Why does europe nearly always have favour?
yesterday, after Japan nearly got favour with IKAY, i asked my alliance why europ nearly always seems to havefavour? The responses were nearly all the long lines of Europe having a bigger PC userbase and more competetive in PvP. i wasnt etirely satsified with that response, so now, i am asking you? And tbtw, Europe always having favour isnt such a bad thing :P
Giga Strike
1: they DO have more ppl.
2: alot of americans are too lazy and/or nooby to come up with good builds or get a good group together.
2: alot of americans are too lazy and/or nooby to come up with good builds or get a good group together.
devils wraths
well korea use to beat europe alot but korea dont get favor any more either not many korea people play ha or they just loose
Americans never recovered from the minor nerfing of IWAY. Without a stupidly overpowered and incredibly simple build, they're screwed.
Franco Power
Most great players are from eastern europe or north europe.
IWAY was never famous for holding HoH. I too blame it on sheer number of PvP players and interest (check the list of GvG top guilds at the end of the season - there were more european ones).
It was always like that with favor - one side had it longer then the others.
Also, keep in mind that the gathering place for the top teams, the ones that usually get to cap HoH, are the international districts not the home ones. And except for guild teams, which obviously have a clear alignment, I doubt most of those teams are really concerned about which region they are fighting for.
It was always like that with favor - one side had it longer then the others.
Also, keep in mind that the gathering place for the top teams, the ones that usually get to cap HoH, are the international districts not the home ones. And except for guild teams, which obviously have a clear alignment, I doubt most of those teams are really concerned about which region they are fighting for.
Marty Silverblade
I always thought it was because the Europeans took it in the day and us Aussies held it through the night. No matter where you live or what time you're on, the European server has people to hold.
American districts are filled with Americans, and a couple of Europeans (usually the ones that play at night), so America only has people playing at a short ammount of time. Europe has people playing at all times (Europeans at one time, Australians at the other). Also, Europe still has more people then America does (I sometimes even get the feeling there are even more Germans then Americans :/).
Also, I've played on both districts, and America seemed to play more cookie-cutter fame farming builds, while alot of European PUGs are just there to hold halls.
Oh, and not to forget, Europeans own Americans
Also, I've played on both districts, and America seemed to play more cookie-cutter fame farming builds, while alot of European PUGs are just there to hold halls.
Oh, and not to forget, Europeans own Americans

almost my entire freinds list of pvpers are european, because they play different builds, they like to mix it up and not just use the same thing all the time. if americans realized that fame farming takes longer to gain fame than just holding halls for a little bit im sure they would stop the crappy cookie cutters
Europe has more people playing at ALL times of day than any other server.
Europe has better groups on average than any other server.
The guilds that used to hold favor for America back in the day have disbanded or quit HAing.
The dwindling top PvPers left on the American servers who could hold for hours on end have decided fame is worthless (it is), so there's no incentive to bother.
Europe has better groups on average than any other server.
The guilds that used to hold favor for America back in the day have disbanded or quit HAing.
The dwindling top PvPers left on the American servers who could hold for hours on end have decided fame is worthless (it is), so there's no incentive to bother.
American's have live's and European's got nothing better to do...
Also most of the PVP american's have move on......

Also most of the PVP american's have move on......
cuz eruope has more players :P and they have are better with competition. Your alliance was entirely right... but america is close behind. If we could get with the program, we would always be winning!!!!!!