I was doing HA today, and my team kept losing to Invoke Lightning spike groups. Doesn't anyone think mass spiking needs a nerf? I have nothing against one man spiking e.g. Dual Shot/ Punishing Shot or Lightning Surge/Lightning Hammer, but mass spiking just isnt skill. It is an overpowered cheap noob gimmick and needs to be nerfed.
Didn't the Guild Wars box say,"Skill decides whether you win, not how long you have been playing?" I look at this statement and laugh in disgust. How is 4 people running a voice chat program just pressing the same button at the same time to mass vote you out skill? If this is skill, then I imagine Runescape takes a lot more skill.(BTW for all of you who havent played runescape, runescape is a lousy MMORPG where everything you do is controlled by luck)
Bottom line- NERF MASS SPIKING PLEASE. I know another MMORPG called Tibia where they were having problems with people mass spiking and Tibia now has a patch to fix it. Why can't Guild WArs have a patch for mass spiking?
HA Spike groups must be nerfed.
Definite Integral
Malice Black
Spiking is a viable build like it or not.
Close thread.
Close thread.
Franco Power
First of all if all your partie members died from invoke lightning was because you were balled up, your monks suck and never heard of protting and no offense, the whole team sucks.
yes plz make those skills even more useless in pve
/not signet
Please NERF people who call for Unnecessary Skill Nerfs!
/not signet
Please NERF people who call for Unnecessary Skill Nerfs!
Protective Spirit, Infuse Health.
A little skill might help too.
A little skill might help too.
Spread out and kill them quickly and prot liberally. If you want to be bothered to change your build to handle it, bring interrupts or caster shutdown.
Randomway Ftw
Lol, stop sucking. Lock this thread please.
Spikes have counters. Learn to play. btw this belongs in the off topic and absurd section not riverside inn

Threads such as this should be posted in the Heroes Ascent section.
Regardless, I think you have heard the voice of the players. Spread out, disrupt their spike, and catch spikes with something other than healing breeze, especially if only four people are spiking you.
Regardless, I think you have heard the voice of the players. Spread out, disrupt their spike, and catch spikes with something other than healing breeze, especially if only four people are spiking you.