Originally Posted by El Presidente
As a former Officer in Clan Dethryche [dth] (I just left the guild yesterday) and having held Cavalon for 6 months(?) ...it comes down to this...
I farmed almost 1.4 milllion faction in less than 6 weeks to help gain control and/or hold Cavalon during that time...
Farming faction leaves very little time to taxi, play in the Deep (in fact, I never once went while we held Cavalon...I was bored with the Deep before we ever held the city), nor does it let you enjoy the game (which is what a game is all about). We also had the rule (if we didn't come up with it) to have FOTL and still donate 10k faction per day to taxi others. As many people in those alliances know, there are a lot of players that join the guilds holding Cavalon and Zu Heltzer for the mere sake of just going to the elite mission and by no means wish to help hold the respective city. Thus, the FOTL rule...earn your keep and reap the reward, be it in tips, no waiting for a taxi, etc...although I will admit I did not personally accept tips; my outlook was that everyone enjoy the elite mission and I'd taxi for free whenever I was in town...
So, if you don't find a taxi when you zone in...be patient, befriend an alliance member, join their alliance or take control of the city with yours... glhf
Trust me, I was not trying to come down on you/them for never being there... I had a friend in the HzH alliance and I heard from him about never being able to do anything but ff. I truly do understand, and I appreciate all the hard work. I was just trying to figure out when would be the best time to catch anyone there who could ferry.
Joining the controlling alliance is out of the question, I do not have enough time in the day to ff the amount needed, and I
certainly wouldn't obligate my guildies to do that either. I also would not join the alliance to get into the Deep only to quit again, that would be a horrible thing to do. Same with "making friends" with an alliance member--only to use them? No thanks, I'm not that kind of person. I'd rather pay someone (and pay well) who worked hard for the privilege.
Please ANet, figure out the alternative access to the Factions elite missions. It's absolutely ridiculous to:
a) stand around in a completely empty town for hours doing nothing but waiting for a ferry;
b) ff till your eyes explode out of your head and not even have the opportunity to do the elite mish yourself, or even make money ferrying.
I guess I'll just check in at Cavalon once in a while like I have been. :/ Thanks for the input.