Is using a gamepad against the EULA
Hey I was sort of thinking it would be fun to program my gamepad to play Guild Wars, but I wasn't sure if it was allowed or not. I tested it out and it actually does work, where-as in some games, like Silkroad Online, the game client cancels it out so it won't work.
Mapping a gamepad to the keyboard keys is basically emulating the keyboard, so I wasn't sure if it would be detected as a bot and I would be banned or not. Anyone know? Or does Guild Wars not have that kind of detection in the first place?
Mapping a gamepad to the keyboard keys is basically emulating the keyboard, so I wasn't sure if it would be detected as a bot and I would be banned or not. Anyone know? Or does Guild Wars not have that kind of detection in the first place?
Not one person knows? 

Actully i don't think so
Try asking Support.
Yeah I was just about to do that, I was just seeing if I could bypass that whole process and try and get a quick answer here. I'll check with support I guess to get a definite answer.
Griff Mon
Wasn't there a special GW keyboard thingie out there for a while?
How could it be a violation? You are programming a device to operate commands that you manually input anyway. The interface is just getting the same commands through a different device.
If someone with no hands came up with a way to play GW with their feet through a keyboard interface operated by their feet, it would be a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act to keep them from playing it.
How could it be a violation? You are programming a device to operate commands that you manually input anyway. The interface is just getting the same commands through a different device.
If someone with no hands came up with a way to play GW with their feet through a keyboard interface operated by their feet, it would be a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act to keep them from playing it.
Originally Posted by TheMosesPHD
Devices such as the Z-Board, Wolf Claw and Nostromo are allowed, but you'll be on shakey ground if you program the macros to do anything other than emotes.
A key is a key, whether you press space on the keyboard or A on a game pad it doesn't matter. Just don't be making macros or you may be caught for botting.
Ok now I am confused – I purchased a Logic Tec keyboard and it has 18 programmable keys. I have the running keys / targeting keys and a few emotes loaded. Am I in violation of some rule?? I wouldn’t know the first thing about botting.
As long as you are not running a bot program or any program that can be concidered a botting program you are fine. Any macro that s tied to an emote is not concidered a bot, it just saves you a couple keypresses.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
but if S it bound to R which initiates 1 (which does attack 1) then automaticaly does 2 (attack 2) and so on...i would imagine you are starting to cross the line.
So if S=R=1&2&3 then you are probably in violation....NOTE i said probably :P
So if S=R=1&2&3 then you are probably in violation....NOTE i said probably :P
you would be in violation if you went by Coridan description. Other wise binding to like emotes isnt.
you are only in violation if the item in question makes certain things automatic, ie it monitors whether or not your assassins lead attack hit and then follows it up with an offhand only if the lead succeeded. If it just spams 1+2+3 each time you hit the K key, you're fine. ANet doesn't care if you have a macro that makes it so each time you hit Y your elementalist casts elemental attunement and then fire attunement, you're still in control. ANet only cares if the program and not you determines when to cast those spells.