Password Reset?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

Alright, I'm going to put this long story short. Today I saw someone buying accounts. I always knew these were a scam, but I was a bit low in cash and I had this useless account I never used, so I decided to try it. And if I did get scammed, I could always reject the email reset an reset the password.

Sure enough, this (chinese farmer) scammed me. This was np until I realized that I couldn't reset the password. Entering the email to reset would do nothing; just send me a link to the plaync website, asking me to log in. So I registered but it doesn't help any to change the passwords and such.

I tried resetting the password on my other accounts, and it worked find without the link. However, it doesn't work on this. Anyone know why?

I'm not complaining that I lost my account, I really couldn't care less because I rarely used it in the 9 months I had had it. But I'm just curious on how this person did this, maybe because he's in a different continent? I dunno.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006

Officer's Club

Gameamp Guides [AMP]

lol, you didnt even get 100k or something?




Join Date: Jul 2005

They added the account to a master PlayNC account. You need that info as well to change the password once that is done.

You do realize that by admitting to an account sale, whether you got any money or not, you run the risk of losing your primary account as well?



I dunt even get "Retired"

Join Date: Aug 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Just say NO.... to buying accounts. We don't discuss this since it's AGAINST EULA. Closed.