Current reconnect system not enough
The current reconnect system is only helpful if you can get past the loading screen and into the game. There were many times where I found myself sitting at the loading screen, the bar at 100% and nothing was happening. The game does not offer the chance to reconnect once more, which means the only option is to close the program and rerun the application - a basic inconvenience to the player.
I hope this is addressed.
I hope this is addressed.
Some Guru Named Kai
Most likely because although the map has already loaded, your computer hasn't actually connected? I'm not sure about that tech-side of this so this was just a guess.
On a side note: I've once got disconnected and was given the option to reconnect, in which I did so, only to receive a curveball in a form of Err7 (Error=007)
So watch out! The evil dreaded err7 still lurks GW.
On a side note: I've once got disconnected and was given the option to reconnect, in which I did so, only to receive a curveball in a form of Err7 (Error=007)

Angel Netherborn
Actually, if you had a little more patience and waited it out, you'll get the err7 too. The timeout at the loading screens is just pretty long.
Sir Vengence VI
Bond still lives
I started to think Anet is spoiling us...and we're starting to ask too much
though the message of the person has disconnected is nice. now i don't have to think that the person just flat out left.
but yeah, once you close the game it is a bit..inconvenient =\
but yeah, once you close the game it is a bit..inconvenient =\
Velvet Wing
I think we should be gratefull for what we got up till now. Anet made a great change to the game for us, because we, as a community, kept nagging about it. It may have some minor problems, but Anet being the supportive company it appears to be, will no doubt fix those minor issues as well.. I agree with us being spoiled, but like normal spoiled kids do, we keep nagging for more
Be happy they fix things, and stop complaining, period

Oh please yes. In pretty much all of the times I err7, it's not actually ingame, but on the loading screen. If I fail to load the first time, being able to retry would be very nice.
Stupid Shizno
its not nagging, its feedback. and feedback is important for the user to get the quality they deserve and for the company to provide a product that people want.
so regardless, anet need to listen to the community
so regardless, anet need to listen to the community
The current system is already a beginning, better than nothing (heck, I believe this is the first game I've played with a reconnect feature), but I too feel it needs further development.