Account Nightfall Deactivated


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007


I bought a nightfall game and add it on my account with already Prop and Faction. After a month and a half my Nightfall is been deactivated. Reason the dealer sell it to me did not pay Guild Wars so I am been penalize for it.

It does not matter what I say nor do Guild Wars do not care I did not buy it through them even thou I spent more than $400 on the game for me and my sons.

It is a big concern this do not care attitude of them and very bad business ethics .



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

Am I understanding that you purchased a used game? Or a new one from a store? It isn't exactly clear what the problem is. It is against the rules (EULA) to purchase a used game so Anet is in the right if that is the case.

If it was from a store they purchase it and then sell it so there is no way that should be an issue.

Its a little confusing the way you've worded the explanation. Perhaps Anet also had that trouble?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

ManitobaShipyards Refit and Repair Station

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First off where did you buy the game from. That would help alot.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



Originally Posted by Christia11
(...)Reason the dealer sell it to me did not pay Guild Wars so I am been penalize for it. (...)
So you essentially bought stolen merchandise?

Go complain at the seller, he is at fault for stealing in the first place. Also according to the EULA Anet can shutdown any account for any reason, but in this case you bought it from some shady business/person.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


Originally Posted by Christia11
I bought a nightfall game and add it on my account with already Prop and Faction. After a month and a half my Nightfall is been deactivated. Reason the dealer sell it to me did not pay Guild Wars so I am been penalize for it.

It does not matter what I say nor do Guild Wars do not care I did not buy it through them even thou I spent more than $400 on the game for me and my sons.

It is a big concern this do not care attitude of them and very bad business ethics .
From the sound of things, you bought it on eBay, which was your big mistake. The person you bought it from, likely purchased a key via the website, charging it to a credit card. Shortly thereafter you purchased said key via eBay, sending the money to the seller through paypal, visa or something else that got it to him/her in next to no time. They took your money, and then proceeded to dispute their charge to plaync and got a refund from visa, etc. Visa then took the money back from plaync who then turned off the key that was associated with the purchase. In what way is this bad business ethics? I'm sorry some lowlife screwed you and your family over, but that's not ANet/NCSofts fault, blame the lowlife who took your money.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

@Christia11: This isn't the place for complaints about Arenanet support. Talk to wherever you bought it from, as well as your credit card company if you used a credit card to pay for it. Since you didn't buy it directly from Arenanet/NCSoft, they can't really help you with purchases.

Hephaestus Ram

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005



Could I ask?

If you got a sealed package with a sealed key code envelope... how
would Anet even know where you bought it? And why would they
care where you bought it .... I'm pretty sure they don't sell the games
on consignment.

If you just bought a key code from an individual... well, come on!

Hand of Ruin


Join Date: Jul 2006

What possible reason would you buy a game on ebay instead of from a store???

You could have bought a copy of Nightfall for $30 in some places, and you say you spent 400? Extremely foolish, and the keys you bought were probably stolen or fake, so their is no way to get your money back.

Never buy Guildwars products off ebay...


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

If you going to buy it online, I would just buy it from the official guild wars online store. Now if you are ordering it and having a brand new game delivered to you, that's a different story.

I would complain to the seller if it was stolen merchandise. I think has every right to confiscate things that are stolen from them .


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007


Let me see if I can address most of the posts and questions at the same time.

No it was not bought at eBay but on from a registered seller the same way I have bought hundreds of items games before and in the 3 years this is the first time this has happened.

Yes I have been screwed by someone and you can make up your own mind by looking at the following:

This is how it’s supposed to work. Lowlive as some one calls him purchased the key from NCsoft and did not pay for it but then sold it to me. I try activate it but it does not work as it is invalid because it’s not paid for. So I go back to the seller he refuse to refund me. No problem my creditcard company will get my money back for me. SIMPLE AND EASY!!

This is however how it really happened: Lowlive sold it to me. I activated it and started playing on it with no problems nothing to be suspicious of everything is good. After 42 days (Almost a month and a half) of playing it is suddenly deactivated with now warning from GW not even a hi please pay or we remove you. The seller refuses to refund me. So I go to my Creditcard company Big problem, Sorry Sir it is too long ago!!!! We cannot help you now it is too late.

Why I say this is bad business ethics. Anet knows as any good business should know what kind of scams are out there with their product and it is their responsibility to prevent it. In this situation they know the scam as I can gather from postings it is quiet a common one. But Anet actions still make it easy even promoting it. Why didn’t they make the key invalid the moment the payment did not go through that would have prevented being resold. This would also give the buyer the opportunity to get their money back which I have lost due to the lack of action from Anet. Now they do not care.

In fact this is a well know business practice in certain industries using scams to the advantage and promote their business. “O let him play a few weeks get him hooked first let him build up his characters to put good weapons on it before we cancel it and the only way getting it back is to buy a new game. Face it we work with intelligent people here they can have systems in place which cancels the key seconds after payment did not go through why 42 days later? or activated it after receive payment.

Yes I been scamed but Anets lack of action made sure that I lost my money. Money I could have and would have recovered if Anet acted in a reasonable time.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

I still say you are at fault for buying a key from someone rather than a new box or from the online store. What guarantee did you have that the key was not used, was not a trial key, was sold to multiple people or whatever?

If the scammer waited for as long as possible before cancelling/refunding the purchase (what, 30 days?) then I can easily see 42 days before the account is turned off. Anet is a corporation with multiple departments, billing cycles, etc and things don't happen in those environments instantaneously.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

The thing is that Arenanet had nothing to do with the sale. It's a common scam for a person to buy keys with a credit card, sell the keys to others, then refuse to pay the credit card bill or dispute the bill. Since Lowlive didn't pay the bill, the credit card company takes back the money from Arenanet, and Arenanet notices a hole in its pockets and disables the now-stolen account. It probably took around a month before the seller disputed the bill, which is why you have to deal with it now instead of a month ago. Moral of the story is to never buy an unwrapped product key.

If you bought it from Amazon, have you contacted Amazon yet?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Shyft Machine [MYTH]


I think the problem is that Amazon has this feature on their site where they will be the third party in a transaction and sell used stuff from their customers. Amazon just handles the money exchange part of it but they do not sell the game. So that makes the game a used game which may not be done with guild wars. If this the way it happened then I am sorry to say this does go against the EULA rules.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



Sorry ,but if Anet actually honored stolen cd-keys nobody would care to check if it was a stolen product or not, this applies to all businesses (at least in my country).

Keira Darkwind

Keira Darkwind

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Clan Arthur


I agree you should contact Amazon and make a complaint about this seller, if he scammed you he's probably scamming others and I'd think they would want to know about it.