How come you can buy insignias in Prophecies, but you can't put them on your armor?
I got insignias for my Knight's armor, but I can't put them on. What gives?
Rune traders are universal--evidently, they can't change what they offer depending on which continent they're on. I'm not sure why they didn't just make a seperate Insignia trader, but there you go.
So there's no way to apply insignias to my Knight's armor? I have all campaigns, and I've visited, and tried applying the insignias in Elona and Cantha.
you can only apply insignias to nightfall armor. any armor bought in proph or factions in un-insigniable (word?), aside from the insigniable FoW armor. your knight's armor has the older, built in insignias, knight's insignia if you want to compare.
the wiki is your friend...
the wiki is your friend...
Maria The Princess
its kinda lame, my guildie doesnt own NF, but he can still buy insignias from trader...
its kinda lame, my guildie doesnt own NF, but he can still buy insignias from trader...
That's so messed up.
You know what, that kind of sucks. Actually...that really sucks. If a person is new, and they're finally scraping some money together, how are they to know that their new armor can't hold the insignias like everyone elses can?
Don't say that they should be playing NF...because not everyone thinks about picking up the most recent expansion immediately. When I purchase games, sometimes i'll get the first title before the expansions to see if I even like it, rather than grab that + the expansions. And yeah, NF is standalone if you want it to be, but Prophecies has by far the most content for your money.
Don't say that they should be playing NF...because not everyone thinks about picking up the most recent expansion immediately. When I purchase games, sometimes i'll get the first title before the expansions to see if I even like it, rather than grab that + the expansions. And yeah, NF is standalone if you want it to be, but Prophecies has by far the most content for your money.
insigniable and uninsigniable ..... i like it
Originally Posted by Nickhimself
If a person is new, and they're finally scraping some money together,
**side note/rant** If you don't own NF or the newest campaign it shouldn't say NF or the newest campaign at the log in. just my beef....
This is not the suggestions forum. Question answered, so closed.