Guild Services or Money Pits?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

Black Nova Freelance Association


Our guild just recently purchased a skill trainer for our guild. The cost was 100k. As we were excited about being able to aquire new skills for our upper level characters, we were sadly dissappointed with the skills that is has to offer. (1) There are no skills avalible for the assasin, dervish, and paragon. If fact some professions you could not even fill a skill bar. (2) the description from the guild wiki about their benefits is vague at best. This is our guilds take on this if we have been to places that the skill trainer has skills that we can unlock such as [Dakk] the we should be able to purchase those skills at the guild hall. The rune trader offers all availible runes and insignias throughout the game, why not the skill trainer? and yet the rune trader costs 1/10th of what the skill trainer costs? Any reason for this? any answers for this would be greatly appreciated

Canadian Bacon

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Ontario, Canada

Kingdom of Tyria [KoT]

1) Skill trainers offer only the skills that you have unlocked on your account.

2) It's about balance. Skill selection can turn the tide of a fight far more effectively than runes, and for that reason, there's supposed to be sort of a logical flow of when you obtain them. Also, because skills are better than just raising attributes and such with the Rune Trader, they cost more. It makes sense.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

[wiki]Skill Trainer[/wiki]

The Guild Hall skill trainer is a skill trainer for all non-elite Core skills you have currently unlocked on your account, allowing your PvE character to learn Core skills which you have unlocked with Balthazar Faction or other PvE characters. You may also buy a Signet of Capture, letting you capture skills before you have done Malaquire's Test or encountered skill trainers with it. The skill trainer does not allow you to unlock new skills, it only makes it possible to buy unlocked skills.
I'd say that's pretty clear.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Your face

True Gods Of War [True]


Here is a list of useful merchants to get at your hall:

Xunlai Agent
Skill Trainer

That's pretty much it.

Those are the most used, and will keep you from spending 500k on NPC's you'll regret seeing.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005


Originally Posted by Nickhimself
Here is a list of useful merchants to get at your hall:

Xunlai Agent
Skill Trainer
you do realise he's complaining about one of the NPC's on your list, do you ?

skill trainer in GH is a big dissappointment, cause he only offers core skills. Any skilltrainer ingame, in any town, will beat him when it comes to amount of skills offered (unless you haven't unlocked anything on your account ...) cause they also offer the "chapter"-skills, next to the core skills.

there's no need for anything in your GH besides the xunlai agent realy



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


Defenders of the Blackblade [DotB]


We have a fully unlocked GH, I use the following the most:
Material Trader
Rare Material Trader

To be honoust I only use the Skill trainer for SoC's (if you have Nigthfall this is the only place where you can get a SoC prior to docks). Only NPCs I use less are the scroll trader and weaponsmith.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


Giggity Giggity Goo

you're not alone mate, i was pretty annoyed after i shelled out for a skill trainer. imo it would be much more useful and worthwhile (and not detrimental to the game) if all the skills were available similar to dakk at ember light camp but across all three campaigns. Would this be such a bad thing to enable? All it does is save people from going to three different continents. I suppose the argument is that they wouldn't have to actually play through the campaign concerned which is fair enough but perhaps anet could find a way to make the skills available only to those accounts which had finished each campaign.

Mesmer in Need

Mesmer in Need

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006


its basically just a soc replenisher, as many people have said.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Shyft Machine [MYTH]


100k is a little pricey just to get SoC from your guild hall. You could buy 100 SoCs from a town. and capture 100 elites with them.