19 Jan 2007 at 04:56 - 13
Comrade really doesn't have any perspective. Which is why you couldn't see that in my thread, every single player thought it would be cool to play as a dragon, they just thought it wouldn't be possible.
The simple truth is dragons are extremely attractive chracters, and no matter how much your against it, your like it and would play it given the chance. And I point out my track record because I am experienced. I've been posting class ideas since before people could accept additional classes, and listened to the exact, "EXACT" same assumptions based purely on ignorance and assumption. I have proved that I am right, and "hardcore" dumbasses who think they know something because they play alot don't know jack shit. It isn't a debate, it's a continoually reaccuring reality which can be proven over and over again, you can just read through the first year of posts I have commented on and read all the predictions and revelations I have contributed which came about whether people accepted them or not.
Get your facts right. Majority is always the sign of ignorance. The first sign of change is denial, than resistance, than acceptance. Change happens whether you accept it or not, smart people realize before hand, and dumb people have it forced on them.
And just so you know, Shinobi class wasn't the first time I brang up new classes, it was the idea I tolk the time to develope after Anet revealed that there would be new classes. Before Anet declared new classes the idea met the EXACT same denial and opposition, VERBATIM, swaping new classes for new creatures, and asian content for dragon content.
Notice something, I do not pretend like Dragons are likely to be in the game. Unlike you, I am a balanced analyst, I realize that Anet may not accept or approve of having Creature classes in the game or Dragons as playable characters. But there is a very big difference between acceptance and ability. Whether your intelligent enough to recognize or not, programs can be developed with reasonable ease to accomidate Creature additions, and whether you admit it or not, Dragons are the most popular and admired fantasy icon, PERIOD. Making them into a playable Character is a win, win, win situation, that is all there is too it, the only legitimate complaint I have yet to hear is that it would be too popular, and that is a complaint? Lets not add something outragiously popular and enjoyable because everyones going to enjoy it....... like saying lets not have sexy women over to the party because people will enevitably hook up. WTF kind of response is that? Don't do something good, it's too good..... only a dumby responds like that.
If you really thought about it long enough, you would realize that I am right. You can't realize it because you haven't thought about it long enough, and yes that does make me better, because I did the time and effort to not only understand, but develope and present a radically ingenious concept, not just in class ideas, but original character additions. Such are the things which draw spikes of success, instead of subtle repetition.
If you really want an education in higher developement, consider reading all of my class ideas and contributions, and compare the class function and stability as well as attraction to any other class idea, and see the extreme difference in quality. Read up on ideas like Guild Wars at Sea, and concepts like Weapon alternatives and class redevelopement. These arn't just revolutionary opportunities to the game, they are the mindset and thought process which create games like this in the first place. Not a bunch of lets add onto and continue with what we already have. True invention goes beyond follow the leader, it takes a different mindset to create. Your a follower, I am a leader, you don't understand me because your a follower, not because I don't know what I am doing.
At this point you can disagree as much as you like, your opinion isn't valid without proof and example, and I guarentee you, once the proof and study is done, you will end up at the same conclusion as I have, even if your not interested in it. Followers only see what they have and assume it is the standard of things to come, inventors have perspective unbound by prejudice and assumption, and recognizing real opportunities and options.
The good thing about a leader, is I can explore even if no one is willing or capable to follow me, and just because you can't or woln't learn from my developement doesn't mean I will be hindered. Feel free to fume and banter aimlessly, I woln't bother to respond to anymore of your falsehood and misunderstanding.