And I just collected all the chests for the second time. With the same character. I was LB Farming in DoA and thought, "Eh, I'll try this Treasure Chest again for the hell of it" I got 3 plat and a nice gold. So, I thought, why not do the whole Treasure Chest/Do not Touch run, just to check it. And....they all opened. All together I collected over 20k in gold and something like 15 golds? However many chests there are. I think the first time I got better least they opened again. If I had to guess I'd say either this happened because of a glitch/you have to wait a certain amount of time before you can open them again (last time I did the run was during Winterfest) or some how one of the updates reset the chests as a side affect. Either way, I could care less how it happened. But, I'll be checking these chests every few days just in case. And no, I'm not going to argue this with anyone who thinks they know everything. I know what happened and I advise everyone else to check them all again too. Heres the link for the maps I used, scroll about half-way down the page until you get to the Treasure Chest part. rd