Just a quick question. Is there now a limit on the number of items that are allowed in the unclaimed items window that appears at the end of a mission?
I'm asking because I lost a green from a tombs run last night and am not sure why. At the end of the tombs run I had a full inventory and so were unable to pick up a green and a gold from chest at the end of the run. However I simply left them on the floor as in previous runs when I haven't picked up the green item at the end it has been placed in the unclaimed items window and I simply get it out once I have made some space. However this time the green and the chest gold didn't appear and the window was simply filled with unclaimed whites and such from the rest of the fourth level....
This was around the time of a build update so that miight have had something to do with it but I'm asking in case there is a change/cap that I'm not aware of.
Is there a limit on unclaimed items now?
Were those unclaimed white items assigned to you in the first place? It may work that any drops you got first and did not pick up have priority in the unclaimed items window. Just a guess because it seems to be the case when I leave items. Don't trust that unclaimed items window to pick up your golds and greens. And remember any unclaimed items assigned to you will remain yours for 10 minutes.
Hmm maybe, I was just suprised (and annoyed) that the items weren't there as I usually have a full inventory at the end of a tombs run and can usually get the green afterwards. So not sure why this run would have differed from much unless I had more whites which as you said tmay have filled the window first or the size has change (or the build, have to test it). Still at least it was only a cheap green I lost and nothing somthing like Victos Axe