives you your next primary quest will always be in the outpost you are dropped in after the mission, usually right in front of you with a big green exclamation point over his head. If you turn in a primary quest for reward, and that NPC (or the NPC next to him as is the case with the Emperor's Hand in Factions) doesn't give you your next primary quest, then you have reached a mission location. It's not really hard at all to find how to continue the storyline as long as you realize this.
QFT. I followed this and had no problem with getting stuck in the storyline in Nightfall.