Okay, i thought of this a while ago, long before i found this site, So now that i am a member on here, i've decided to post this.
My idea is for the next Guild Wars campain. The campain would consist of you traveling to the Ruins of Orr, were you are asked to meet with a renowned Wizard guy who could maybe one of the game's new profesions. He asks you to meet him there because at the begining of the game you show outstanding abilities in some of the early missions. Once you meet him he shares a secret with you. This secret? It's the secret of time travel! He finds a way to travel back in time to "Save Orr" from its horrible destruction. But, in order to do this you have to recover some ancient artifacts fromone of the large leftover islands of Orr. The island is overun with monsters and such and there would be a mission or two there. Once you have the Artifact there would be a mission where you travel back in time to the past. This would be like the Searing, except when you "Save Orr" you travel back to the Future and can Access all the other places, and the missions and towns from the Orr from the past will also be unlocked. Once you travel back in time, you fall right into a Charr attack and you have to fight a large battle consisting of a couple missions. Once you are finished with that, You travel to the capitol of Orr and try to warn the king about Orr's Impending doom. Instead of listening, he labels you all as conspirers against his Visier and has you banished from Orr. You then have to set up base in the area outside of Orr, in which there are a few missions. The wizard guy then creates a plan to take out the Visier. You plan to return to the city during a giant Charr attack thats on its way to the city. During this attack is when the Visier plans to cast the Spell that destroys Orr. You head towards the city, closely following the Charr attack force. You are almost to the City when the Charr discover you and attack your party, and kill the Wizard, who sacrafices his life so your party can escape. Once you escape, you continue on with the plan in his Honor. When the Attack commences, you sneak into the city and disgiuse yourself as Orr soldiers, and fight Charr through the city untill you reach the palace. When you reach the palace, you find Khilbron preparing to cast the spell. This leads to a mission that is like a mix between the one were you fight the Lich in prophecies, and were you fight Shiro in Factions. You fight Khilbron like you fight Shiro, but Khilbron creates a bunch of spirit servants that you must fight along with his priestly servents. At the end of the Mission, You fight Khilbron, but upon defeating him, The ghost of the Wizard guy appears and casts a spell on Khilbron, which clenses him of an evil spirit that has had its hold over him. The caster of this spirit? The Evil Charr leader! The leader of the Charr was controling him to use him as collateral. If the people of Orr manage to Repel the Charr attack, he would make Khilbron destroy Orr. So when he is released from the Charr's hold, he casts a different spell. This spells causes Thunder and such to rain from the sky and destroy the Charr invasion force. So then you travel back to the Future to find Orr as a beautiful prospering land! And thats the game!
Now this is just the story, i still have to put a little more depth into the story and stuff, but yeah thats my idea! Let me know what you think!
"Saviors of Orr" campain idea.
I hate to burst your bubble but you do need to read this post:
It tells of the fate of Orr straight from the main Guild Wars websire.
Mega Mouse
Would have been a good idea though
It tells of the fate of Orr straight from the main Guild Wars websire.
Mega Mouse
Would have been a good idea though
Guyz, there is already many posts like this, and also there is two HUGE Threads for discusing chapter 4. USE THE SEARCH FEATURE.