Minature Kanaxai from Domain of Anguish
So I was in the American Kamadan and saw this:
a minature Kanaxai, only suppose to be 8 and in Japan. Now sure it could have been transferred to American Server but the odds seem low that I would come across 1 of 8 for sale. So I asked him where it came from and he said its a secret. Well, I think that it came from a coffer of whispers. Now if it did certainly people would keep it a secret because 1 of 8 is much more valuable then 1 of (8+all the ones from Coffers). Anyone know if they come from coffers?
a minature Kanaxai, only suppose to be 8 and in Japan. Now sure it could have been transferred to American Server but the odds seem low that I would come across 1 of 8 for sale. So I asked him where it came from and he said its a secret. Well, I think that it came from a coffer of whispers. Now if it did certainly people would keep it a secret because 1 of 8 is much more valuable then 1 of (8+all the ones from Coffers). Anyone know if they come from coffers?
I'd guess that someone from the American Districts bought it off someone from Japanese Districts while they were both in the International Districts.
Theres alot about GW that is still yet to be known especially things from high end chest of item givers. The harder it is to get the reward means less frequent things dropping out of it and less we see of them.
Malice Black
The Japanese players are free to sell them if they want (they'd be stupid not to) lots of easy cash.
I Is Special
I saw someone selling it in Lions Arch american district for **800 ectos**...
One of the Guilds I am affiliated with has a player who bought one. Not surehow much he paid but way too much in my opinion.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
Well this guy has the guild abbrevaition [DOG] so now Im really questioning the whole there are only 8 thing.
Originally Posted by fabiola
Well this guy has the guild abbrevaition [DOG] so now Im really questioning the whole there are only 8 thing.
Jeremy Untouchable
i was standing in DOA when a guy got a coffer of wispers, opened it and said"omg i just opened a coffer of wispers and got a panda mini-pet" i didnt believe him so i hit trade and he showed me....so I dont believe the whole there are only 8 of them line
just because he showed you a panda, doesn't mean he got it from the chest.
Originally Posted by Arkantos
What does his guild tag have to do with there being only 8?