Question about enchanting bows


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

If you have a bow equipped that gives enchantments a 20% longer duration, cast the enchantments with that bow equipped, and then switch to a different bow, do you still gain the benefit of the extended enchantments?




Join Date: May 2005


I believe that the effect of the +20% enchantment duration is calculated upon time of casting the spell. Which would mean once cast you can safely swap the bow out to something else and still get the extended enchantment duration.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

I do that all the time, increase enchantment durations by using a Totem Axe + focus with +1 attribute (+20%) to put up an enchantment then switch to the weapon I wish to use normally.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Thanks to all the guru [mods]

mmmmm. good question, i know that the effects happen if you cast an enchanment then switch to an enchanting bow, becuase ive tested this.
'cast the enchantment..wait for it to flash, quickly switch to enchanting weapon, and the skill stops flashing for about 1 second, then flashes again'.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Pantheon of Shadows [dei]


Originally Posted by onerabbit
mmmmm. good question, i know that the effects happen if you cast an enchanment then switch to an enchanting bow, becuase ive tested this.
'cast the enchantment..wait for it to flash, quickly switch to enchanting weapon, and the skill stops flashing for about 1 second, then flashes again'.
I don't think this is correct. I know for a fact things like Blind reduction are only applied if it hits you with the item equipped, not if you switch to it, so I would imagine it would be the same for enchantments.

EDIT: Just confirmed it. Enchantments 20% is only checked when you cast the spell, feel free to switch after.