PvE to PvP


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

whats the best way to go from pve to pvp play such as

professions to start with as i currently have a warrior
where to play RA ect
where to find builds and any other tips

any help would be appreciated

Neo Nugget

Neo Nugget

Site Contributor

Join Date: Jan 2006


use www.guildwarswiki.com

then use builds section.

Lets Get to Healing


Join Date: Dec 2005

You want see?

True Gods of War [True]


Fort Aspenwood is a great place to start PvP.

B Ephekt

B Ephekt

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

Team Crystalline [TC]


To be honest, most of the pvp builds on the wiki are complete garbage. I wouldn't rely on that to get an idea of what's being run in pvp at a given time.

Watching observer mode for the specific format you're interested in (HA or GvG) would be a much better alternative. Aside from that, actually posting in the pvp section of this website would probably help greatly as well.


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

If you're really a PvP beginner, my suggestion would be to start at the Great temple of Balthazar then do the wholed tutorial stuff up to Zaishen challenge. Those NPCs have a lot more patience then most PCs and you have a lot to learn from them. Then move to Ra, be prepared to take a lot of flak and learn from what other people are playing ..from there on its very variable ....

Be ready to change. As a basic idea - you cannot do in PvP what you did in PvE - especially Warrior wise. Forget the concept of "tank". And please don't bring mending - you would get laughed at and its bad for morale.

Be prepared to make a PvP char and toy a bit with the options.

Observer mode is great if you want to turn "serious" about PvP.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005


most of the builds on guildwiki are indeed utter crap.

best way to "start" pvp is in lowlevel arena's, either Random arena or competitive missions like Fort Aspenwood.

also, forums like iQ's forum ( http://www.team-iq.net ) have a lot of valuable pvp information, and you can always go ask any questions about mechanics / equipment / ... there aswell (use search first though, it might have been asked before)

gul dan

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

Menos Mau


read PvP Primer and State of the Game

there are some helpful articles there =]

Lord Mendes

Lord Mendes

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

Derka-Derka Land

Steel Phoenix (StP)


Build up PvP contacts and friends. This is essential if you want to get anywhere.

Franco Power

Franco Power

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2006



Best advice I can give it to you aswel is be patient and prepare to be dedicated.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2006

New Zealand FTW

Ex Talionis [Law]

Don't get stressed when you fail at something, step back, ask somone why you failed/figure it out yourself, learn from it, rinse and repeat.
*This won't work in random arena*

Zoo X

Zoo X

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by Legendary Ultimatum
Best advice I can give it to you aswel is be patient and prepare to be dedicated.
really good advice, stick to it.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2006

New Zealand FTW

Ex Talionis [Law]

Don't get stressed when you fail at something, step back, ask somone why you failed/figure it out yourself, learn from it, rinse and repeat.
*This won't work in random arena*



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

don't get angry and frustrated when PVP ppl don't want to group with you and call you a noob.

Jeff Highwind

Jeff Highwind

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006

Grenth's Rejects [GR]


Best way to prep for PvP as a PvE ( aka My experience)

1. Grab Green weaponry spec'd to your current build.
2. Play RA enough to just unlock TA
3. Play TA enough to unlock Heroe's Ascent
4. Get owned in HA by Europe, observe said opponents that owned you.
5. Remake your build and try again in other areas for more experience
-5a. Holiday Games like Snowball Fights and Dragon Arena help teach you how to Kite
-5b. Competitve missions help build leadership skills through command on the fly, though leechers are as common as flies on sh*t
-5c. Alliance Battles teach cooperation through focus-fire on key targets
6. Make Friends in any form of PvP. It comes in handy.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005

White Redeemers


Originally Posted by phallanxian
whats the best way to go from pve to pvp play such as

professions to start with as i currently have a warrior
where to play RA ect
where to find builds and any other tips

any help would be appreciated

Basicly you wil have to unlearn most of the things you have learned so far becouse pvp is somthing totaly different than pve. As you experiment in pvp you wil notice that movement and good positioning is very imprtant so having good builds doesnt make you a winner. Knowing your opponents is also very important. There are no good or bad classes in GVG, there are just good and bad players that know or dont know how to play their roles.

Many skills that look useless is pve are great in pvp and other way. learn to use them. And be carefull how you use 2-3 sec cast time spells coz they are very easy to interupt.


Site Contributor

Join Date: Jul 2005


Originally Posted by Neo Nugget
use www.guildwarswiki.com

then use builds section.
That is just wrong. Guild Wiki is one of the worst places to go for PvP info. They clearly don't know much about PvP or build making. They are some good builds in there, but there is such a deluge of total crap it can make the good stuff hard to find. In addition a new player won't be able to spot the different between the good stuff and the crap and they will likely end up running some horrible build or following some idiotic PvP advice (like using mind shock to see how much energy enemy eles have.)

I would say the best place to get some builds would be obs mode. Get an idea for what skills the top players are using and play around with those skills. Realize some characters don't work outside of the full 8-man build, but it should give you a general idea of what is usable.

Then you just have to play and be willing to play anything. The big thing about getting better at PvP is being willing to learn. When you lose to something ask yourself why and make note of what killed you.

Jeff Highwind

Jeff Highwind

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006

Grenth's Rejects [GR]


Yea, Copypasta is always bound for failure. Plus they still have Rit Lord down for a viable HA build.