Energy Storage Related To Warrior W/E?
Ratsneve me understand some more basics please.
I'm a warrior/elementalist. According to GuildWiki the elementalist is the only profession that gets Energy Storage as their primary attribute. I believe that when I chose my secondary profession I got the Aura of Restoration skill or I earned it somewhere. It says at the bottom of its description "(Attrib: Energy Storage)". But I don't have any Energy Storage attribute!! Can I still benefit from Aura of Restoration? I picked this as an example. There are numerous others that seems to require an attribute or a particular level in an attribute.
So far as a warrior the only attributes I see any benefit in having points in are strength, swordmanship, and tactics. I don't seem to be using any skill or item needing my secondary profession at all. Is this true or am I not seeing something important? When I am given the choice in the game would I benefit any from droping the secondary profession all together and just being a straight Warrior?
Thank you.
I'm a warrior/elementalist. According to GuildWiki the elementalist is the only profession that gets Energy Storage as their primary attribute. I believe that when I chose my secondary profession I got the Aura of Restoration skill or I earned it somewhere. It says at the bottom of its description "(Attrib: Energy Storage)". But I don't have any Energy Storage attribute!! Can I still benefit from Aura of Restoration? I picked this as an example. There are numerous others that seems to require an attribute or a particular level in an attribute.
So far as a warrior the only attributes I see any benefit in having points in are strength, swordmanship, and tactics. I don't seem to be using any skill or item needing my secondary profession at all. Is this true or am I not seeing something important? When I am given the choice in the game would I benefit any from droping the secondary profession all together and just being a straight Warrior?
Thank you.
Maria The Princess
the thing with primary attribute is that it is avalble ONLY to primary elementalist. if you would be a E/W you would haved energy storage, but you wouldnt have strengh (primary warior attribute)
my advice? dont use too many ele skills while playing warior, unless its armor of earth or any other armor buffs. and please dont try to do damage with ele skills! the secondary profession is designed to compliment your primary one, not to take over it (normally it should be this way, but there is many *specific* builds)
my advice? dont use too many ele skills while playing warior, unless its armor of earth or any other armor buffs. and please dont try to do damage with ele skills! the secondary profession is designed to compliment your primary one, not to take over it (normally it should be this way, but there is many *specific* builds)
A class primary attribute is not usable when that class is a secondary profession. Only primary elementalists have E Storage. Only primary warriors have strength.
Aura of Resto will only benefit you when casting spells. Warriors rarely cast spells.
You can not drop a secondary completely, only change it. There is no direct benefit to changing other than being able to use other secondary class skills. Once you change secondaries you will not lose any previously learned secondary skills form other classes.
Aura of Resto will only benefit you when casting spells. Warriors rarely cast spells.
You can not drop a secondary completely, only change it. There is no direct benefit to changing other than being able to use other secondary class skills. Once you change secondaries you will not lose any previously learned secondary skills form other classes.
I pwnd U
Your secondary proffesion is to be a support proffesion. You are a Warrior, so you should be using mainly warrior skills. As you progress through the game you will pick up more and more skills for your Primary and secondary proffesion. For a character to use the primary attribute (such as Energy Storage) they have to be that Proffesioin. If you were a Elementalist/Warrior you could not use Strength, because Strength is the Warriors Primary Attribute. As a Warrior you will probably use some of your secondary proffesions skills. More then likely you will end up using either Earth or Water attributes, as to use Armor of Earth or Armor of the Mist. As you progress you will see the benifit of having a secondary proffesion. You can benefit from Aura of Restoration, but it will be minimal as you can not level your Energy Storage Attribute points. Hopefully this is helpful.
Originally Posted by I pwnd U
You can benefit from Aura of Restoration, but it will be minimal as you can not level your Energy Storage Attribute points. Hopefully this is helpful.
A secondary elementalist has an Energy Storage attribute level of 0. So Aura of Restoration cannot be improved beyond it's base ability. Same goes for all primary attributes used by secondary professions.
A secondary elementalist has an Energy Storage attribute level of 0. So Aura of Restoration cannot be improved beyond it's base ability. Same goes for all primary attributes used by secondary professions.
Crom The Pale
You only have attribute that are listed on your skill selection window. If you dont have any points in one, or if you have a skill that requires an attribute you do not have its effects will be severly limited.
Most often this means the skill will have either a much shorter duration than is practical, or the benifit/damage would be very small.
ie: for a war/ele the skill Aura of Restoration the duration of the enchantment is fixed so youll have its full time of 60sec, however its healing is based on your lvl of energy storage(an attribute wars dont have) so you only get the minimal amount of healing(150% of your next spell) Sinces wars have so little energy its likely that you wont use any high cost spells and would not cast low cost ones often enough to grant you a usefull amount of healing.
Note: There are some skills tied to attributes that grant there full effect even with 0 points in the attributes. These are often the best skills to pick from your secondary as long as they fit into your build.
Most often this means the skill will have either a much shorter duration than is practical, or the benifit/damage would be very small.
ie: for a war/ele the skill Aura of Restoration the duration of the enchantment is fixed so youll have its full time of 60sec, however its healing is based on your lvl of energy storage(an attribute wars dont have) so you only get the minimal amount of healing(150% of your next spell) Sinces wars have so little energy its likely that you wont use any high cost spells and would not cast low cost ones often enough to grant you a usefull amount of healing.
Note: There are some skills tied to attributes that grant there full effect even with 0 points in the attributes. These are often the best skills to pick from your secondary as long as they fit into your build.

I Phoenix I
It is best to leave the Elementalist line alone and use just Warrior skills.
However, if you want to use the secondary, the best choice as a W/E would probably be to use Earth Magic for defensive spells such as Wards or Armor of Earth.
However, if you want to use the secondary, the best choice as a W/E would probably be to use Earth Magic for defensive spells such as Wards or Armor of Earth.
just like if u were Mo\W and had sprint. Sprint is a strength skill and since monks don't have strength atts. sprint will only last 8 seconds (default) you can still USE sprint but u can't increase its duration.
marshy man
this remeinds me of when iw asdoing some 4v4 heroes battles with a friend, he had his dunkaro using firestorm o_O
Thanks for the help. I'm understanding more and more of this. Besides being more into single player games and avoiding strategy Guild Wars is or will be forcing me to rethink some of this--that's good.
Up to this point--level 14--I've been using 99% of the time only Frenzy, Sever Artery, and Power Attack skills during battles. When I weaken I wish I had an effective healing spell if the hench cleric is dead or doesn't do her job. When the battle is over--for the moment--and someone like the cleric lies dead I wish I could resurrect. This got me thinking that maybe my secondary skills should be in a profession that would do real healing and resurrection since I won't otherwise be using any other secondary skills and since I remain single-player + hench??
In an outpost "pausing" the game isn't an issue but out in the world how can you safely stop to do something for several minutes to several hours let's say? If the party has cleared an area of monsters that should be safe since they won't respawn. If you find a spot where there aren't any monsters in your radar and they don't look like their wander pattern goes as far as your area is that safe?
Last night I played out a section where the entire party was down 60% max repeatedly. Each time after resurrection we would take out at least one monster until they were all gone. It was tedious but I didn't want to see respawning, wanted to finish up mapping an area, and wanted to finish up a quest. I suspect technically there is a game weakness here I took advantage of. Maybe a party should only be allowed 3 total party resurrections and then you all go to the nearest outpost?? Maybe in a local area from an outpost to where your party all died there should be no respawning??
I think passing through from one area to the next curtain thingy also respawns and resurrects party members dead and missing?? Is that true? Are these points called "teleports" or "curtains"? I think the resurrection points are the "teleports".
When my cleric hench dies she sometimes magically resurrect herself? Sometimes she ignores other dead party members as if she cannot resurrect them? Does any other hench in the party of 2 fighters, mage, healer, archer, and enchanter do any healing or resurrecting? I think only the healer hench does?
Thank you for the advice/help. I could probably have worked some of these questions out in GuildWiki but didn't. Sorry.
Up to this point--level 14--I've been using 99% of the time only Frenzy, Sever Artery, and Power Attack skills during battles. When I weaken I wish I had an effective healing spell if the hench cleric is dead or doesn't do her job. When the battle is over--for the moment--and someone like the cleric lies dead I wish I could resurrect. This got me thinking that maybe my secondary skills should be in a profession that would do real healing and resurrection since I won't otherwise be using any other secondary skills and since I remain single-player + hench??
In an outpost "pausing" the game isn't an issue but out in the world how can you safely stop to do something for several minutes to several hours let's say? If the party has cleared an area of monsters that should be safe since they won't respawn. If you find a spot where there aren't any monsters in your radar and they don't look like their wander pattern goes as far as your area is that safe?
Last night I played out a section where the entire party was down 60% max repeatedly. Each time after resurrection we would take out at least one monster until they were all gone. It was tedious but I didn't want to see respawning, wanted to finish up mapping an area, and wanted to finish up a quest. I suspect technically there is a game weakness here I took advantage of. Maybe a party should only be allowed 3 total party resurrections and then you all go to the nearest outpost?? Maybe in a local area from an outpost to where your party all died there should be no respawning??
I think passing through from one area to the next curtain thingy also respawns and resurrects party members dead and missing?? Is that true? Are these points called "teleports" or "curtains"? I think the resurrection points are the "teleports".
When my cleric hench dies she sometimes magically resurrect herself? Sometimes she ignores other dead party members as if she cannot resurrect them? Does any other hench in the party of 2 fighters, mage, healer, archer, and enchanter do any healing or resurrecting? I think only the healer hench does?
Thank you for the advice/help. I could probably have worked some of these questions out in GuildWiki but didn't. Sorry.

Attempt to get more Warrior attack skills; Power Attack isn't the greatest. If you want healing skills in the Warrior line, Healing Signet and the Nightfall-only Lion's Comfort are nice.
If you only need a resurrection skill every so often, use [wiki]Resurrection Signet[/wiki]. If you need a hard res (one that you can use as much as you want) you'll have to go secondary Monk, Ritualist, or Paragon.
If an area is clear and no patrols are in the area, you can safely stand around. However, the server will boot you if you've been standing in an area for more than 10 hours.
Fighting with 60% DP does happen occasionally, it's not an exploit.
Gates between areas are called portals or zones, and entering one is usually called "zoning". When you zone, all party members will be brought back to life but still have DP. The resurrection points are called resurrection shrines, or just res shrines.
When your monk henchman dies, some of the other henchmen will use a Resurrection Signet. The monk henchmen won't resurrect other party members until all the monks of the team have been ressed. All henchmen without hard resses will have Resurrection Signets, so all of them can resurrect someone else at least once.
If you only need a resurrection skill every so often, use [wiki]Resurrection Signet[/wiki]. If you need a hard res (one that you can use as much as you want) you'll have to go secondary Monk, Ritualist, or Paragon.
If an area is clear and no patrols are in the area, you can safely stand around. However, the server will boot you if you've been standing in an area for more than 10 hours.
Fighting with 60% DP does happen occasionally, it's not an exploit.
Gates between areas are called portals or zones, and entering one is usually called "zoning". When you zone, all party members will be brought back to life but still have DP. The resurrection points are called resurrection shrines, or just res shrines.
When your monk henchman dies, some of the other henchmen will use a Resurrection Signet. The monk henchmen won't resurrect other party members until all the monks of the team have been ressed. All henchmen without hard resses will have Resurrection Signets, so all of them can resurrect someone else at least once.
Marty Silverblade
Originally Posted by Ratsneve
Up to this point--level 14--I've been using 99% of the time only Frenzy, Sever Artery, and Power Attack skills during battles. When I weaken I wish I had an effective healing spell if the hench MONK is dead or doesn't do her job. When the battle is over--for the moment--and someone like the MONK lies dead I wish I could resurrect. This got me thinking that maybe my secondary skills should be in a profession that would do real healing and resurrection since I won't otherwise be using any other secondary skills and since I remain single-player + hench??
Btw, single player + hench is the best team you can get other than an organised guild group. Taking random people on quests and missions makes things harder and longer. Henchmen > real people.
Also, take a form of rez (i.e Ressurection Signet or Rebirth for a Warrior) wherever you go in PvE, unless you're LvL 20 and helping a guildie with an easy mission or something like that.
Originally Posted by Ratsneve
In an outpost "pausing" the game isn't an issue but out in the world how can you safely stop to do something for several minutes to several hours let's say? If the party has cleared an area of monsters that should be safe since they won't respawn. If you find a spot where there aren't any monsters in your radar and they don't look like their wander pattern goes as far as your area is that safe?
Originally Posted by Ratsneve
Last night I played out a section where the entire party was down 60% max repeatedly. Each time after resurrection we would take out at least one monster until they were all gone. It was tedious but I didn't want to see respawning, wanted to finish up mapping an area, and wanted to finish up a quest. I suspect technically there is a game weakness here I took advantage of. Maybe a party should only be allowed 3 total party resurrections and then you all go to the nearest outpost?? Maybe in a local area from an outpost to where your party all died there should be no respawning??
Originally Posted by Ratsneve
I think passing through from one area to the next curtain thingy also respawns and resurrects party members dead and missing?? Is that true? Are these points called "teleports" or "curtains"? I think the resurrection points are the "teleports".
Originally Posted by Ratsneve
When my MONK hench dies she sometimes magically resurrect herself? Sometimes she ignores other dead party members as if she cannot resurrect them? Does any other hench in the party of 2 fighters, mage, healer, archer, and enchanter do any healing or resurrecting? I think only the healer hench does.
Hope that Helps

Baelian Grey
Your best bet is to, when available, switch to W/Mo and equip ressurect along with one other (2 at max) spells such as Vigorous Spirit to help conserve the monks energy.
Maria The Princess
Up to this point--level 14--I've been using 99% of the time only Frenzy, Sever Artery, and Power Attack skills during battles. |
before suggesting to use Healing signet, he needs to learn to cancel Frenzy. just bring anouther stance (ANY stance with short recharge) and if you see that your life drops low use it to cancel Frenzy. you cant have more then 2 stances at a time, so using a stance will automaticly cancel the previous stance
NEVER EVER EVER use Heal signet while you have Frenzy on. why?
Healing signet is great, but while you use it you have -40 armor (right? :O ) which will significly increase damage taken by you. generally i never use it without having Doyal and "watch yourself" OR some stance which blocks attaks.
Now to add to the picture, Frenzy doubles your damage taken, so using heal sig while having frenzy on is like suicide.
Note that Frenzy causes you to take a lot of damage, I would drop it while in PvE and just bring another attack. Otherwise look at offsetting it or canceling it with another stance - but really until you are a better player just leave it off your bar.
Originally Posted by Baelian Grey
Your best bet is to, when available, switch to W/Mo and equip ressurect along with one other (2 at max) spells such as Vigorous Spirit to help conserve the monks energy.
Also, if the monk's continually running out of energy, it's usually the monk's fault rather than yours.
Originally Posted by Maria The Princess
NEVER EVER EVER use Heal signet while you have Frenzy on.
Now to add to the picture, Frenzy doubles your damage taken, so using heal sig while having frenzy on is like suicide. |
you cant have more then 2 stances at a time, so using a stance will automaticly cancel the previous stance |
Crom The Pale
If your stuck with war/elemental, since your lvl 14 your likely a ways off from when you can make a change to another secondary, then I'd sugest you consider buying the Glyph of energy. This will allow you to use 2 spells that cost 15e for the cost of the glyph which is 5energy.
The idea of a war using elementalist spells is normaly for one of two puposes.
1) to increase your armor
2) to add a ranged attack or effect that you can't accomplish with war skills.
The first point there is self explanitory, as for the second this refers to spells like Ice Spikes, Blingind Flash or Meteor. The idea is not to use these as a means of inflicting large damage but to allow you to reach your target or to disable the target to make them less of a threat to your party.
As far as offencive Warrior skills go you should look into all the adrenaline skills, these offer large amounts of damage but take time to charge before you can use them.
The idea of a war using elementalist spells is normaly for one of two puposes.
1) to increase your armor
2) to add a ranged attack or effect that you can't accomplish with war skills.
The first point there is self explanitory, as for the second this refers to spells like Ice Spikes, Blingind Flash or Meteor. The idea is not to use these as a means of inflicting large damage but to allow you to reach your target or to disable the target to make them less of a threat to your party.
As far as offencive Warrior skills go you should look into all the adrenaline skills, these offer large amounts of damage but take time to charge before you can use them.

Originally Posted by Crom The Pale
If your stuck with war/elemental, since your lvl 14 your likely a ways off from when you can make a change to another secondary, then I'd sugest you consider buying the Glyph of energy.
2. Don't bring GoLE on a Warrior.
Crom The Pale
1) Yes I was reffering to glyph of lesser energy, however both work.
2) That may be your oppion Savio but as ive been using it very effectivly for almost 20months maybe you should give it a try before you denouce it as unusable.
3) never tell somebody not to experiment with a skill themselves before dissmissing it at unusalbe.
2) That may be your oppion Savio but as ive been using it very effectivly for almost 20months maybe you should give it a try before you denouce it as unusable.
3) never tell somebody not to experiment with a skill themselves before dissmissing it at unusalbe.

1. He is very unlikely to obtain Glyph of Energy at his current location in the game, and the two Glyphs have markedly different uses.
2. I've used [wiki]Shatter Hex[/wiki] "effectively" on a warrior plus plenty of other crap. High-energy spells on a typical warrior is a bad idea for a variety of reasons. If you want to prove otherwise, go post your build in the Warrior builds forum or on Guildwiki and get others to approve of it. In fact, I'd even let you post it here.
3. I have no intention of giving new players subpar builds just so they can "experience" it. If they want to play around on their own time, that's fine, but giving bad advice and answers to others is extremely frowned upon here.
2. I've used [wiki]Shatter Hex[/wiki] "effectively" on a warrior plus plenty of other crap. High-energy spells on a typical warrior is a bad idea for a variety of reasons. If you want to prove otherwise, go post your build in the Warrior builds forum or on Guildwiki and get others to approve of it. In fact, I'd even let you post it here.
3. I have no intention of giving new players subpar builds just so they can "experience" it. If they want to play around on their own time, that's fine, but giving bad advice and answers to others is extremely frowned upon here.
Savio is correct, when starting its best to use simple "cookie cutter" builds, this allows you to progress though the game unlocking, seeing skills in action. After you become confident in your abilities then you can move outward. But someone who just bought the game shouldnt be trying to make an effective Bed of Coals knockdown warrior, because that takes talent and while i think that build is poop. Its hard to time and arrange. Which is not what a new player needs.
Kern Wolf
If you want to use some skills from the elemental profession, try to use those that have fast cast times, with (at most) 15 energy usage. At level 14, I'd recommend only bringing 2 elemental skills at most. Try to find some type of balance in your build between those skills that use energy, and those skills that use adrenaline. If you really want to experiment with a lot of the ele skills, wait until you get some glads armor (for the energy bonus it gives you), as well as those weapons with good mods (shocking, fiery, icy hilts, enchanting pommels if you plan on making ele skills part of your "normal" build)..
You'll read a lot of people saying that warriors dont need a secondary profession---that may be true, but I have a lot of fun with the ele as my secondary...
You'll read a lot of people saying that warriors dont need a secondary profession---that may be true, but I have a lot of fun with the ele as my secondary...
Anyways to the post in question, If you're not very far on the warrior/ele still, I would delete him/her.
Create a Warrrior Monk, and An Ele/....mesmer?
Both characters skills compliment eachother eventually, but the ele/mes will start out not as obvious(but will still form a solid 8 skills)
If you do delete the warror/ele, make sure to put everything into storage including bags/pouches.
I'm not saying War/ele is bad or hard, or "intended for" that just stupid to say to anyone. The game on a whole is intended for people to find what works for them and to find the best combos for what they choose to do, as the main page says, or used to.
It's easier to make a power character after experimenting with cookie cutter builds as someone mentioned.
Don't be afraid of experimentation, that is how build combos are found, but don't be afraid to look up builds on either.
The most important thing you should get out of this game is your enjoyment at discovery, or at replicating power builds. But the keyword here is enjoyment. Don't pay attention to the bickering you see people like Savio start.
If you can't find it there, then come here.
The only rightful time you'll get bitched at is when someone else found it there easily. But that's not to say you get bitched at.
Savio, you have no place to insinuate other peoples builds are sub par, he recommended one skill if he really had to use ele skills.
And it's true, if you're a W/Ele, and want to use spells, Lesser is a great way to do it.
You have a highly enflamatory posting form, and it's entirely juvenile.
You're modness has gone entirely to your head.
As you posted "High-energy spells on a typical warrior is a bad idea for a variety of reasons"
Not entirely true. "can be a bad idea" is more to the truth. That is how new power builds(or just plain fun builds) are created, making 2 seeminly ungainly prefessions or skillsets work together, and here you sit telling people not to do it, even demeaning them for it.
Shame on you.
Create a Warrrior Monk, and An Ele/....mesmer?
Both characters skills compliment eachother eventually, but the ele/mes will start out not as obvious(but will still form a solid 8 skills)
If you do delete the warror/ele, make sure to put everything into storage including bags/pouches.
I'm not saying War/ele is bad or hard, or "intended for" that just stupid to say to anyone. The game on a whole is intended for people to find what works for them and to find the best combos for what they choose to do, as the main page says, or used to.
It's easier to make a power character after experimenting with cookie cutter builds as someone mentioned.
Don't be afraid of experimentation, that is how build combos are found, but don't be afraid to look up builds on either.
The most important thing you should get out of this game is your enjoyment at discovery, or at replicating power builds. But the keyword here is enjoyment. Don't pay attention to the bickering you see people like Savio start.
If you can't find it there, then come here.
The only rightful time you'll get bitched at is when someone else found it there easily. But that's not to say you get bitched at.
Savio, you have no place to insinuate other peoples builds are sub par, he recommended one skill if he really had to use ele skills.
And it's true, if you're a W/Ele, and want to use spells, Lesser is a great way to do it.
You have a highly enflamatory posting form, and it's entirely juvenile.
You're modness has gone entirely to your head.
As you posted "High-energy spells on a typical warrior is a bad idea for a variety of reasons"
Not entirely true. "can be a bad idea" is more to the truth. That is how new power builds(or just plain fun builds) are created, making 2 seeminly ungainly prefessions or skillsets work together, and here you sit telling people not to do it, even demeaning them for it.
Shame on you.
Tark Alkerk
Originally Posted by Aeon_Xin
Anyways to the post in question, If you're not very far on the warrior/ele still, I would delete him/her.
Create a Warrrior Monk, and An Ele/....mesmer? Both characters skills compliment eachother eventually, but the ele/mes will start out not as obvious(but will still form a solid 8 skills) If you do delete the warror/ele, make sure to put everything into storage including bags/pouches. I'm not saying War/ele is bad or hard, or "intended for" that just stupid to say to anyone. The game on a whole is intended for people to find what works for them and to find the best combos for what they choose to do, as the main page says, or used to. It's easier to make a power character after experimenting with cookie cutter builds as someone mentioned. Don't be afraid of experimentation, that is how build combos are found, but don't be afraid to look up builds on either. The most important thing you should get out of this game is your enjoyment at discovery, or at replicating power builds. But the keyword here is enjoyment. Don't pay attention to the bickering you see people like Savio start. If you can't find it there, then come here. The only rightful time you'll get bitched at is when someone else found it there easily. But that's not to say you get bitched at. Savio, you have no place to insinuate other peoples builds are sub par, he recommended one skill if he really had to use ele skills. And it's true, if you're a W/Ele, and want to use spells, Lesser is a great way to do it. You have a highly enflamatory posting form, and it's entirely juvenile. You're modness has gone entirely to your head. As you posted "High-energy spells on a typical warrior is a bad idea for a variety of reasons" Not entirely true. "can be a bad idea" is more to the truth. That is how new power builds(or just plain fun builds) are created, making 2 seeminly ungainly prefessions or skillsets work together, and here you sit telling people not to do it, even demeaning them for it. Shame on you. |
yes you can use spells on a w/e but i would advise that in PvP it is no more than shock(which isn't a spell) for an axe warrior because i am Old school, or in PvE never anything more than armour of the earth if you really feel you need to take ANYTHING from th elementalist line.
my advice, take attacks skils from the warrior line and focus in axe or hammmer or swords, don't take spells, its pretty ineffective.
at the current state of game, warriors can do alot of damage, taking spells that take vital atrribute points out of atrributes such your weapon masterys is madness, you can get then to 16 for a reason!, using gylph of lesser energy is not the way to go either, because if you use it with firestorm its pointless, due to the small amount of damage it can possibly do at fire magic 12, plus the fact its easily countered, using it with meteor shower will leave you exhusted and with 15 less energy for somthing that now even in PvE is easy to counter, that is if it manages its LONG 5 second cast with somone knocking you down or interupting you.
Cow Tale
oh common guys everyone knows frenzy+mending = uber leet. who are we kidding here? =D
I wasn't saying Savio has gone mad.
Just that he's being mean without cause, and he's contradicting himself.
Tark Alkerk, The first guy to present the 55 build probably had people call him mad.
You can Have 480hp plus HP runes for a reason!(whatever max base hp is...)
In the ele line, armor isn't the only good thing a warrior can do. There's knockdown's and slowing in mass numbers, as well as blinding.
Conjure flame/frost...Only 10 energy
60 seconds worth of attacks with extra damage each hit? Leet.
Lava font
Mirror of Ice
AOE spells are good for scattering enemies, as a W/Ele you may/will get overwhelmed at times.
Just that he's being mean without cause, and he's contradicting himself.
Tark Alkerk, The first guy to present the 55 build probably had people call him mad.
You can Have 480hp plus HP runes for a reason!(whatever max base hp is...)
In the ele line, armor isn't the only good thing a warrior can do. There's knockdown's and slowing in mass numbers, as well as blinding.
Conjure flame/frost...Only 10 energy
60 seconds worth of attacks with extra damage each hit? Leet.
Lava font
Mirror of Ice
AOE spells are good for scattering enemies, as a W/Ele you may/will get overwhelmed at times.
Tark Alkerk
Originally Posted by Aeon_Xin
I wasn't saying Savio has gone mad.
Just that he's being mean without cause, and he's contradicting himself. Tark Alkerk, The first guy to present the 55 build probably had people call him mad. You can Have 480hp plus HP runes for a reason!(whatever max base hp is...) pphhtt. |
however this is off the point...
Originally Posted by Aeon_Xin
In the ele line, armor isn't the only good thing a warrior can do. There's knockdown's and slowing in mass numbers, as well as blinding.
Conjure flame/frost...Only 10 energy 60 seconds worth of attacks with extra damage each hit? Leet. Lava font Mirror of Ice AOE spells are good for scattering enemies, as a W/Ele you may/will get overwhelmed at times. |
firstly you have to put points into the artribute, which means taking more out else where so therefore likely decreasing the damage you can deal, at BASE without conjure.
secondly, the Elemental sword that your wielding, rangers have +30 armour versus elemental damage... and many skills also increase elemental armour, some rangers can have even more than +30 armour versus elemental, not to mention the old school armours that elementalists have which has +10 versus all elemental damage types plus an extra ten for a element of the players choice.
finally putting conjure on top which is elemental damage itself which can decrease due to if youre attacking a ele or ranger, with an enchantment that can be easily stripped, your DPS is going to pretty low.
in essence, conjure ain't great.
Lava Font
forcing the enemy to run because you over aggroed? nice idea but if you don't over aggro in the first place, its all good, and you have to spend considrable points in fire magic to make them run, because 5 damage a second isn't going to frighten even a ettitn.
and it isn't the most productive way to spend your time when you are being mobed, 2 seconds is a long time when you being beat on by any warriors or assassins.
Mirror of Ice
a good idea but it is elite , which takes away a valuable slot which could be used for an eltie attack skill or an elite defensive stance.
and what is the reasoning that because he is a W/E that he gets mobbed more?
Well this looks like its getting more heated than an Ice Imp sitting in the Ring of Fire.
I don't think anyone is going to argue that for the OP his best self heal as a W/E is going to be the healing signet (As it looks likes he's doing prophercies atm)
From personal experience my very first character was a W/E (I hadn't done any research and I thought hey! - carry a sword , throw some fireballs great) and I learnt pretty early on that it wasn't what I was expecting. Anyway I didn't delete this character and went through the game with it and never regretted it. (Still have the character)
Stick with warrior only skills and attributes for now until you get to level 20 and might have a few attribute points to spare (and soon after that point you'll be able to change secondaries aswell)
Actually I did have 1 regret that I didn't have a hard Rez. In bad PUGS you might find that you could have done with Rezzing more than once but if it looks like that and I had already used my Rez Signet I'd just make sure I died first
- as the warrior you should be taking the damage anyway in PVE
Good luck with the W/E - it wasn't what I expected and I'm guessing it isn't what you where either but focus on the warrior and you'll have fun
I don't think anyone is going to argue that for the OP his best self heal as a W/E is going to be the healing signet (As it looks likes he's doing prophercies atm)
From personal experience my very first character was a W/E (I hadn't done any research and I thought hey! - carry a sword , throw some fireballs great) and I learnt pretty early on that it wasn't what I was expecting. Anyway I didn't delete this character and went through the game with it and never regretted it. (Still have the character)
Stick with warrior only skills and attributes for now until you get to level 20 and might have a few attribute points to spare (and soon after that point you'll be able to change secondaries aswell)
Actually I did have 1 regret that I didn't have a hard Rez. In bad PUGS you might find that you could have done with Rezzing more than once but if it looks like that and I had already used my Rez Signet I'd just make sure I died first

Good luck with the W/E - it wasn't what I expected and I'm guessing it isn't what you where either but focus on the warrior and you'll have fun
Chewbacca Defense
You could always switch to Hammer line and make an Aftershock Hammer Warrior. You'll have a bit less protection 'cause you'll have no shield, but fancy Hammers are cheap as most PvE folks go Sword or Axe.
Essentially just bring a chain of adrenaline skills and finish it off with a Knockdown and cast Aftershock + Crushing Blow to do a lot of damage.
But in my opinion the Shock Axe Warrior still rocks.
Essentially just bring a chain of adrenaline skills and finish it off with a Knockdown and cast Aftershock + Crushing Blow to do a lot of damage.
But in my opinion the Shock Axe Warrior still rocks.
Crom The Pale
Originally Posted by Savio
1. He is very unlikely to obtain Glyph of Energy at his current location in the game, and the two Glyphs have markedly different uses.
2. I've used [wiki]Shatter Hex[/wiki] "effectively" on a warrior plus plenty of other crap. High-energy spells on a typical warrior is a bad idea for a variety of reasons. If you want to prove otherwise, go post your build in the Warrior builds forum or on Guildwiki and get others to approve of it. In fact, I'd even let you post it here. 3. I have no intention of giving new players subpar builds just so they can "experience" it. If they want to play around on their own time, that's fine, but giving bad advice and answers to others is extremely frowned upon here. |
First you need Gladiator armor and a +5 energy axe.
Sup Rune of Axe mastery and Sup Vigor if possible, minor strength
Stone Fist Gauntlets(not a must but are great with)
Note: this is a build based on all 3 chapters, ill list a prophicies only build after.
Strength 8+1
Axe Mastery 12+4
Fire Magic 10
1) Whirling Axe
2) Lacerating Chop
3) Dismember
4) Agonizing Chop
5) Executioner's Strike
6) Glyph of Essence
7) Meteor Shower
8) Lion's Comfort
This is a pve build that brutalized the mobs in all 3 campains, the proph only build is not quite as effective but does still work.
1) Cleave
2) Dismember
3) Penetrating Blow
4) Disrupting Chop
5) Executioner's Strike
6) Glyph of Sacrifice
7) Meteor Shower
8) Healing Signet
Note: you need to swap strength points into tactics for this build and may swap penetrating blow for "Watch Yourself!" to offset use of Healing Signet.
You can flame my build all you want, but youd best go run some missions with it first.
As for Glyph of Lesser Energy, I used to pair that with Mark of Rodgorts untill they droped its cost down to 15energy. Now I pair Mark of Rodgorts with Conjure Flame and a Fire dmg sword.
The most common way people learn is through failure, if you never try you never will know how it works or how it doesnt.

Originally Posted by Crom The Pale
I rarely post my builds as I like being unique and most flame new builds with out ever having put it to the test....but if you really insist here is one high energy spell build that I've used to great effect since the very begining.
First you need Gladiator armor and a +5 energy axe. Sup Rune of Axe mastery and Sup Vigor if possible, minor strength Stone Fist Gauntlets(not a must but are great with) Note: this is a build based on all 3 chapters, ill list a prophicies only build after. Attributes: Strength 8+1 Axe Mastery 12+4 Fire Magic 10 Skills: 1) Whirling Axe 2) Lacerating Chop 3) Dismember 4) Agonizing Chop 5) Executioner's Strike 6) Glyph of Essence 7) Meteor Shower 8) Lion's Comfort This is a pve build that brutalized the mobs in all 3 campains, the proph only build is not quite as effective but does still work. 1) Cleave 2) Dismember 3) Penetrating Blow 4) Disrupting Chop 5) Executioner's Strike 6) Glyph of Sacrifice 7) Meteor Shower 8) Healing Signet Note: you need to swap strength points into tactics for this build and may swap penetrating blow for "Watch Yourself!" to offset use of Healing Signet. You can flame my build all you want, but youd best go run some missions with it first. As for Glyph of Lesser Energy, I used to pair that with Mark of Rodgorts untill they droped its cost down to 15energy. Now I pair Mark of Rodgorts with Conjure Flame and a Fire dmg sword. The most common way people learn is through failure, if you never try you never will know how it works or how it doesnt. ![]() |
Crom The Pale
Originally Posted by Warskull
You should stick to never posting builds. I have seen people playing this game for the first day come up with better builds than this. People tell you that your builds suck because they do.
I have 2 protector titles, fow armor and a massive number of completed quests to verify that my build works. Maybe I'm just that much better a player if I can find out how to make this build work, but its just more likely your that bad if you can't even play the build before you flame me and it!!
Originally Posted by Crom The Pale
As expected some fool flames without ever trying the build.
I have 2 protector titles, fow armor and a massive number of completed quests to verify that my build works. |
Maybe I'm just that much better a player if I can find out how to make this build work |
1. Use Glyph of Essence then Meteor Shower for a grand total of 231 damage per enemy standing in it the whole time (77 damage x 3 hits).
2. Use Whirling Axe for 60 seconds while Meteor Shower is recharging, occasionally (about every 20 seconds) using something like Executioner's Strike.
The damage per minute of this build is about 2000, plus whatever Meteor Shower does hit, which may be another 700 if you manage to get 3 enemies to stand in it the whole time (which is a rather large assumption). To kill 3 enemies takes 27 seconds and then afterward you have to wait for MS to recharge.
Now let's compare it to typical warrior builds for the sake of the new player:
-An axe warrior with 16 Axe Mastery just swinging away does 1600 DPM. Congrats, you're better than a warrior with no skillbar.
-An axe warrior with 16 Axe Mastery and any 33% increased attack speed (IAS) stance does 2400 DPM. All of a sudden, a plain old warrior with Frenzy or Flail is doing almost if not as much damage as a warrior with MS, and the Frenzy warrior doesn't have to worry about enemies moving away from Meteor Shower.
-An axe warrior with 16 Axe Mastery, 33% IAS, and Eviscerate-Executioner's Strike-Cyclone Axe does 3500 DPM against a single target, with that damage increasing as more enemies surround him. That's 3500 DPM at a minimum, without counting the AoE or adrenaline gain of Cyclone Axe against groups. 3 enemies die in 20 seconds and the warrior can immediately move on to the next mob, no waiting for skills to recharge. None of those 3 skills are new, and Eviscerate even got nerfed, twice.
-A sword warrior with 16 Swordsmanship, 33% IAS, and Dragon Slash-Sun and Moon Slash-"For Great Justice!" does 3600 DPM. And that's not even throwing in more fun adrenaline-gaining skills like Enraging Charge, or other +damage adrenaline sword skills.
-A primary Elementalist will be able to do 119 damage per hit with Meteor Shower, as well as be able to cast it either 3 times back to back (with Echo and Arcane Echo) or be able to cast it every 15 seconds (with Glyph of Renewal). Also, the Elementalist doesn't have to wear +energy armor or use a +energy sword to do all of that thanks to Energy Storage and some e-management. But why would an Elementalist use MS when she can steamroll everything with Searing Flames and her other Ele buddies?
Long story short: don't try to run 25-energy skills on a warrior, it's not worth it.
Originally Posted by Warskull
You should stick to never posting builds. I have seen people playing this game for the first day come up with better builds than this. People tell you that your builds suck because they do.
Originally Posted by Savio
Warskull is one of the more knowledgeable and respected players in the GW community;
I thought this was the Guild Wars forum, not the Flame Wars forum.
Meteor shower on a warrior doesn't sound like a great idea, maybe get an ele to come along if you want a meteor shower and stuff like that, lol.
Also, I would try out this build, but I have a souske, so I dont need to spellcast with my warrior anymore

EDIT: HEY Savio, are you former wrestler Savio Vega? :P
Thanks for the input. I'll try to be more specific about my character build in future posts if needed. In general though you've all been discussing skills beyond my posistion in the game. I think I'm making good progress even though I've doubted myself or character's abilities at times. We are level 15.7 in Beacon's Perch and seem to have finished all the quests from there and there are no missions.
The Hero window shows a faction tab with Balthazar in it at 0/10,000. I don't know what that is all about--yet?? Under the titles tab it says I have explored 23.9% of Tyra and I have completed 6/25 missions. I've finished all bonus missions too. I have spent 7 of the 21 skill points earned on buying seven skills probably. I read that this wasn't a good idea since the points could be used better later on except I did get the res sig so I'm leaving the skill points at 14 left.
As a W/E I am _not_ currently using any Air, Axe, Earth, Energy, Fire, Hammer, or Water skills. I _am_ using Strength, Swordsmanship, Tactics, and No Attribute skills and have Strength at 6, Swordsmanship at 9 and Tactics at 6+1 or 7.
The current skills bar lineup left to right is: Power Attack, Sever Artery, and Gash which I use extensively--probably 99% of the time with power and the later two only if the thing bleeds. Next is Dolyak Signet which add on occasion early in a battle if I know I'm not going to be needing to move for 13 seconds. Next is "For Great Justice" which I forget to ever use. Next is Endure Pain which if I die I fogotten to use in time.
I just swapped positions with it and "For Great Justice". Number 7 is Healing Signet which I don't use because of its danger in battle (I removed and no longer use Frenzy for its similar negative effect). Last is Resurrection Signet which has indeed come in handy. I used GuildWiki to locate the Skills Trainer who sells it and bought it.
It should be noted that so far in this game I do not like to change skills in the skill bar for a particular area nor weapons or armor. In fact I don't and I use only one weapon set--a Long Sword, 11-17 damage, +8 vs Dwarves, Damage +20%, customized and a Reinforced Buckler, Armor 11, received phys damage -2 while enchanted, health +49 while hexed.
I have the Flurry skill but just like Frenzy and Dolyak Signet it seems double-edged...attack is increased 33% but damage is reduced 25%? Does that mean a net increase of attack of only 8% and hardly worth the energy cost/maintenance?
To get a set of Ascalon armor head to foot I bought materials. I haven't found or seen anything better so far then this armor 50. I don't want to know what lies ahead or what _will_ be better to get in the future until I get there. It's more a matter of whether I have made any serious mistakes where I have been or what I am currently doing concerning my build that needs to be rectified now?
One thing I would like to know in general and concerning my build is whether installing Factions and/or Nightfall now would make any difference in Prophecies gameplay--I think not? Also, how does the character transition from Prophecies into Factions--is it seamless or does Prophecies end and I have to start a new level 20 character in Factions? Does Prophecies get removed or can you move between Factions and Propecies places on a now much larger map?
To try to avoid a party member running ahead and pulling in more nearby baddies I've taken to using the Flag. I think this is working. I can also move off from the flag position and pull baddies to it sometimes. There have been a couple occasions where I have escaped with the rest of the party dead...the baddies have moved off...I return to the healer and res'd her and she in turn rez'd everyone else in the party and we've been able to move on which is a lot of fun to accomplish when it can work out that way. Best not to die in the first place though.
Just outside of Beacon's Perch when starting minor quests in Deldrimor Bowl I a party of 3 "hench" that joined my 6 for a total of 9. This made clearing Deldrimor Bowl easy and fun.
Next is Lornar's Pass and moving on west through some sort of ice cave. I probably did a little to much Wiki reading on Lornar's Pass then I wish I had at this point. It sounds like it will be both difficult and maybe the first point where my character as a warrior could drop Elementalist and get Monk? But I don't think my character is ready yet--we'll see.
A good chunk of this probably does not belong under this build forum but on the other hand by seeing what I have been through and what skills I have been using you maybe can see where I could make improvements by using different skills or tactics and and I think that that does concern a build.
Thanks for the input on anything above. Should I have broken this down and posted it into other more appropriate forums here?
The Hero window shows a faction tab with Balthazar in it at 0/10,000. I don't know what that is all about--yet?? Under the titles tab it says I have explored 23.9% of Tyra and I have completed 6/25 missions. I've finished all bonus missions too. I have spent 7 of the 21 skill points earned on buying seven skills probably. I read that this wasn't a good idea since the points could be used better later on except I did get the res sig so I'm leaving the skill points at 14 left.
As a W/E I am _not_ currently using any Air, Axe, Earth, Energy, Fire, Hammer, or Water skills. I _am_ using Strength, Swordsmanship, Tactics, and No Attribute skills and have Strength at 6, Swordsmanship at 9 and Tactics at 6+1 or 7.
The current skills bar lineup left to right is: Power Attack, Sever Artery, and Gash which I use extensively--probably 99% of the time with power and the later two only if the thing bleeds. Next is Dolyak Signet which add on occasion early in a battle if I know I'm not going to be needing to move for 13 seconds. Next is "For Great Justice" which I forget to ever use. Next is Endure Pain which if I die I fogotten to use in time.

It should be noted that so far in this game I do not like to change skills in the skill bar for a particular area nor weapons or armor. In fact I don't and I use only one weapon set--a Long Sword, 11-17 damage, +8 vs Dwarves, Damage +20%, customized and a Reinforced Buckler, Armor 11, received phys damage -2 while enchanted, health +49 while hexed.
I have the Flurry skill but just like Frenzy and Dolyak Signet it seems double-edged...attack is increased 33% but damage is reduced 25%? Does that mean a net increase of attack of only 8% and hardly worth the energy cost/maintenance?
To get a set of Ascalon armor head to foot I bought materials. I haven't found or seen anything better so far then this armor 50. I don't want to know what lies ahead or what _will_ be better to get in the future until I get there. It's more a matter of whether I have made any serious mistakes where I have been or what I am currently doing concerning my build that needs to be rectified now?
One thing I would like to know in general and concerning my build is whether installing Factions and/or Nightfall now would make any difference in Prophecies gameplay--I think not? Also, how does the character transition from Prophecies into Factions--is it seamless or does Prophecies end and I have to start a new level 20 character in Factions? Does Prophecies get removed or can you move between Factions and Propecies places on a now much larger map?
To try to avoid a party member running ahead and pulling in more nearby baddies I've taken to using the Flag. I think this is working. I can also move off from the flag position and pull baddies to it sometimes. There have been a couple occasions where I have escaped with the rest of the party dead...the baddies have moved off...I return to the healer and res'd her and she in turn rez'd everyone else in the party and we've been able to move on which is a lot of fun to accomplish when it can work out that way. Best not to die in the first place though.

Just outside of Beacon's Perch when starting minor quests in Deldrimor Bowl I a party of 3 "hench" that joined my 6 for a total of 9. This made clearing Deldrimor Bowl easy and fun.
Next is Lornar's Pass and moving on west through some sort of ice cave. I probably did a little to much Wiki reading on Lornar's Pass then I wish I had at this point. It sounds like it will be both difficult and maybe the first point where my character as a warrior could drop Elementalist and get Monk? But I don't think my character is ready yet--we'll see.
A good chunk of this probably does not belong under this build forum but on the other hand by seeing what I have been through and what skills I have been using you maybe can see where I could make improvements by using different skills or tactics and and I think that that does concern a build.
Thanks for the input on anything above. Should I have broken this down and posted it into other more appropriate forums here?
Crom The Pale
Your a long way from when youll be allowed to change your secondary.
Look to wiki to find what skills youll earn on quests and what ones you will have to buy from a trader. The ones that you can not be aquired through quests can gernaly be purchased with some saftey that you will find a use for them.
Not every skill is as usefull at the end of the game, but from where you are most all have some use. Do not be afraid to experiment with skills regardless of there cost.
As for Meteor shower those that flame me have forgoten the knockdown, the fact that I can switch targets and deliver it to foes on the other side of my agro circle then continue to attack my primary target. Its a great way to protect your monks/casters if they are being pestered by melee mobs.
Knowing what a skill does and when to use it as well as when not to is something that takes time.
As for who I am....well those that know me have no doubt about my abilities, but I don't run around the game or the forums shouting that I can do what nobody else can. I play the game and have a great deal of fun doing so.
I strongly suggest you do the same and ignore anyone that tells you something your doing is wrong, if it doesn't work you'll discover it on your own and if it does you'll have more satisfaction than just running with what somebody else has already found to work.
Look to wiki to find what skills youll earn on quests and what ones you will have to buy from a trader. The ones that you can not be aquired through quests can gernaly be purchased with some saftey that you will find a use for them.
Not every skill is as usefull at the end of the game, but from where you are most all have some use. Do not be afraid to experiment with skills regardless of there cost.
As for Meteor shower those that flame me have forgoten the knockdown, the fact that I can switch targets and deliver it to foes on the other side of my agro circle then continue to attack my primary target. Its a great way to protect your monks/casters if they are being pestered by melee mobs.
Knowing what a skill does and when to use it as well as when not to is something that takes time.
As for who I am....well those that know me have no doubt about my abilities, but I don't run around the game or the forums shouting that I can do what nobody else can. I play the game and have a great deal of fun doing so.
I strongly suggest you do the same and ignore anyone that tells you something your doing is wrong, if it doesn't work you'll discover it on your own and if it does you'll have more satisfaction than just running with what somebody else has already found to work.
Originally Posted by Ratsneve
We are level 15.7 in Beacon's Perch and seem to have finished all the quests from there and there are no missions.
Whenever you aren't at a mission, primary quests will lead you to the next one.
The Hero window shows a faction tab with Balthazar in it at 0/10,000. I don't know what that is all about--yet?? |
Under the titles tab it says I have explored 23.9% of Tyra and I have completed 6/25 missions. I've finished all bonus missions too. |
I have spent 7 of the 21 skill points earned on buying seven skills probably. I read that this wasn't a good idea since the points could be used better later on except I did get the res sig so I'm leaving the skill points at 14 left. |
As a W/E I am _not_ currently using any Air, Axe, Earth, Energy, Fire, Hammer, or Water skills. I _am_ using Strength, Swordsmanship, Tactics, and No Attribute skills and have Strength at 6, Swordsmanship at 9 and Tactics at 6+1 or 7. |
The current skills bar lineup left to right is: Power Attack, Sever Artery, and Gash which I use extensively--probably 99% of the time with power and the later two only if the thing bleeds. |
It should be noted that so far in this game I do not like to change skills in the skill bar for a particular area nor weapons or armor. |
I have the Flurry skill but just like Frenzy and Dolyak Signet it seems double-edged...attack is increased 33% but damage is reduced 25%? Does that mean a net increase of attack of only 8% and hardly worth the energy cost/maintenance? |
To get a set of Ascalon armor head to foot I bought materials. I haven't found or seen anything better so far then this armor 50. I don't want to know what lies ahead or what _will_ be better to get in the future until I get there. It's more a matter of whether I have made any serious mistakes where I have been or what I am currently doing concerning my build that needs to be rectified now? |
One thing I would like to know in general and concerning my build is whether installing Factions and/or Nightfall now would make any difference in Prophecies gameplay--I think not? Also, how does the character transition from Prophecies into Factions--is it seamless or does Prophecies end and I have to start a new level 20 character in Factions? Does Prophecies get removed or can you move between Factions and Propecies places on a now much larger map? |
Oh, and you don't "install" Factions and Nightfall. When you start up Guild Wars, choose the option at the bottom of the login box to add the access key.
To try to avoid a party member running ahead and pulling in more nearby baddies I've taken to using the Flag. I think this is working. I can also move off from the flag position and pull baddies to it sometimes. |
Just outside of Beacon's Perch when starting minor quests in Deldrimor Bowl I a party of 3 "hench" that joined my 6 for a total of 9. This made clearing Deldrimor Bowl easy and fun. |
It sounds like it will be both difficult and maybe the first point where my character as a warrior could drop Elementalist and get Monk? But I don't think my character is ready yet--we'll see. |
Thanks for the input on anything above. Should I have broken this down and posted it into other more appropriate forums here? |