Nightfall Cinematic: What Happened?
As you all know *hopefully*, GWP and GWF has a CG intro Cinematic that is available for download from and it is also on your GW CD.
However, there was no such thing for Nightfall, it was merely an ingame intro for Elona.
After LOTS of searching and effort, I was able to come in contact with 3 of Anet Artists and got my hands on 3 rare, never before seen comic strips, which were draw simply as the scenario of the GWNF cinematic. Do you want to see them? Really?
Then here they are:
Enjoy them. Any opinions, suggestions, anything is welcome. Expand Upon this, maybe try to explain it, write a dialouge, screen play, anything is nice.
However, there was no such thing for Nightfall, it was merely an ingame intro for Elona.
After LOTS of searching and effort, I was able to come in contact with 3 of Anet Artists and got my hands on 3 rare, never before seen comic strips, which were draw simply as the scenario of the GWNF cinematic. Do you want to see them? Really?
Then here they are:
Enjoy them. Any opinions, suggestions, anything is welcome. Expand Upon this, maybe try to explain it, write a dialouge, screen play, anything is nice.
Angel Netherborn
Whoa, nice! Maybe it was designed to show the "You never fight alone" motto of the Sunspears as they rally and charge Varesh and Abaddon.
No offense, but why on earth would anyone care? I didn't even know about the other two cinematics. They have no impact on nor connection to the game, they're just advertising. Hell, they're not even good advertising since there's nothing in the game that looks like that. If the resources that might have been spent making a pretty movie were instead poured into the actual game then I say kudos to Anet for properly allocating resources.
I think that's pretty cool. Thanks for finding it.
Angel Netherborn
I care. And alot of other people were disappointed when Anet officially said that there won't be a cinematic for Nightfall. I for one loved the earlier two cinematics. And, uh, in case you don't realise, most cinematics released for any game usually don't show what the game looks like, that's why it's an advertisement.
Two April Mornings
Very nice. Very very nice.
A minute long Cinematic does not take that long, and does not eat up resources.
Secondly, both GWP and GWF cinematics matched everthing in GW (except the flail the executioner has). And if you had even looked at the lore originally posted on GW website, you would know where it came from.
Secondly, both GWP and GWF cinematics matched everthing in GW (except the flail the executioner has). And if you had even looked at the lore originally posted on GW website, you would know where it came from.
Also, a friend of mine and I are planning to make a flash/animation version of this, with our own scenario.
If anyone want to give us a hand with that and help write a scenario or start one in this thread, it would be appriciated by all.
And of course, we will need a premission from Anet, lol
If anyone want to give us a hand with that and help write a scenario or start one in this thread, it would be appriciated by all.
And of course, we will need a premission from Anet, lol
Actually I did wonder why there wasn't a true CG intro for Nightfall I thought we would have seen that before we saw the actual ingame vids. Maybe we should petition for this? Or ask Gaile. I would like to see a Nightfall one, because I do enjoy Guild Wars lore
. It shouldn't take too long for the team to make us a proper video. Would it?

Samuel Dravis
Interesting. I think this one and others were posted on, but I'm not sure where.
I only saw one of the pictures above on, in the nightfall post by Anet artists ( the bottom one to be more specific ). But they are quite interesting. And it really should not take THAT long, or eat up THAT much cash for them to make a CG cinematic.
Not willing to diminish your find, but these strips were published by the artists in the Concept Art forums as far back as December, 1 (2006), so I would say that "never before seen comic strips" is somewhat of an exagerration.
These particular strips are # 51 and 53 in this thread:
Much, much more cooler stuff there; the art is really amazing.
These particular strips are # 51 and 53 in this thread:
Much, much more cooler stuff there; the art is really amazing.
Cool stuff, I really wish there had been an intro for nightfall, I really enjoyed the previous 2.
Judging by the final panel, it was to be a teaser trailer, but obviously revealed too much info, therefore I surmise it was scrapped and there was no time to come up with a new one.
Oh, I just came up with a reason why it was scrapped:
In the pitures above, you seen Abaddon Rising from groud, while in the actual game, he is never sighted in the real world. So maybe a change in Lore forced them to scrap the cinematic, and they did not have time to work on a new one, otherwise they would have. Maybe NCSoft forced them to meet the dead line for release date, thats why.
In the pitures above, you seen Abaddon Rising from groud, while in the actual game, he is never sighted in the real world. So maybe a change in Lore forced them to scrap the cinematic, and they did not have time to work on a new one, otherwise they would have. Maybe NCSoft forced them to meet the dead line for release date, thats why.
LOL, and my OP was just to spice things up lol. But seriously, I need people here to come up with the story of how it should take place.
Fril Estelin
Thanks for sharing! Really beautiful storyboard, as always with GW. Reminds me that I have to take some time to go through the GW artbooks again. (you wish they could have graphics like their artwork!)
Makes me wonder if Anet could put together a scenario for a small movie presenting the 3 chapters together in a consistent way. Would be a nice way to promote GW!
Makes me wonder if Anet could put together a scenario for a small movie presenting the 3 chapters together in a consistent way. Would be a nice way to promote GW!
Sihaya Syme
I hope you get permission to make a flash cinematic, 'cause I love them ^_^ Thanks for posting the strips!
Ritualistic Spankin
I love comics, and I think those strips look awesome, woulda made a great CG Intro, however it might have given away too much storyline.
Giga Strike
they DID make one! sure it doesn't look like it would be as good as the factions cinematic but it looks cool.
Free Runner
Funny. When i see that first bit of artwork it makes me think the cinematic was supposed to show the war between Abaddons followers and the 5 true Gods followers before he was exiled to the Realm Of Torment. It would explain why Abaddon is above ground.
WOW, that Free Runner was actually the best explaination I have heard, with the exception of Varesh being there, since Abaddon was exiled 2000 years ago.
Free Runner
Originally Posted by Lord-UWR
WOW, that Free Runner was actually the best explaination I have heard, with the exception of Varesh being there, since Abaddon was exiled 2000 years ago.
I love the cinematics. I still watch the Factions one every once in a while...and usually more than just once at a time, it's just that good. It's one of the first things I show someone to get them interested in Guild Wars. I'm sure there was a good reason why one was not completed and their schedule is extremely busy, but a Nightfall cinematic would be awesome.
I'm going to watch the Factions one again, right now. At least twice.
I'm going to watch the Factions one again, right now. At least twice.
My Sweet Revenga
I for one thought the Factions CG cinematic was one of the best I've ever seen made for a game. It had a few inconsistencies with the actual game wich I suppose would be the reason it wasn't used as the intro to the game, but it got the gist of the story right. I find myself going back to watch it again once in a while just because it was so well done. A shame nightfall didn't have such a cinematic made. Was looking forward to it after seen what they did for the Factions one.
^I agree the Factions CG intro was amazing. It reminded me of Onimusha intros (specifically Onimusha 3) because of its epic length, and incredible fights. It really is a shame we didn't get the same treatment with Nightfall.
I do care and I dont. I rather play an excelllent game than having nice CG but not as good in-game like factions. No offense to anyone, Nightfall make alot of different in playing the game, creating a new style of playing in comparison to Factions. But since they have created NF a great game, probably they could come up the Cinematic opening of Nightfall for all the Guildwars fans out there to download (^_^).
Bleh. No big deal. They didn't make a cinematic.
They had other things that were in store for us, like Party Search, the Wintersday event, the Halloween event, etc.
They had other things that were in store for us, like Party Search, the Wintersday event, the Halloween event, etc.
^Agreed. Although a cinematic would have been cool, I'd rather take some new features to the game over a cinematic

However guyz, if you think about it, it would NOT take THAT long out of their schedule to make an appealing cinematic. Well does anyone think there is still a possibility of one even after so long has passed?
Omega X
They could have easily fished that out to a CG contractor. But It looked like it gave away too much of the story.
Gaile Gray
First the images were released on public forums, so no "special contacts" or extraordinary effort involved in this, other than cut/paste/submit post.
A minute long cinematic takes months, and can cost upwards of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Such are the realitities of the art form. The best explanation is simply that we chose to put our resources elsewhere, such as ...
I tend to agree.
Originally Posted by Lord-UWR
A minute long Cinematic does not take that long, and does not eat up resources.
Originally Posted by LifeInfusion
Bleh. No big deal. They didn't make a cinematic. They had other things that were in store for us, like Party Search, the Wintersday event, the Halloween event, etc.

You heard the Lady, there isn't and there won't be one, end of the story.
But it makes me wonder Gaile, am I allowed to make an alternative one just as a fan art?
Ok, I'll shut up now...
But it makes me wonder Gaile, am I allowed to make an alternative one just as a fan art?
Ok, I'll shut up now...
Gaile has spoken.
Everyone go home.
Thread over.
Everyone go home.
Thread over.
I bet those hundreds of thousands of dollars went straight to hire more programmers...