Very Newbie Questions


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2007


I'm trying to find my way around both the game and this website. Is there a more appropriate forum for Single Player help here? I'm a Warrior/Elementalist who uses all the Henchmen/women she can get in her single player only game of Prophecies (currently).

One thing I need to understand is whether I really need to cover 100% of the world and defeat everything in sight? I'm currently level 12 but the Henchies are half that--level 6. We recently recovered the Duke's daughters ashes on top of a building area that took numerous party recoveries where we were all down 60% but were still able to finish. Near this location was a separate area that had a larger group of hydra that we had no luck with at all. I suspect that being down 60% made it impossible but that it would have been tough regardless.

We get in battles where if things are going bad I pull out and run and maybe some of the Henchies do follow me but some stay and fight and die. Is there any way to get the group to follow regardless of what they are fighting?

Do I have to complete all parts of a mission successfully? Or is this once again trying to do to much that doesn't all have to be done? Under the Hero (H) window it says I have completed 1 of 25 missions yet I have completed half of two others.

Are the missions now the Main Quest? Currently I appear to be stuck with no open side quests (and none to accept as I have accepted all I have run across in all the areas I have been in). I have one mission that I finished all elements of and two missions I finished only half of. There is one mission far WNW of Ascalon City that I have not done any of. Is that where the main quest now lies or should I replay and finish all of the incomplete missions?

Does the Hero (H) window elements reflect accurately how far through Prophecies I really am as a single player game? Or is the Tyria ~12% explored include Factions and Nightfall which I have not played/bought/or installed yet?

I hope some of you will spend some time answering these questions and giving me some ideas of how to proceed with my single player plus henchmen party. I won't be posting such large messages every day and I do use Search but it is hard to get good results sometimes or know what search words to use.

Thank you.

isamu kurosawa

isamu kurosawa

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

United Kingdom


You dont have to do all the quests available, they are just useful to unlock skills/learn how to use them. If you wish to progress with the main storyline alone then you only need to complete each primary quest which in turn leads to each mission in the game.

Also the reason your mission completion only shows at 1/25 for the protector of tyria title is because you need to complete the bonus' also.

if your in need of help any time feel free to wisp me in game and i will be happy to help, my character name is "isamu kurosawa", i suggest you add it to your friends list however as i play my other 9 characters quite often.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006


Region of Chosen Kings [R.O.C.K]


The percentage figure in the Hero panel is the amount of the MAP you've uncovered, not the amount of the game you've completed. For example, my Warrior character is on the second last mission in Prophecies and the 'Exploration of Tyria' percentage isn't even 60% yet.

I Phoenix I

I Phoenix I

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2007

The Elite Lords of Chaos [LoC]


First off, welcome to both Guild Wars and to Guild Wars Guru!

It is not necessary to uncover a full 100% of the world, although you get a fancy title to show off to others if you succeed in doing so. It is not necessary to defeat everything in sight, as the monsters reappear anyways if you ever zone back into that area. That "60%" thing is actually how much of your total health and energy you lose due to dying. Every time you die, you lose 15% of your total health and energy. The limit is 60%. This can be reduced by (correct me if I'm wrong) 1% every 75 EXP you gain. Morale boosts from killing bosses gives you 2%.

I am not sure about this, but perhaps you could try "Flagging" (using the flags to direct henchmen) the henchmen to an area that is far from the monsters. It might not work, as the Tyrian henchmen aren't the brightest of all.

In the Hero window, it only shows the missions that you have completed fully. It is not necessary to complete a mission fully to progress through the story, but if you complete all the missions fully, you get another fancy title to show to people!

I don't exactly know where you are, but I would do that mission in the WNW of Ascalon City and see where it takes you to after you complete it. If you do have a Primary Quest, it will appear under that tab in your quest log. The Primary Quest takes you to the next mission.

In the Tyria Exploration bar, it only shows how much of Tyria (Prophecies) you have explored.

If you ever do need any more help, feel free to post on these forums!

Keira Darkwind

Keira Darkwind

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Clan Arthur


So you know, there is a difference between Missions and Quests. Missions are when you enter an outpost and there is an "Enter Mission" button (in factions and prophecies - nightfall is different) The only quests that you "need" to complete the forward the storyline are the ones that show up as Primary Quests. Sounds like you need to do the mission to the north of Ascalon (Great Northern Wall, I believe) That will start you along the mission chain.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005



Pretty much all your questions have been answered however I'll add this because it may be of extra help.

The missions in Tyria can be found HERE.

The Quests can be found HERE. It also shows you which quests should be completed for the game to be completed in order (primary quests).

The wiki guides on missions and quests are pretty good and very helpful for a first attempt. Hope this helps.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Itsca, IL

Originally Posted by isamu kurosawa
You dont have to do all the quests available, they are just useful to unlock skills/learn how to use them. If you wish to progress with the main storyline alone then you only need to complete each primary quest which in turn leads to each mission in the game.

Also the reason your mission completion only shows at 1/25 for the protector of tyria title is because you need to complete the bonus' also.

if your in need of help any time feel free to wisp me in game and i will be happy to help, my character name is "isamu kurosawa", i suggest you add it to your friends list however as i play my other 9 characters quite often.
ive been playing for a while now, and jsut like the guy above me, you can add me to your friends list and pm me anyime u want. my game name is Lake Park Lancette i have other chars, but you can reach me through that name all the time



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

All over the place

Broken Circle


I remember when I was a new player I had exactly the same problem as you. In prophecies, playing with henches is decidedly more difficult than in the other two because the henchmen in any given area up until probably the crystal desert are a lower level than most player there. It is very possible to hench the entire game but it will not be as much fun IMO.

You do not need to get 100% exploration. That refers to how much map you have explored, not game completion. You get a title that will appear under your character when you get 60, 70, 80, 90, 95, and 100% of the map explored. There are also several other titles that you can wear, such as the one for mission completion (the one you see where you have 1/25 missions complete).

The reason you only have 1/25 when you have done 3 missions is because you have only completed 1 bonus objective. Bonus objectives are usually found by talking to an npc that is out of the way who you normally would not find and are often much more difficult than the actual mission. Game completion depends on only the primary objectives of missions. If you want the title though, you will need to do all of the bonuses.

As you may have noticed, completing missions is the way that you progress the story. That and primary quests. I suggest going to the mission WNW of ascalon city. If it's the one I'm am thinking it is, there will be a significant story and area progression upon completion.

Feel free to send me a pm anytime if you want help. Prophecies was my favorite campaign and I spend most of my time there these days. My name is Deddryk the Cold.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2007


Thank you for your help. I entered names offered in Friends List and actually chatted with one of you.

I think I now have a pretty good idea of the differences/needs of primary quests, quests, and missions. I've finished all missions including bonuses leading up to the Nolani Academy area and I've done tons of side quests. I'm level 13 now.

Noticed that the hench levels vary depending what area of Tyria the hero is in. Also noticed that the flag will call group to its location regardless of battle but not ally, so if he goes zooming off for a battle you pretty much have to go after him and help. Hench can vary from level 3 to level 8 so far.

As a W/E hero I am playing now as warrior only having assigned all skill points to only the warrior. I've tried using wands and artifacts and the like that required some E skills but found them so far not as effective as melee with a sword. I'm not sure now why I haven't tried axes and hammers more? They would do more damage apparently but two-handed means no shield. I have not switched back and forth in battle between different weapons/shields--maybe that's a mistake but using an axe or hammer would require changing out attribs which can't be done in the middle of a battle or lowering sword attrib and applying it to the second weapon type.??

Luring baddies only seems to refer to the local group your radar touches on. Other groups may seem to be only 40 feet away but they won't aid. I cannot lure a single baddie out of a group he is with.

Does Factions and/or Nightfall introduce/include dungeons, caves, and other interior areas? None in Prophecies so far?

Does Factions and/or Nightfall introduce/include skills such as hiding, searching for hidden doors, disarming traps, setting traps--generally the rogue or thief traits? None in Prophecies so far?

How does Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall fair when it comes to "timed action sequences" where you have to race against the clock to do something? There was one mission so far that had a very easy run to make but I may have missed not exploring an area as a result? I hate it when I have to play any part of a game over and over and over and over and over again trying to get from A to B. I hope Guild Wars doesn't get worse in this respect?

I finally figured out GuildWiki and will be using it much more often now. I ended up never in it until I manually tried There probably was a link to it from the forum here but I never saw or registered on it.

Although it appears that one can successfully play a single player Guild Wars and I know everyone wishes I would open up to multiplayer more single player with henchmen still remains my main interest at this point. Unless I have missed it and that is the question is there any area(s) here or at GuildWiki that caters to the Guild Wars single player? I suspect that picking Warrior as my primary class has made playing as a single player with henchmen easier. The hench are better and quicker at their functions then the hero overall.

I'm sure I need more work and understanding of my hero's build but so far I only use items I pick up that do mare damage or clearly give me better protection from damage. I found my sword and bought my armor some time ago now and haven't found or seen anything better. I am not crafting anything. The sword does 10-14 damage and the armor is 50 head to foot. Am I making any serious mistakes here?

I'm interested in more comments and help and thoughts on the above but otherwise this should pretty much wrap up this thread here. Thanks again for the help.

Canadian Bacon

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Ontario, Canada

Kingdom of Tyria [KoT]

Originally Posted by Ratsneve
Thank you for your help. I entered names offered in Friends List and actually chatted with one of you.

I think I now have a pretty good idea of the differences/needs of primary quests, quests, and missions. I've finished all missions including bonuses leading up to the Nolani Academy area and I've done tons of side quests. I'm level 13 now.

Noticed that the hench levels vary depending what area of Tyria the hero is in. Also noticed that the flag will call group to its location regardless of battle but not ally, so if he goes zooming off for a battle you pretty much have to go after him and help. Hench can vary from level 3 to level 8 so far.

As a W/E hero I am playing now as warrior only having assigned all skill points to only the warrior. I've tried using wands and artifacts and the like that required some E skills but found them so far not as effective as melee with a sword. I'm not sure now why I haven't tried axes and hammers more? They would do more damage apparently but two-handed means no shield. I have not switched back and forth in battle between different weapons/shields--maybe that's a mistake but using an axe or hammer would require changing out attribs which can't be done in the middle of a battle or lowering sword attrib and applying it to the second weapon type.??

Luring baddies only seems to refer to the local group your radar touches on. Other groups may seem to be only 40 feet away but they won't aid. I cannot lure a single baddie out of a group he is with.

Does Factions and/or Nightfall introduce/include dungeons, caves, and other interior areas? None in Prophecies so far?

Does Factions and/or Nightfall introduce/include skills such as hiding, searching for hidden doors, disarming traps, setting traps--generally the rogue or thief traits? None in Prophecies so far?

How does Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall fair when it comes to "timed action sequences" where you have to race against the clock to do something? There was one mission so far that had a very easy run to make but I may have missed not exploring an area as a result? I hate it when I have to play any part of a game over and over and over and over and over again trying to get from A to B. I hope Guild Wars doesn't get worse in this respect?

I finally figured out GuildWiki and will be using it much more often now. I ended up never in it until I manually tried There probably was a link to it from the forum here but I never saw or registered on it.

Although it appears that one can successfully play a single player Guild Wars and I know everyone wishes I would open up to multiplayer more single player with henchmen still remains my main interest at this point. Unless I have missed it and that is the question is there any area(s) here or at GuildWiki that caters to the Guild Wars single player? I suspect that picking Warrior as my primary class has made playing as a single player with henchmen easier. The hench are better and quicker at their functions then the hero overall.

I'm sure I need more work and understanding of my hero's build but so far I only use items I pick up that do mare damage or clearly give me better protection from damage. I found my sword and bought my armor some time ago now and haven't found or seen anything better. I am not crafting anything. The sword does 10-14 damage and the armor is 50 head to foot. Am I making any serious mistakes here?

I'm interested in more comments and help and thoughts on the above but otherwise this should pretty much wrap up this thread here. Thanks again for the help.
You can add my name, too, if you like: Silencer of Lambs
I'd be more than happy to assist in any way!

Completing all the side quests will make this game pretty easy for you, lol. As you've pointed out, you almost double the henchmen level, and probably outlevel everything you fight in Ascalon as well. At a point, you stop at level20, but baddies will continue up to 28, 30 on odd occasions.

As a warrior, you face alot of Energy constraints (ie. even with +energy armor obtainable a little later, you will peak at i think 34 energy while wielding melee gear, and you nare limited to 2 pips of energy regeneration) so don't try to be a caster. I had a w/e for a while, and he used a hammer with Earth magic for armor boosting skills and skills to make knockdowns hurt more, and that worked pretty well. As far as choosing between sword axe and hammer, swords attack fast, and do consistant damage. Axes have a higher max damage, but also a wide ranger (sword=15-22 max, axe=6-28) so you will not conistantly do higher damage. Hammers have the highest, but attack slow and you don't get a shield, which kinda sucks. Really it's up to you what to use, and you can always change at any time.

Baddies work in parties just like you do. When you attack something, do your henchmen join the fight? Yes. Likewise for baddies.

There are certain dungeon-ish areas. Pre-Searing had the Catacmobs, and later you will encounter places like The Underworld, and Sorrow's Furnace. You generally don't get a map for these places (or was that changed in an update? I don't remember ) which adds to the mystery of it all.

I think there's a mission in NightFall where you disarm traps, but that's about it.

There are a few places that time you to complete your objectives, one being the Elona Reach mission in the desert. Factions has the msot to do with time, however, because instead of main obhectives and Bonuses in Missions, you get the Standard, Expert or Master reward based on completion time.

There are certain places where people tend to get stuck (Thunderhead Keep, for example. It's one of the harder missions), but mostly 1 or 2 tries will do it.

You may have to use real people to accomplish some tasks, but for the msot part the whole game is playable with henchies as you are now. Warrior's do well with henchies because they have high armor, and can do a good job of teling the Henchies where to attack since you will be right on the front line. Monks probably have the hardest time, since healers don't attack at all, so target acquisirion can become difficult. 50 armor from Ascalon is all you need right now.

Don't buy armor until you're over the montains, and into Kryta. You'll have to use what you find until you can either buy something better, or find a collector that has something you like (guildiki has nice collector lists). 10-14 is't max, but it'll get the job done!