Going Kurzick...HELP!
Dervish Gnome
I've recently bought a guild hall, fully stocked it and before I start recruiting members I would like to win over the Kurzicks and build an alliance. Problem is, I'm trying to get 10,000 Kurzick points but it's going really slow. I know there have been rumors of a NPC that you could buy Kurzick faction from, only I don't know where this NPC is located or by what name he/she goes by. I would really like some help in finding that NPC. Any ideas?

The Pointless
The Kurzick Priests are at all Res shrines in Kurzick territory, but to be honest, it's not worth the bother, as it costs something like 50g for a piddly amount.
Just do all the quests you can from HzH and from the surrounding towns, including some repeatable ones, and do the Altrumm Ruins challenge mission. It takes a couple hours.
Keep in mind, faction is account-wide. So if you have more than one character at HzH, do all the easy quests for each character who is there. It won't take much time at all that way.
(Also since faction is account-wide, remember to "befriend" with each character before ever doing the Luxon side, so you don't have to get 10k faction for each char.)
Keep in mind, faction is account-wide. So if you have more than one character at HzH, do all the easy quests for each character who is there. It won't take much time at all that way.
(Also since faction is account-wide, remember to "befriend" with each character before ever doing the Luxon side, so you don't have to get 10k faction for each char.)
10pts. You get 10pts for 50g from a priest.
Can't you just get to House of Heltzer and talk to this guy?
Can't you just get to House of Heltzer and talk to this guy?
Jeremy Untouchable
i feel for you trying to start a guild right now....
Or you can have someone run the kurzick faction run. You get 400 faction and 2000exp for each run, and the run takes 2-3 minutes for a single person or half that if you split it up. Basically consists of going outside and there are 4 points you have to run by in a circle that ends up back toward the town. You run in after getting the quest and reward and go back out and do it again. This is also how a lot of people get survivor or legendary survivor, they have someone run this and they stand by the NPC while someone runs it.
Once you have 10K faction, take all your characters that are up to HzH and talk to the guy to befriend the Kurzick, like was said earlier, don't need to gather 10K for each character, just make sure you have 10K faction and go to each character and get and finish the quest to move on.
Once you have 10K faction, take all your characters that are up to HzH and talk to the guy to befriend the Kurzick, like was said earlier, don't need to gather 10K for each character, just make sure you have 10K faction and go to each character and get and finish the quest to move on.
Dervish Gnome
Oh wow! Thanks everyone ^.^ At least now I have a clue. *heehee* Thanks again!!!