Okay, I am a Elementalist/Ranger and I have a few questions for anyone who knows the answers.
1#: What is the best armor for an Elementalist? I know there are the weak armor that defends agains certain elements and then the upgraded versions. (i.e. Pyromancer, Hydromancer, etc) But what exactly is Fissure armor and is it the best?
2#: At the moment all I own is Prophesies which me and my two brothers play together (Using three seperate copies of the game) but if we were to get Factions or Nightfall would we need to buy a copy for each of us to play with or just one copy to unlock the campain?
3#: What is the best bow and how do I get it? At the moment I compensate for an Elementalists weak normal attack with the rangers powerfull bow, but at the moment I'm only using the Poisonous Nevermore Bow that you get with the Game Of The Year edition. Is there a better bow and how/where do I get it?
Mod Edit: Please ensure your title reflects the subject of your thread. I edited the title to someone more relevant.
question's on armor, chapter's and bow
as far as armor goes you need to pick the best one that suits your play style. Pryromancer = more aligned with the fire attribute etc.
www.guildwiki.org is your best place to research armor/looks.....Fissures armor is no better than Max droknars forge armor except it looks better.
If you all 3 want to play factions or nightfall then yes you have to buy an individual copy for each accoutn. So if u are using 3 prophecies accounts then in order for all 3 accounts to be able to go to Factions you would have to buy 3 copies of Factions.
all max bows are the same (damage wise) the only difference is the looks. Although the mods and damage modifiers on them set them apart. What most people pay for in expensive weapons are the look and the rarity of the weapon. Again I would check out the link to guildwiki it has all kinds of great information.
If you find yourself using your ranger attributes/skills more than your primary then you shouuld really create a ranger :P Look on guildwiki for some builds to use with your elementalist. they can dish out some serious damage if you use them correctly.
Hope this answers some of your questions...atleast in part :P
www.guildwiki.org is your best place to research armor/looks.....Fissures armor is no better than Max droknars forge armor except it looks better.
If you all 3 want to play factions or nightfall then yes you have to buy an individual copy for each accoutn. So if u are using 3 prophecies accounts then in order for all 3 accounts to be able to go to Factions you would have to buy 3 copies of Factions.
all max bows are the same (damage wise) the only difference is the looks. Although the mods and damage modifiers on them set them apart. What most people pay for in expensive weapons are the look and the rarity of the weapon. Again I would check out the link to guildwiki it has all kinds of great information.
If you find yourself using your ranger attributes/skills more than your primary then you shouuld really create a ranger :P Look on guildwiki for some builds to use with your elementalist. they can dish out some serious damage if you use them correctly.
Hope this answers some of your questions...atleast in part :P
Okay, thanks!

Pryromancer = more aligned with the fire attribute etc. |
As an elementalist you really want to be casting spells to deal the damage and normal attacks are just filler or for use when hexed or whatever. Putting attributes in marksmanship as an elem is pretty much a waste. You could still use your flat bow for some long-ranged attacks to pull enemies but by and large a staff or wand/focus will serve you better as it will directly benefit your casting with +energy, fast cast, fast recharge, +enchantment durations, etc.
Marty Silverblade
Originally Posted by Baraden
1#: What is the best armor for an Elementalist? I know there are the weak armor that defends agains certain elements and then the upgraded versions. (i.e. Pyromancer, Hydromancer, etc) But what exactly is Fissure armor and is it the best?
There are other armors, such as fissure or 'FoW', or 15k armor that is exactly the same as max AL armor (doesn't give any other bonuses), except that they look better (well, I prefer 1.5k Pyromancers over the 15k but thats just me).
Originally Posted by Baraden
2#: At the moment all I own is Prophesies which me and my two brothers play together (Using three seperate copies of the game) but if we were to get Factions or Nightfall would we need to buy a copy for each of us to play with or just one copy to unlock the campain?

Originally Posted by Baraden
3#: What is the best bow and how do I get it? At the moment I compensate for an Elementalists weak normal attack with the rangers powerfull bow, but at the moment I'm only using the Poisonous Nevermore Bow that you get with the Game Of The Year edition. Is there a better bow and how/where do I get it?
When it comes to the Elementalists weak normal attack, don't worry about it. The only time an Elementalist should be wanding is when he is out of energy, the opponent has a small amount of health left and its not worth the energy, when your Backfired (watch those Mesmers!), or you can't be bothered with it (well, maybe not...). If you find you use your Ranger side more, then make it your primary. Expertise and the ability to use runes will make a big difference. If you want to keep your Elementalist side, keep it secondary, pick up a bow with an elemental bow string (either Fiery, Icy, or Shocking, NOT Ebon), and use it with either Conjure Lightning, Conjure Fire, etc.