Mods & Skins

Real Evidence

Real Evidence

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006

The Hague



for all of you watching this forum.. i guess you know im a bit noob..

but.. i see al these things: "Skins" and "Mods"...

whats a "Skin"

and whats a "Mod"?

i see people with selling things like

"selling blabla axe! rare skin"

if you guys would explain.. i would appreciate it



Arya Nibelrund

Arya Nibelrund


Join Date: Aug 2005

Farming Zaishen [keYs]


There is really no need to create a new thread every 5 minutes and spam the whole Q&A section, where other users are waiting for answers as well.
Anyway, take a look at this stickied thread before posting other questions and if you still haven't found your answers, group them in a single thread and post.




Join Date: Jul 2005

Skins are just that. What an item looks like. All weapons of the same type do the same damage with equal stats. Some just look different. Rare skins are vanity items and simply cost more.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006


Spirit of Elisha


The "skin" part confused me at first too. I'm used to things like my Windows Media Player having skins, and those are interchangable. I also thought skins could be bought at traders. They can't.

A skin is just how the weapon looks. For example a max damage tribal blade sword will work just as well as a max damage Fiery Dragon Sword. But the fiery dragon sword just looks way cooler.

A mod is an add on to a weapon that can change it's affect. You can't buy mods, except from other players. You can find them by ID'ing weapons that drop for you and then salvaging the mods off the weapons with an Expert kit. Some examples are crippling bowstrings, +29 or 30 HP Sword Handles, Staff Wrappings that add enchantment bonuses, etc, etc.

Check out the Price check forum here. The stickies will show the various prices most skins and mods are worth.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Howl at the Moon [HatM]

The skin is the model and texture of the weapon - i.e. how it looks (although technically the skin should ONLY be the texture applied to the model - but the original meaning got a little poluted here).

Mods are the bits that make this Chaos Axe different to that Chaos Axe. One may have a Shocking prefix, the other may have an Ebon prefix. One may have an "of Enchanting" suffix while another may have "of Stamina". While they are the same axe model and skin - the applied mods make them slightly different. Some mods are worth more than others.

edit: damnit - too slow at replying

Real Evidence

Real Evidence

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006

The Hague



Ah, thank you guys and/or girls.. and sorry Arya Nibelrund.

so, axe handles, and sword pommels etc are also mods?.. well i know enough then.
i have no further questions, Thanks!




Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

Actually the 15^50 type stats are mods/inscriptions and the fortitude, sundering, etc type stats are upgrades. Just to keep the terminology straight.