
Real Evidence

Real Evidence

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006

The Hague



oke, i have a weapon.. i customized it.. so it says.. customized for <my name> and it gives 20% damage more...

now.. some people sayd.. st00pid! now its worthless...

so my question =

What does customize mean?... can only I wear it now? or when i sell it.. the other players benefit from the regular stats except the 20%+

please answer





Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006


bawls deep [pron]


its useless to anyone but you now.but if u like it then its fine.

Arya Nibelrund

Arya Nibelrund


Join Date: Aug 2005

Farming Zaishen [keYs]


When you customize a weapon, you basically make it usable only by that toon. You have a bonus damage, but the downside is that other players won't be able to use it. You can still sell it so that the buyer can salvage an upgrade from it, but he will never be able to equip it. It's a good choice to customize a weapon if you plan to use it, but don't do that if you think you're gonna sell it to another player any time soon. In pvp custom weapons are mandatory though



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2006

Crazy ducks from the Forest


There is one exception: a character's heroes can use items customized for that character.

Karalin Taucher

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


Beautiful Oblivion [EON]


No-one else can equip (and hence use) this weapon. Full Stop. Even if you were to delete your character and remake one with the same name, tht character could not use the weapon. This means no-one has a reason to buy it, effectively making it worthless.

So, what is Customising good for? Well, it's good for weapons you are sure you have no intention of ever selling. It's a nice thing to do if someone gives you an equippable item as a present - you're basically saying "I value your gift so much, I will never sell it." Oh, and your heroes can use weapons that are customised for you. And I've always assumed your heroes receive the 20% bonus too.

I customise a lot of my weapons, but I'm probably in a minority! It's always a good thing to do with non-max weapons, which you are using till you get something better, and maybe only merchant for less than 50gp.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Howl at the Moon [HatM]

What escoffier said... but note that your heroes can also use any weapons customized for that character.

It will not be able to use the weapon on other characters on the same account though

Real Evidence

Real Evidence

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006

The Hague



oh really? because i costumized my green scythe max dmg.. but my dervish hero has a gold scythe max dmg wich isnt costumized.. heard it was about 10k.. im not going to customize it now... so
thank you guys/girls for answering my question.. i think im gunna salvage it now

Thx thx thx




Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


heh only salvage it if its not a rare skin or has almost perfect mods on it. Like a 20/20 sundering or 30hps etc. if you are wanting to get 10k for it most likely you will need to sell the actual scythe...although it maybe one of the mods that are worth 10k ...if thats the case salvage away (with an expert salvage kit)

Real Evidence

Real Evidence

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006

The Hague



is there any list of rare skins? i think my ebon war hammer of hammer mastery has an oldskool skin...

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

Delete double posts by pressing "edit" then "delete"

If you have any more questions send me a PM..I can answer any question concerning GW.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Originally Posted by Real Evidence
is there any list of rare skins? i think my ebon war hammer of hammer mastery has an oldskool skin...
Ventari's Sell FTW!

Crom The Pale

Crom The Pale

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2006

Ageis Ascending


A good rule of thumb I use is to cusomize weapons I aquire from collectors or green items that I need the stats on and will not sell again. Or if I know that farming another of that green item is something ill likely do then i'll custom one for my use and sell the rest.

IF your a Warrior, Dervish, Assasin or Ranger then having one customized weapon for maximum damage potential is a good idea. However other classes rarely ever need a custom weapon, never custom a staff or wand.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by Crom The Pale
IF your a Warrior, Dervish, Assasin or Ranger then having one customized weapon for maximum damage potential is a good idea.
If you are a Warrior, Dervish, Assassin, or Ranger, you should have multiple customized weapons.

However other classes rarely ever need a custom weapon, never custom a staff or wand.
Wanding action is key. Besides, it's not like most wands and staves are so valuable you'll want to sell them later.