How do you change hairstyles??????
chicks boy
I cant seem to find any hairstyler why do this game doesnt have it?? All other MMO have everything. Will anet make a hair styler or wtver in the future or not.
Sihaya Syme
Currently, the only way to change your hairstyle is to start over. There's no NPC yet that let's you change your hair.
chicks boy
How come Nightfall eles looks like grannies and nightfall campaign is the best. Although prophiences has the best looking eles, I do not want to start in prophieces so boring. Is there a way to start over and put you're items and armour exchanged or wtver???
Sihaya Syme
Since armour is costumized you can't change that between characters. All non-customized weapons and all items could be stored, and then accessed by a new character.
I Phoenix I
Perhaps you could make a Prophecies Elementalist, get run to Lion's Arch, and start Nightfall from Kamadan?
ANet has said they will implemented this, if I recall correctly. However, it was mentioned before Nightfall was out, so don't expect it soon.
ANet has said they will implemented this, if I recall correctly. However, it was mentioned before Nightfall was out, so don't expect it soon.
Maria The Princess
there is no official confirmation of this, but i think that he hair stylist is on the way (im optimistic here, gaile said "MABY" during the haloween event)
Originally Posted by chicks boy
I cant seem to find any hairstyler why do this game doesnt have it?? All other MMO have everything. Will anet make a hair styler or wtver in the future or not.