Ok so I know this is a dumb question , but I'm asking it anyway after reading the rezzed "Big Disappointment..." thread.
What constitutes "over-farming"? I had no idea there was such a thing. Can too much farming really get you into trouble with A-net?
Sophitia Leafblade
Desert Nomad
Join Date: Nov 2005
Dragon Slayer Guild [DSG]
11 Jan 2007 at 16:41 - 2
Over faming is when u farm the same Area so much that Anets anti farming code kicks in which reduces all ur drop rates until u go do other things to let it raise back up again. no this on its own cant get u into trouble with anet, but farming to sell for RL money and using bots to farm for u is.
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: Dec 2006
Samo Sloga Srbina Spasava (SS)
11 Jan 2007 at 17:07 - 3
If u farm one area too much youll trigger anti-farming code that will reduce the drops. Thats all that can happen to you if you farm a lot. If you change farming areas frequently and do some missions from time to time you should be OK.
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Nov 2006
11 Jan 2007 at 18:09 - 4
Ok, thanks Sophitia and lakimailer.
Forge Runner
Join Date: May 2005
The Etereal Guard
12 Jan 2007 at 00:50 - 5
Yes, it can get you in trouble with Anet. If anti-farm ever trigger on you, you'll be on Anet's blacklist, where they'll keep a close watch on you. But no...they won't ban you until you do something that violate the rule.