What exactly were the "Flame Seeker Profecies"



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

south mississippi

Warriors Of Melos WOM


Looking over the site and the web I cannot find anything but snippets about the "Flame Seeker Profecies". Even playing through the game gives no real concrete information on it. My question is what exactly were the Flame Seeker Profecies and who was the true Flame Seeker?

Mega Mouse

Shadow of Light

Shadow of Light

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006



Well, the Seer seems to link the destruction of the Mursaat with the Flameseeker Prophecies.

And Glint says some stuff about it too.

But the actual words of the prophecy? No idea.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Grind is subjective

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The Flameseeker Prophecies are pretty much fortelling the events of the Prophecies game--hence the name. Specifically, the Lich is the Flameseeker, and the Titans are the Flame.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

One of Many [ONE]

One of the "failings" of prophecies is that much of the story is scattered about in things you aren't pointed towards (I use quotes because in an RPG you really should read those things, but usually if not forced too most will not). If you press your "alt" key you will find some yellow text colored markers through the game, clicking on them will give you most of the flameseeker prophecies, while not the exact text you do get most of the story. To really get the most out of the story you have to go out of your way to talk to NPC's or click on tablets, obelisks, and other such things. The story is MUCH better this way and pretty much everything makes sense. There are still unfinished plot lines (as far as I know no one knows what happened to Ascalon after you left - unless Nightfall does the same thing and told what happened. I do know the fall of Orr had much more detail from a few quests and was quite interesting. Would love to see a campaign on the Charr, be neat to see some high level ones and in the end reveal Abaddon and the Titans ruse to them, that and telling the whole story of the Mursaat would end the two remaining main untold plot lines of Prophecies - Nightfall ended the biggest one).

Or, you could go to http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Flameseeker_Prophecies and start following links I rather suggest this one as you do not need to explore out of the way places and worry that you missed something. Also, after reading all of it, playing a new character through prophecies was a different experience story wise. I knew what all the events meant and which ones were important. After knowing the full story it is still my favorite, though Nightfall is a real close second.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Why don't villains who know about prophecies ever read the entire prophecy? I'm talking about the part after they become their most powerful and then get defeated by some force of good.

"Yield to the Sceptre! It worked! Just like the Prophecy said. It worked!" *consults script* "Now what do I do. Ok: Send the titans to Lion's Arch, Thunderhead Keep, Rin...what? I'm supposed to lose to these, these, humans??? That's not fair!!! I just got this power!!!"