Acolyte Jin or Student Sousuke?
Im at this part where I can choose to have Acolyte Jin the ranger as a hero, or Student Sousuke as a hero. I can only choose one. Jin is female, Sousuke is male. Which one did you initially choose when you first got this quest? Why? Is one slightly better than the other?
Whispering Siren
doesn't matter if they're male or female - what matters is that Jin is a ranger and Sousuke is an ele, so choose which one you would rather have for that character you are playing.
The Pointless
I chose Sousuke, largely for personality reasons (at the time Jin was a bit miserable), but really your choice is up to you.
Just remember that Zhed Shadowhoof (Ele) is a compulsory hero and later on you'll have to make another hero choice between Margid the Sly (Ranger) and Master of Whispers (Necro).
Just remember that Zhed Shadowhoof (Ele) is a compulsory hero and later on you'll have to make another hero choice between Margid the Sly (Ranger) and Master of Whispers (Necro).
What I am asking is for your opinion, which one would you rather have and/or had chosen initially?
Retribution X
Sousuke, because having 2 eles out of 3 SF spammers is cool.
My first choice was Sousuke because I thought it was the Ranger; every subsequent choice has been Jin.
This was mainly because I preferred to have a good interrupter (she has about 3 or 4 of them, including BHA) on my team and have an elementalist henchmen (mostly earth because I don't like Cynn; it seems that every time she whines firestorm scatters my enemies).
I've set up Zhed as a SF build at the moment but haven't used him much.
What I like to do with Jin is lock her on the healers and fight the others while their healer gets pissed at not being able to cast anything. Then when I've done with the rest of the melees (this strategy I use mainly because I want to protect my healers, who their melees always go for...more of a "protect the back line" kind of thing), I move to the casters finish off the healer.
As for the NEcro or Ranger bridge later on in the game, I chose the Necro. Moreso because I think of the storyline for some reason. I don't remember.
This was mainly because I preferred to have a good interrupter (she has about 3 or 4 of them, including BHA) on my team and have an elementalist henchmen (mostly earth because I don't like Cynn; it seems that every time she whines firestorm scatters my enemies).
I've set up Zhed as a SF build at the moment but haven't used him much.
What I like to do with Jin is lock her on the healers and fight the others while their healer gets pissed at not being able to cast anything. Then when I've done with the rest of the melees (this strategy I use mainly because I want to protect my healers, who their melees always go for...more of a "protect the back line" kind of thing), I move to the casters finish off the healer.
As for the NEcro or Ranger bridge later on in the game, I chose the Necro. Moreso because I think of the storyline for some reason. I don't remember.
Your best bet is you have any decent Ele skills unlocked on your account is to go with Sousuke since having a nuker and minion master (olias if you have Prophecies) will significantly speed up your team, being able to clear mobs pretty quickly. Besides,,, Jin is a loose cannon, I noticed that she does unpredictable things, like if you give her throw dirt she will run right up to a monster in the middle of battle to use it.
Mine was Sousuke first, then Jin the second time around. Sousuke was my interrupt god. Not perfect but darn close :-p
I took Jin on all foreign characters since I wanted an interrupt ranger.
And I never had a primary Ele, so no that many good skills around for Sousuke.
And I never had a primary Ele, so no that many good skills around for Sousuke.
Mister Overhill
When I brought my ranger over from Tyria, I chose Jin, and later, Margrid. That gave me the option of running three barragers. I made Zhed a nuker, based on the skills from my elementalist.
With my new monk, I chose Sousuke and set him up as a nuker, and set Zhed as an icer, based on the skills from my elementalist.
Either way, they can clean house, and you get the heroes you missed at end-game.
With my new monk, I chose Sousuke and set him up as a nuker, and set Zhed as an icer, based on the skills from my elementalist.
Either way, they can clean house, and you get the heroes you missed at end-game.
Originally Posted by CyberMesh0
Mine was Sousuke first, then Jin the second time around. Sousuke was my interrupt god. Not perfect but darn close :-p
I Phoenix I
Depends on what you like and what skills you have really...
I chose Jin on some characters and Sousuke on others...because I couldn't decide ^^.
Don't worry, after you beat the game, you get to pick up all the heroes anyways.
I chose Jin on some characters and Sousuke on others...because I couldn't decide ^^.
Don't worry, after you beat the game, you get to pick up all the heroes anyways.
Hand of Ruin
Souske makes a great SF, but if you know you're not going to choose magrid later on, then I would take Jin.
My typical hero set-up looks like this
1 N/Me as a MM with an inspiration interrupt
1 E/Me as a SF with an inspiration interrupt
1 R/Me as BHA/RTW interrupting with epidemic and an inspiration interrupt
Heroes are GODLY with interrupts, and I use that to my advantage, with the added benefiet that inspiration interrupts can provide minimal energy managment.
Its up to you, but you should definately take at least one ranger hero. If you're not going to choose Magrid then go with Jin.
My typical hero set-up looks like this
1 N/Me as a MM with an inspiration interrupt
1 E/Me as a SF with an inspiration interrupt
1 R/Me as BHA/RTW interrupting with epidemic and an inspiration interrupt
Heroes are GODLY with interrupts, and I use that to my advantage, with the added benefiet that inspiration interrupts can provide minimal energy managment.
Its up to you, but you should definately take at least one ranger hero. If you're not going to choose Magrid then go with Jin.
Agree with #5. If you have prophecies, get sousuke. If not, get jin.
Sousuke is a dork. I'll take Jin over him every time. =)
It doesn't matter. Once you beat the game you get every hero anyway.
Crom The Pale
For my first nightfall char, Dervish, I took Jin since the dervish have no interupts and she worked out perfectly.
For my Paragon I took Sousuke and found the pairing worked well.
As long as you have sufficient skills for both, and you know how to blend there skills with yours, you can take either one and be certain you'll have lots of fun.
For my Paragon I took Sousuke and found the pairing worked well.
As long as you have sufficient skills for both, and you know how to blend there skills with yours, you can take either one and be certain you'll have lots of fun.

Shadow of Light
Jin every time.
Nothing beats AI interrupts.
And you're guaranteed a hero elementalist halfway through the game.
Nothing beats AI interrupts.

And you're guaranteed a hero elementalist halfway through the game.
I went with Jin, and haven't looked back. And as for the other choice later on, since I already had Olias, I went with Margrid.
I have characters and several (although not all) unlocks for the different professions. It makes a difference, what elites and skills you have unlocked. Most of my characters take Jin for her interrupts, but at least 2 (dervish and warrior, actually) took Sousuke and set him up with water magic hexes and water trident. Works well for me.
Took Sousuke on my Paragon because of [card]Searing Flames[/card] and [card]"They're On Fire!"[/card]
And I took Jin on my warrior.
And I took Jin on my warrior.
With my warrior and ele I chose Jin, with my ranger I chose Sousuke.
Choices were influenced by the hero choice Magrid/MoW that I knew I would make and knowing that I would have to have Zhed as a compulsory.
Choices were influenced by the hero choice Magrid/MoW that I knew I would make and knowing that I would have to have Zhed as a compulsory.
Originally Posted by MrTumnus
What I like to do with Jin is lock her on the healers and fight the others ...... |
Sasuke The Betrayer
There should be a target sign (Like a scope sign) somewhere in the hero bar. Target the enemy and then with the hero you want, click the target box for them to agressively attack that enemy you did. It works well

on my first char though nf i bought jin with broad head arrow, then when i discovered sf, i chose souske for the rest of my chars
I'd rather go with Sousuke first as he can be a good Nuker, SF spammer early in the game. As everyone has mentioned, you can get Zhed, the elementalist, or Magrid, the ranger, so either way, you get both. Win - Win situation.
Originally Posted by Envious
I'd rather go with Sousuke first as he can be a good Nuker, SF spammer early in the game. As everyone has mentioned, you can get Zhed, the elementalist, or Magrid, the ranger, so either way, you get both. Win - Win situation.
You choose between souske and jin, Zhed you get no matter what, Then u must choose between Master of whispers (necro) and margid the sly. So you can miss out on ranger.
I took Sousuke for three reasons:
#1. He looks cooler.
#2. I have some kind of inherant bias against Rangers and Warriors.
#3. He has the same name as the protagonist from Full Metal Panic.
Really... thats it.
It doesn't matter anyway since he is still the same level he was at when I first got him. I've NEVER used him. My hero party is pretty much consistantly formed of Tahlkora (healer), Olias (MM) and Dunkoro (healer)... in that order. I very occasionally swap one of them out for Zenmai if I want another spiker (I <3 assassins, and bite my thumb at anyone who sneers at the idea of two assassins in a team). The very notion of using anyone else is anathema to me.... I mean... I need the healing.... and those delightful, undead, decapitated emus we know as Bone Fiends take care of ranged attack.
That said... when it comes to the Master of Whispers or Ranger B!tch choice... I'll make my decision based on which is the least common choice (so it'll be easier to team up with people to get to the other areas later)... as I have no intention of actually using either of them more than necessary.
#1. He looks cooler.
#2. I have some kind of inherant bias against Rangers and Warriors.
#3. He has the same name as the protagonist from Full Metal Panic.
Really... thats it.
It doesn't matter anyway since he is still the same level he was at when I first got him. I've NEVER used him. My hero party is pretty much consistantly formed of Tahlkora (healer), Olias (MM) and Dunkoro (healer)... in that order. I very occasionally swap one of them out for Zenmai if I want another spiker (I <3 assassins, and bite my thumb at anyone who sneers at the idea of two assassins in a team). The very notion of using anyone else is anathema to me.... I mean... I need the healing.... and those delightful, undead, decapitated emus we know as Bone Fiends take care of ranged attack.
That said... when it comes to the Master of Whispers or Ranger B!tch choice... I'll make my decision based on which is the least common choice (so it'll be easier to team up with people to get to the other areas later)... as I have no intention of actually using either of them more than necessary.
Honestly, this would depend on my character’s primary profession and whether or not I had Prophesies.
Why? Because both interrupting and nuking are of secondary importance to minion mastering. In fact, while there are many exceptions to this rule, in general, MM > Nuking > Interrupting. Obviously, some missions are much easier with good interrupts, so this is only a general PVE rule.
If I have Prophesies, I get Olias as my MM before leaving Istan and skip Master of Whispers. I do this because I much prefer the missions you get with Margrid over the Master of Whispers ones. Because I know I will get an interrupter soon enough with Margrid, I choose Sousuke and equip him with SF. I think a SF Nuker is normally preferred to an Interrupting Ranger anyway because, let’s face it, death is the ultimate interrupt. Understood this way, Sousuke will do plenty of “interrupting.” Two nukers when Zhed comes along are nice, too. Think about what happens when you fight a group with two Ruby Djinns and don’t quickly take them out. Double liquid flame and searing flames = fast fights.
If I don’t have Prophesies, I must choose Master of Whispers to get an MM and I just have to accept the 2 less desirable missions. This means my only shot for a ranger is to take Jin, so that has to be the choice; some later missions are next to impossible without a good interrupter. I will get a nuker with Zhed, anyway, so I can get at least one of each of these functions (MM/Nuke/Interrupt) with this approach.
This changes somewhat if I am a primary Nec. Then, whether I have Prophesies or not, I take Sousuke. As I am the MM, I will choose Magrid over Masters which means I can skip Jin. This gives me two Nukers and one interrupter, which is more powerful and flexible than the reverse (two interrupters and one nuker if I choose Jin).
For my first character, I chose Jin (and then Master) because I wasn’t really thinking much about it. After going through the game once, I have since followed the above logic.
Why? Because both interrupting and nuking are of secondary importance to minion mastering. In fact, while there are many exceptions to this rule, in general, MM > Nuking > Interrupting. Obviously, some missions are much easier with good interrupts, so this is only a general PVE rule.
If I have Prophesies, I get Olias as my MM before leaving Istan and skip Master of Whispers. I do this because I much prefer the missions you get with Margrid over the Master of Whispers ones. Because I know I will get an interrupter soon enough with Margrid, I choose Sousuke and equip him with SF. I think a SF Nuker is normally preferred to an Interrupting Ranger anyway because, let’s face it, death is the ultimate interrupt. Understood this way, Sousuke will do plenty of “interrupting.” Two nukers when Zhed comes along are nice, too. Think about what happens when you fight a group with two Ruby Djinns and don’t quickly take them out. Double liquid flame and searing flames = fast fights.
If I don’t have Prophesies, I must choose Master of Whispers to get an MM and I just have to accept the 2 less desirable missions. This means my only shot for a ranger is to take Jin, so that has to be the choice; some later missions are next to impossible without a good interrupter. I will get a nuker with Zhed, anyway, so I can get at least one of each of these functions (MM/Nuke/Interrupt) with this approach.
This changes somewhat if I am a primary Nec. Then, whether I have Prophesies or not, I take Sousuke. As I am the MM, I will choose Magrid over Masters which means I can skip Jin. This gives me two Nukers and one interrupter, which is more powerful and flexible than the reverse (two interrupters and one nuker if I choose Jin).
For my first character, I chose Jin (and then Master) because I wasn’t really thinking much about it. After going through the game once, I have since followed the above logic.
Franco Power
Take the ele before they fix this
[skill]Searing Flames[/skill]
[skill]Searing Flames[/skill]
Jin everytime for me! The reason? Quite simple really, the voice actor has a very sexy voice.

Originally Posted by Retribution X
Sousuke, because having 2 eles out of 3 SF spammers is cool.
I've taken Jin 2 times and Sousuke once
Mainly becoz i've got all Ranger skills unlocked on my account.
I'm gradually starting to unlock Ele skills now so at the moment Sousuke is upgrading fast.
Also saw some ask how you get an ele to interrupt...
Psychic Frustration (slightly altered from the original one. Not sure who this belongs to again.)
[skill]Power Leak[/skill][skill]Power Spike[/skill][skill]Cry of Frustration[/skill][skill]Psychic Distraction[/skill][skill]Frustration[/skill][skill]Power Drain[/skill][skill]Drain Enchantment[/skill][skill]Resurrection Signet[/skill]
Superior Energy Storage to take it up to 14 or higher if possible
Apart from that spread your attributes between Domination and Inspiration Magic. If you can look for both Garbok's Cane and Chichor's Conundrum or either of their representative counterparts. to make sure you can let Zhed cast away like mad.
Mainly becoz i've got all Ranger skills unlocked on my account.
I'm gradually starting to unlock Ele skills now so at the moment Sousuke is upgrading fast.
Also saw some ask how you get an ele to interrupt...
Psychic Frustration (slightly altered from the original one. Not sure who this belongs to again.)
[skill]Power Leak[/skill][skill]Power Spike[/skill][skill]Cry of Frustration[/skill][skill]Psychic Distraction[/skill][skill]Frustration[/skill][skill]Power Drain[/skill][skill]Drain Enchantment[/skill][skill]Resurrection Signet[/skill]
Superior Energy Storage to take it up to 14 or higher if possible
Apart from that spread your attributes between Domination and Inspiration Magic. If you can look for both Garbok's Cane and Chichor's Conundrum or either of their representative counterparts. to make sure you can let Zhed cast away like mad.
If that's your skill set, wouldn't you be better off using a Mes instead of an Ele?
Let me just say that I've never played ele or mes before.
Let me just say that I've never played ele or mes before.
But you don't get the choice of a mesmer hero until Vabbi area, so setting Sousuke up as an E/Me is your only choice.