A call for the deletion of Stolen (Wintersday) Presents
Shadow of Light
I post this in light of this thread:
These presents are a part of the following Wintersday quest based in Elona:
Now that Wintersday is over, these items are useless (except perhaps until next year). Some very dedicated scammers, however, seemed to have spent Wintersday amassing as many of these Quest Items as possible so they could be used to fool people into thinking they were actual Wintersday Presents.
A solution? Purge all these items from the game before more people get scammed.
And for Wintersday 2007, please don't make them physical items. XD
These presents are a part of the following Wintersday quest based in Elona:
Now that Wintersday is over, these items are useless (except perhaps until next year). Some very dedicated scammers, however, seemed to have spent Wintersday amassing as many of these Quest Items as possible so they could be used to fool people into thinking they were actual Wintersday Presents.
A solution? Purge all these items from the game before more people get scammed.
And for Wintersday 2007, please don't make them physical items. XD
Too many scammers are getting rich from players who do not know better. Delete them as soon as possible.
Mega Mouse
Too many scammers are getting rich from players who do not know better. Delete them as soon as possible.
Mega Mouse
I Phoenix I
Or perhaps people should just look at what they're buying? That would prevent a lot of scams...Also, is it fair for those who have saved the Stolen Presents for next year's Wintersday to use in the quest?
Heck, let's remove all dyes except Gray because they all look the same...
Heck, let's remove all dyes except Gray because they all look the same...
Shadow of Light
Originally Posted by I Phoenix I
Or perhaps people should just look at what they're buying? That would prevent a lot of scams...
You'll never be able to make everyone aware, or stop everyone from making mistakes. Ever.
Also, is it fair for those who have saved the Stolen Presents for next year's Wintersday to use in the quest? |
Yes, but unfortunately some damage has been dealt and that is unreclaimable.
/signed anyway.
/signed anyway.
Darwin comes to mind.
Patrick Smit
Originally Posted by KamikazeChicken
Darwin comes to mind.
Pro Border Crosser
Originally Posted by KamikazeChicken
Darwin comes to mind.
Skye Marin
Now that I'm educated about this, I'll do my part to avoid it.
Kuldebar Valiturus
Doing the actual quests is a great way to avoid the possibilities of being scammed. I still see people buying belt pouches in Pre-Searing, Bear Pelts, Poison Stingers, etc.
Personally, I like how ANet allowed for a player market of most quest items (Althea's Ashes) but you have to use a little thought before taking these shortcuts.
When I first started the game, I was very proud of myself for making 700 gold on a Black Dye in Pre-Searing. Was I scammed? Only if you consider it possible to scam yourself.
Personally, I like how ANet allowed for a player market of most quest items (Althea's Ashes) but you have to use a little thought before taking these shortcuts.
When I first started the game, I was very proud of myself for making 700 gold on a Black Dye in Pre-Searing. Was I scammed? Only if you consider it possible to scam yourself.
Some people in this world are really just STUPID!!!! When buying something they see thats a good deal or mabey even too good to be true they just rush , submit money, and accept. Take time to look at what your buying and stop complaining about all this horse(figure it out). This is just a bunch of people who got scammed and thought that mabey wasting others time might help relieve them of their greif
/notsigned like all the rest
/notsigned like all the rest
Vahn Roi
Since all I am seeing in this topic is asshatry in response rather than a valid reason as to why these quest items should stay in the game...
Originally Posted by Pro Border Crosser
Idiots who fall for the scam the Gazelle and the Scammers the Lions?
Xenex Xclame
Instead of removing these gifts and then we get the scammers + legit players whine about Anet removing stuff they gained.
Just make new skin for it completly diff problem solved.
Just make new skin for it completly diff problem solved.
This might seem harsh, I am sorry for that.
This is nothing NEW.Been around in differning forms since, I would venture to guess, DAY ONE.
Anet puts IMO, and many others as well, very sufficient SCAM PREVENTION DEVICE, IT IS CALLED THE ACCEPT BUTTON, if you refuse to use them properley, IF YOU REFUSE TO READ WHAT IS ABOUT TO BE TRADED, well then you are open to getting scammed.
Then you come and blame it on Anet and ask for them to fix something that is not broken, I have very little to no sympathy for such individuals, Im sorry.
FIX it yourself, read what is about to be traded, I mean WAKEUP, and YOU WILL NEVER BE SCAMMED.
This is nothing NEW.Been around in differning forms since, I would venture to guess, DAY ONE.
Anet puts IMO, and many others as well, very sufficient SCAM PREVENTION DEVICE, IT IS CALLED THE ACCEPT BUTTON, if you refuse to use them properley, IF YOU REFUSE TO READ WHAT IS ABOUT TO BE TRADED, well then you are open to getting scammed.
Then you come and blame it on Anet and ask for them to fix something that is not broken, I have very little to no sympathy for such individuals, Im sorry.
FIX it yourself, read what is about to be traded, I mean WAKEUP, and YOU WILL NEVER BE SCAMMED.
Lex Talionis
There are young kids who plays this game too and sometimes they make a huge mistake. Don't remove the item just change the skin. My 2 cents on the matter.
There are young kids who plays this game too and sometimes they make a huge mistake. Don't remove the item just change the skin. My 2 cents on the matter.
Shadow of Light
Doing the actual quests is a great way to avoid the possibilities of being scammed. |
For the record, I have not fallen for this scam. I posted this on behalf of people who *have* (no one I know personally, though) in the hopes that future victims won't suffer.
The overwhelming sentiment in this thread, however, is to crucify the people who'd been unfortunate enough to fall for it rather than yank out the teeth of the scammers. While I didn't expect an overwhelming chorus of support to stop something that could easily be removed without affecting the game (as the quest is no longer available), I expected better than cries of People are Stupid or Idiots Deserve What They Get.
Heaven forbid people actually take a stand against the scammers.
Kai Nui
I think it's a great idea, I'd be out there exploiting this if I'd thought of it. I mean honestly, who here has never played at least one cookie cutter build in their entire life. For once, it looks like the people who thought it up get the reward and those who didn't end up being jealous. I'm sure a lot of people would be jealous if the 55 monk was only allowed to be used by the people who invented it. So chill out and let a small minority get it's payoff.
You think scamming someone is a great idea? This isn't about builds, this is about the lowlife scum that get their fun ripping off other people. Those here that are signing this aren't jealous they didn't think of it, their just sick and tired of the jerks that are too lazy to actually play the game to get cash, and decide to take it from someone else.
Why should they remove this from the game? If someone gets scammed with these presents, it's a lesson. Don;t rush though stuff, especially trades. It's their fault they got scammed with it.
Sihaya Syme
Scammers are a disgrace and should be blocked in any way possible.
Scammers are a disgrace and should be blocked in any way possible.
I think a better solution is to make them personalised to the holder and untrade-able like armor.
Then if Anet feel like deleting them, they can, but in the mean time you wont be able to trade them.
Then if Anet feel like deleting them, they can, but in the mean time you wont be able to trade them.
Kuldebar Valiturus
Originally Posted by Sihaya Syme
Scammers are a disgrace and should be blocked in any way possible. |
What price securuity and peace of mind?
Forget for a moment that Guild Wars is only a game; let's take a moment to reflect on the philosophy behind the quoted statement above.
What if, at the end of the day, the only way to save something was to destroy it?
It takes at least 2 people for a scam to happen: The scammer and the scammed. Does ignorance truly equal innocence? If so, isn't it best to stay ignorant so as to not be burdened with the guilt of knowledge?
What degree of responsibilty can be shared between the parties?
Humans have always used, taken advantage, manipulated, pressured, lied, jested, and begged each other to do things not in the target individual's best interest.
Unfortunately, it's part of what makes us human.
Cutting out the cancer may be a good surgical move, but you may find out during the procedure that you are considered the cancer that must be eliminated "in any way possible.".
Such solutions are a great way to ensure failure; in the game world and outside the game world.
Would it not be better to encourage people to truly consider their actions?
==============a true story===============
Years ago, when I was in the Air Force a newly married buddy of mine and I went to a carnival that had been set up on base.
Being in a new marriage he and his wife were strapped for cash, and this situation had been brought up many times in conversation.
My buddy played the carnival games that night and lost 65 dollars or so, leaving him without the cash to pay his rent or buy food.
He became very depressed toward the end of the evening and was very concerned about what his wife was going to say.
I recall feeling pity on him. Not because of the outcome of his situation, but because he seemed incapable of seeing the outcome of his actions as he had conducted himself through the evening.
He started to feel anger at the carnival contest booth workers that had encouraged him to keep playing. He went back to the contest booth and asked for his money back and explaining how he couldn't afford to buy gas, pay rent or purchase grocercies.
He was persistently pathetic enough that it did have a result:
He didn't leave the carnival empty handed, the carnival worker "rewarded" my buddy with a cheaply made purple teddy bear for the evening's activities.
It became a gift for his wife.
Kai Nui
Kuldebar Valiturus is exactly the kind of person that could become a god I'd pray to. Already he's got two points going for him that god doesn't. One of those being proof of existance, the other is plain common sense. Or we can all believe that some invisible man is making sure we follow 10 rules, and if we don't we'll be sent to the most tormented, horrible burning fate of torture and fire for eternity -- but he loves you. 
On another note, I should also mention this is a game, and that I still believe in my statement on page one. If people are smart enough to figure this out and do it, they should reap the reward by making trades with ignorant people. Power to them for finding the ignorant people to help them.

On another note, I should also mention this is a game, and that I still believe in my statement on page one. If people are smart enough to figure this out and do it, they should reap the reward by making trades with ignorant people. Power to them for finding the ignorant people to help them.
I made a fortune from selling them to players who didn't want to go and find them but I reckon they should change the skin.
I made a fortune from selling them to players who didn't want to go and find them but I reckon they should change the skin.