Problem with EDA


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Howl at the Moon [HatM]

Ok - I'm sure you're all familiar with the good ole EDA

[skill]Ebon Dust Aura[/skill][skill]Staggering Force[/skill]

I'm currently using a build that includes EDA along with Staggering Force to change my damage to earth based - I am doing this because part of my energy management strategy includes using a Zealous Scythe. I remember reading in several places that this was a valid tactic - but it appears to have changed. I did some testing last night on a few mobs (Jade Brotherhood Knights just outside Waiijun Bazaar - as they have no removal skills and Wing, Three Blade with his support cleaved off - I could tank him indeffinitely with no help which made it a good test) and came to the conclusion that SF's earth damage was NOT causing EDA to blind the target.

Can anyone confirm this is either a bug or an intended change? Or am I the only one noticing this problem. I'm using Mhedi's Vow ( and can confirm I was not using any other skills that change damage type - nor were there any spirits (eg Spirit of Winter) in the area.

Many thanks in advance. And apologies for this being a repost - but noone appears to be reading (or posting in) the Dervish forum today.

Acidic Won

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

i am thinking this is intended as it says if you are wielding an earth weapon the same thing occurs when you use mark of rodgort, kindle arrows, and a normal bow mor will not trigger but if you put a firey string on it, it will... tough luck


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Howl at the Moon [HatM]

Gah - was hoping that wasn't the case - otherwise there are better skills I could use with that build - gonna have to get Bhubal's (ebon scythe) and stick in an energy management skill instead then... could always go back to my old build from before I got EDA - might work nicely with the Zealous Scythe and spammable attacks.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

It looks like a bug to me as the enchantment should be changing your damage type to earth which should then trigger EDA. I'd report it if you're sure about it.

Could you test it easier in a 1v1 guild scrimmage so the other player could report what he sees?


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


Not a bug, you'll only blind if you use an attack skill, such as crippling sweep


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2005

dragon's correct u have to use attack skills to trigger the blind from EDA when u are doing earth based damage.

so u can still use staggering force to deal earth damage, but u'd have to use some of ranger attacks like: power shot, dual shot, savage shot, distracting shot, etc. to get the blind on.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Howl at the Moon [HatM]

Was using 3 attack skills - still didn't blind the mobs in question

edit: went out and farmed Buhbal's Grasp yesterday evening - will test with an actual Earth damage weapon - see if there is any difference as per Acidic Won's suggestion