But I find it silly that people vote /notsigned just because they think Anet isn't going to do it!
If you like the idea, vote for it and let Anet do what they want. Especially if you think Anet isn't ever going to do anyway.
Whereas it's different if you think Anet might do it - since Anet has limited resources its likely they won't implement all popular ideas.

2) As for trying to encourage humans to play with humans. Do people really want to play with other people esp in PvE?
I mean, I did already suggest an optional challenge mission that would _require_ human players (involved lev 20s ferrying/protecting low lev humans instead of boring old npcs, for rewards+records

As you suggested, many people are very happy not playing with humans- especially the people who know what they are doing and have unlocked many useful skills. They will be setting up their heroes to suit the way they like to play, and mostly avoid PvE play with "pesky" humans, until maybe the Domain of Anguish or other Elite areas.
As for the rest of the players... Oh well...
2b) The lack of stronger human-human ties is also probably partly due to players not being able to send messages to offline players, and not having a history log of the last 200 or more message box lines - so when you get code=007 you can reconnect, scroll up and get in touch with the party you dropped out of - without having to keep remembering to add people to Friends or noting their names down. If you forget to note their names down, once you get disconnected - it's like you never met them before. Good if you like a more anonymous and "faceless" environment.
It's also harder to arrange to "keep in touch", "get together" when the great party you played together with is offline and GW doesn't let you send them messages.
So it's mostly "Hi!", "1", "let's go!", "Thanks everyone, bye!".
But I guess that could be what people want for a "Lite" MMORPG aka WoW Lite