A newbie Question Nightfall


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

Guess Im new to this MMORPG business and I need some help. Im a little confused about how good a PVE player can become. Im a Hunter/Warrior at the moment and when I take him to the random areanas I get owned everytime, (just being honest here). I have done 4 of the main missions and up-graded my character accordingly bit I am being trounced every time. Im interested in the rewards. Do you get better armour/weapons as the missions progress as rewards or do they just drop from main bosses. The manual says that if you build your PVE character up and then take him to PVP, you should have a better character than a PVP only character, or does this only apply to skills? I think I have a pretty good bow at the moment (14-27 damage, +15 when health below 15%, 10 vs elemental damgage) but just how high does this damage go maximum without any modifications. I appreciate that if you are playing with or against other random players then there is not going to be much teamplay and the whole thing seems to become a little random. Please offer any suggestions on items, weapons, armour I can expect to see as I plough my way through the mission, many thanks.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


By the time your character gets to Consulate Docks you'll be ready to leave the island and go off to the mainland where the REAL trouble starts. Technically you're still a newbie. =) At Consulate Docks you can get your maximum stat armor and should be able to get a max-stat weapon (Yours is ok, but you'll want something more like 15 OVER 50, not 15 UNDER 50 damage)

After that, its all about skill - the heart of GuildWars. Learn new skills and learn how to use them effectively on your skill bar. There is a huge portion of this forum dedicated to character builds and discussions on what works vs what. You have a lot to do.

Good luck!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

Tks for the reply m8 from all the way over there in Texas, UK here m8, tks again



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


www.guildwiki.org that is going to be your best friend for awhile.... check out the site it has awesome information.

If you are taking alot of damage...try upgrading your armor...also since you are new I wouldn't suggest going exploring alone...take your heros and henchman with you or party up with other people. Your weapon is pretty good for a "new" player although max damage on a bow is 14-28 i think. There is also a forum on guru that is called the CampSite or Campfire can't remember that has a lot of good suggestions for skills to take for whichever mission/quest you are doing. Just remember you can change your attributes and skill settings in any town or outpost...so if u got out and get owned by some mobs try going back to town.change a few things and try again. Also try to save as much money as you can until you get your max armor..which costs 1k per + materials. www.guildwiki.org will give you more info on armor and looks and such.

Welcome to the family...

Couple other helpful hints.. hitting L on the keyboard will bring up a list of quests

Hitting N will bring up your friends list....to which you can add mie if you want. My IGN is Coridan A

Feel free to ask me questions in game or here on the site by PM or whatever



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by dopybks
Tks for the reply m8 from all the way over there in Texas, UK here m8, tks again
Please Do Not Abuse the English Language.

I have done 4 of the main missions
You probably don't have a good selection of skills.

Originally Posted by Coridan
max damage on a bow is 14-28 i think.
15-28. Also, unless something's changed since last I played, max elemental armor on a weapon is +7.

The manual says that if you build your PVE character up and then take him to PVP, you should have a better character than a PVP only character, or does this only apply to skills?
No, PvE characters don't have advantages.

dopybks, I'd just say to play through the game, get more skills and equipment, then try to tackle Random Arenas. Also, try looking in the Ranger builds forum for builds that work.




Join Date: Dec 2005




Or just make a PvP character after all...