inscribing obsidion armor


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

team love [kiSu]


will i ever be able to inscribe my obsidian armor??

Curse You

Curse You

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

South Pole

The Magus Order


You already can. You just need to craft a set that accepts inscriptions. Don't expect them to change your armour.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

team love [kiSu]


so I'm screwed, they wont be changeing the fow armors that were bought before nightfall into being inscribable, thats sort of a ripoff

Curse You

Curse You

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

South Pole

The Magus Order


It is in no way a rip-off. You bought your armour before they intorduced inscriptions. They haven't changed any other older armour to allow you to instribe them, so why would they do it for FoW? Because it's expensive is hardly a good reason.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

team love [kiSu]


honestly, i think they should make all armor inscribable, whats wrong with some one wanting what all the people who just bought they obsidian armor got. i bought Nightfall and i just happened to buy my armor before nightfall came out. its the same thing that happened with the updated armors in factions, they fixed that why can't they fix the older obsidian armors? if they change something for newer things they should change it for older things aswell, although it's not a huge advantage to be able to inscribe they're armors, it does save them ALOT of gold wen they want to change what they got.