how about a weekday event?
well to start off i am in the restaurant business and 30-35 of my 50-55 hour weeks are spent in my kitchen.don't get me wrong here i'm not complaining seriously.i try to get in as many hours as i can on the weekend events,but... how about a two times tuesday(sorry bad name i'm sure but easily changeable)for us weekend warriors?anyone agree?
I strongly agree, I work most of the day Saturday and Sunday and have a hard time getting involved in any activity that takes place solely on the week-end. I understand that the thinking is that MOST people do not work on the week-ends, but us 7 day a week job workers have a tough time. The only foreseeable problem is that some people have off on Wednesdays (not Tuesdays), but that could "be solved" by occasionally changing the days events take place
seriously theres only 1 person besides me that works weekends that would like some weekday special events?no one wants to have some skill cap weekdays?or double scroll weekdays?