Is this program legal or not?
Cant figure it out.
Thanks in advance ~.
Zaz Xax
It's fine.
(damned 12 character limit)
(damned 12 character limit)
since it doesn't acutally interact with the game it isn't a problem. its no different than creating your own "map" and putting @@@ marks where the bosses are and what skills they have.
Zaz Xax
i was thinking about the build part of it..? is that ok to?
yeah its just helps you organize your skills etc doesn't "interact" with GW in way shape or function...IE it doesn't do any automated tasks or macros or what have you in the game. its no different then going to wiki and copying one of there build templates and pasting it into you build directory.
Although I am not sure if GWFreaks gives you the template code that interacts with the GW templates...but it probably does.
Although I am not sure if GWFreaks gives you the template code that interacts with the GW templates...but it probably does.
Anyone having problems with Alt-Tabbing and losing all the icons in the latest release of GWFreaks?
I know this is off-topic but I don't like to waste threads if someone can answer this quickly.
I know this is off-topic but I don't like to waste threads if someone can answer this quickly.
sorry mate i don't use it anymore

its great, good for using on forums for making build etc

Originally Posted by Zaz Xax
i was thinking about the build part of it..? is that ok to?
Strangely enough, I can access the characters I've made in GWFreaks through the 'load template' option in Guild Wars.
Is that supposed to happen or did I just luckily store my GWFreaks saves in the right place?
Is that supposed to happen or did I just luckily store my GWFreaks saves in the right place?
GWFreaks saves templates to the correct location in guildwars
Just wanted to leave a message in case anyone else is using this program.
GWFreaks is an offline tool intended to help you locate elite skills and create a character build. It does not interact with Guild Wars at all. It is not a trainer.
A new version was released a few days ago, version 3.1.0 included fixes for:
- Skills updated by The First Aid Mouse (~500 minor updates).
- GWFreaks no longer saves empty character files.
- Equipment module has been changed to allow bigger maximum bonus.
In addition, as a separate download, you can obtain the official GWFreaks Instruction Manual, source code or Admin Tools for updating or personalizing the info shown.
For further information and program assistance try
You can download the files here: (The original site will also download the files from this source as well.)
Hope this is of some help to other users.
GWFreaks is an offline tool intended to help you locate elite skills and create a character build. It does not interact with Guild Wars at all. It is not a trainer.
A new version was released a few days ago, version 3.1.0 included fixes for:
- Skills updated by The First Aid Mouse (~500 minor updates).
- GWFreaks no longer saves empty character files.
- Equipment module has been changed to allow bigger maximum bonus.
In addition, as a separate download, you can obtain the official GWFreaks Instruction Manual, source code or Admin Tools for updating or personalizing the info shown.
For further information and program assistance try
You can download the files here: (The original site will also download the files from this source as well.)
Hope this is of some help to other users.