game ate my weapon ?? ><
Wrath of m0o
Ok, im in Gate of Fear at the storage box, and i was switching weapons in my weapon sets. I inserted a Feverborn Staff, and my customized Gordaks wand is gone.
No, its not on my hero's, or in my backpacks, or in my storage.
The game ate my weapon.
Anyone have this happen to them before ?
Over 4k hours and this is the 1st time this has ever happened to me.
I still have ivor's icon, but my primary weapon is gone.
Even rebooted but this item is gone.
Is there any way to get my weapon back, or is this a new bug with the new nightfall code ?
Also, how do i bug report this so it doesnt happen to someone else?
No, its not on my hero's, or in my backpacks, or in my storage.
The game ate my weapon.
Anyone have this happen to them before ?
Over 4k hours and this is the 1st time this has ever happened to me.
I still have ivor's icon, but my primary weapon is gone.
Even rebooted but this item is gone.
Is there any way to get my weapon back, or is this a new bug with the new nightfall code ?
Also, how do i bug report this so it doesnt happen to someone else?
Chilly Ress
That's BS. You did something with it. The game doesn't "eat" weapons...
The Pointless
Originally Posted by Chilly Ress
That's BS. You did something with it. The game doesn't "eat" weapons...

Chilly Ress
Does it honestly matter. ANet has already stated that will not replace lost gold or items.
Wrath of m0o
Oh yet it does!
It isnt in my inventory.
I have 2 active weapon slots, and i took the feverborn staff off my hero and inserted it into weapon slot 1 and the gordaks wand is now gone.
Look man, ive been here 20 months, and im not trying to scam a gordaks wand. The game ate my weapon.
I want this looked into because i dont want this happening to someone else, trust me, i can get another wand.
It isnt in my inventory.
I have 2 active weapon slots, and i took the feverborn staff off my hero and inserted it into weapon slot 1 and the gordaks wand is now gone.
Look man, ive been here 20 months, and im not trying to scam a gordaks wand. The game ate my weapon.
I want this looked into because i dont want this happening to someone else, trust me, i can get another wand.
Midnight Harmony
Originally Posted by Chilly Ress
Does it honestly matter. ANet has already stated that will not replace lost gold or items.
Check other characters, EVERY HERO, all your bags/backpack/beltpouch. That's my advice
bummer, dude.
i once bought a bow from someone, and the trade went through but the bow didn't appear in my inventory until i rebooted the game.

Originally Posted by The Pointless
You know... it could actually be a bug. Don't just pass it off as BS.
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So i still think there's some strange storage/inventory bug...
Wrath of m0o
ok, because this had to do with swapping weapons between storage and my heros, and from my hero to me.
I had something like that happen to me before and it ended up in my inventory 2 days later.
Since the newest batch of updates there has been a rash of strange things goinon. Players unable to leave towns and outposts, ites comming u missing and thenshowing up days later, items duplicating themselves (one of my minipetsturned into twins). Not sure what NC-Soft did but they realy should look into this.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
No offence but theres no need to start shouting BS ate everyone. With Anet doing alot of updates recently they could have changed something and created a fault as they seem to do quite often.
Wrath of m0o
Yeah, i checked all my guys, and it isnt on anyone or the hero's. And all that was in my primary bag at the time was an expert Id kit, and exp salvage kit and a regular salvage kit. Storage wasnt an issue seeing there was plenty of room in both.
It has to do with swapping weapon from hero to main character.
It was a drag and drop, just when it dropped the gordak fanished.
It has to do with swapping weapon from hero to main character.
It was a drag and drop, just when it dropped the gordak fanished.
Wrath of m0o
I got my wand back !!!!!
It just showed up in my storage where it wasnt before.
So glad i went to war camp and bought Ivors smiting rod for 7k, was spamming wtb gordac's holy rod, but settled for ivors.
Least i dont have 2 of the same wand now.
But that was weird, it disapeared, few hours later poof, its back again.
Im just glad it wasnt the ferverborn staff or i would have been upset.
Anyway, my wand came back !!
It just showed up in my storage where it wasnt before.
So glad i went to war camp and bought Ivors smiting rod for 7k, was spamming wtb gordac's holy rod, but settled for ivors.
Least i dont have 2 of the same wand now.
But that was weird, it disapeared, few hours later poof, its back again.
Im just glad it wasnt the ferverborn staff or i would have been upset.
Anyway, my wand came back !!

Good for you dude, I would be very very upset if I found one of my green's missing, especially the expensive ones. For sure there's something weird going on in Anet, a lot of bugs of all sorts. Hope Anet looks into this.
I had this happen to me before, so don't flame the op.
What happened was lag, or a lag spike on the server. It happened to me once that I stored an item, only for it to disappear after I closed and reopened storage.
The item in question did in fact return an hour later after I logged off.
What happened was lag, or a lag spike on the server. It happened to me once that I stored an item, only for it to disappear after I closed and reopened storage.
The item in question did in fact return an hour later after I logged off.