I have a few ideas, that might be interesting.
-doubleclick on playername in chat window = go there.
-rightclick on playername in chat window = menu :
-listing all players in town
can sort by name/prof/guild/level/act.quest
-assign shorcut keys to top 10 emotes, for example : ctrl+k = kneel
-when i'm the only player in mission or quest : Pause key = pause game
-auction house
-upgradeable Storage. for money more space or 1 more chest / expansion.
example. GW + Factions + Nightfall = 3 chests.
-waypoints for Heroes! Shift + click on map.
-when bot's attack is obstructed, then go to a clean area
-reclicking or right click spell/skill cancels it
New Expansion:
-weather system
-name : Kingfire
-in medieval Europe with magic/fantasy
-one of the two new professions :
Celt Druid with staff (can summon animals)
staff is for close-combat!
-improved Guild Halls with upgradeable environment, like Cannons, traps...
-new PvP : Hunting - hunting down mobs for score
-1v1 or 2v2
-more puzzles in missions
-2 way in story : evil or good
Ideas for next Guild Wars chapter
Sli Ander
Originally Posted by nylchq
I have a few ideas, that might be interesting. Interface: ---------- -doubleclick on playername in chat window = go there. -rightclick on playername in chat window = menu : -whisper -trade -invite -listing all players in town can sort by name/prof/guild/level/act.quest -assign shorcut keys to top 10 emotes, for example : ctrl+k = kneel -when i'm the only player in mission or quest : Pause key = pause game -auction house suggested -upgradeable Storage. for money more space or 1 more chest / expansion. example. GW + Factions + Nightfall = 3 chests. suggested -waypoints for Heroes! Shift + click on map. pretty sure its been suggested Gameplay: --------- -when bot's attack is obstructed, then go to a clean area -reclicking or right click spell/skill cancels it use escape New Expansion: -------------- -weather system suggested -name : Kingfire -in medieval Europe with magic/fantasy -one of the two new professions : Celt Druid with staff (can summon animals) suggested staff is for close-combat! suggested -improved Guild Halls with upgradeable environment, like Cannons, traps... suggested -new PvP : Hunting - hunting down mobs for score challenge missions -1v1 or 2v2 guild scrimmage -more puzzles in missions pretty sure its been suggested -2 way in story : evil or good suggested Nyl |
A pause button would be interesting for when you are playing alone. I'm not sure if Waypoints have been suggested, but they would be an interesting addition to the repertoire of hero abilities.
I would love to have a Celtic Druid, and I'm glad to see that someone is thinking in terms of a European theme, rather than going the exotic route of Indian,etc. However, there are entire threads of speculation on the topic of what the next chapter will contain.
Challenge missions pretty much fulfill the 'hunt down mobs' suggestion, but if thats not quite what you mean, please clarify. I would love to hear the idea. To 1v1 or 2v2, most people just use guild scrimmage, but to have an option otherwise wouldn't hurt.
And while I'm not sure if additional puzzles has been suggested, it would be an interesting challenge. Unfortunately, the competitive style of GW doesn't always seem a fitting place for puzzle type challenges. Does anyone else have thoughts on this particular suggestion?
But that's just my two cents

Since your client interacts with a server it's impossible to add a 'pause' function.
Why would you want to pause the game in the first place?
Sounds pointless to me
Why would you want to pause the game in the first place?
Sounds pointless to me