Here is an idea that I haven't seen yet. Have Stength mods for Shields and/or Swords. Set them up at different lvls (Blue= 1 extra point in strength, purple = 2 extra points in Strength, and Gold = 3 or 4 extra points in Strength) It seems that this is the only attribute that doesn't have a mod for it.
Mega Mouse
Strength mod for Shields/Swords
"Master of My Domain" inscription -> +1strength on req. strength shields
"Master of My Domain" inscription -> +1strength on req. strength shields
Strength +4 (20%) would be imbalanced (as would +2 or +3), +1 to an attribute exists already and is fair.
The ony reason that I brought this up is there are mods for the other classses main attribute but none for strength. This could be kinda unbalancing, but why do all the other professions get a mod for their attribute but not the Warrior?
Maybe a +4 would be a bit of over kill but just brainstorming.
Mega Mouse
Maybe a +4 would be a bit of over kill but just brainstorming.
Mega Mouse
I Phoenix I
You just need a Shield that is of Strength requirement and a "Master of My Domain" Shield Core. That will give you +1 (X%) to Strength.
Originally Posted by MegaMouse
The ony reason that I brought this up is there are mods for the other classses main attribute but none for strength. This could be kinda unbalancing, but why do all the other professions get a mod for their attribute but not the Warrior?
Mega Mouse |