I have a question. I have several skills that i use that give -1 health degen for a while then do something else.
Do these stack? That is, if I personally have already put -1 health degen on a particular foe with one spell, if I use the second spell, will he then have -2 health degen? If I then use another spell that puts on -5 health degen, will he then have -7?
and if both *I* and my teammate put the -5 on him at the same time, will he have -10? (which I understand is the max effective degen)
-1 health regen - stacking from skills?
If you use different skills that cause Health Degen, then yes, they stack. But if you and a friend both use the same degen skill, ie both put Parasitic Bond on a target, it will only count the copy that was cast last.
degen cannot stack behond 10 though, so if you put 15 degen on one target, he'll only get 10. However, if the target then uses a regen skill like, for example, feigned neutrality, he'll end up with 8 degen (15-7).
talon is right about the multiple copies, do take into account however that when 2 people cast stuff like life syphon on a target, both will get +3 regen, but the target will only suffer the -3 degen once (and not -6 degen)
talon is right about the multiple copies, do take into account however that when 2 people cast stuff like life syphon on a target, both will get +3 regen, but the target will only suffer the -3 degen once (and not -6 degen)
I Phoenix I
That's why you want to try not to use the same Hex on the same target more than once. Also, in Hex builds, most people run only 1 or 2 copies of the same Hex because of the non-stacking effect.
Thanks guys. Now here's another thing I haven't been able to verify:
What if you do put the same hex on the same guy twice.... Say your hex lasts 20 seconds and you put it on and then reapply it 17 seconds later.
Does it restart the timer, thus having the hex on him for a total of 37 seconds, or does it say "sorry, you already did that" thus having the hex on him for a total of 20 seconds (from the first time only)?
Also, I'm pretty sure I know the answer here, but... If you have a hex spell that benefits the caster when the hex ends (such as Parasitic Bond or Reaper's Mark), if you cast it, then recast it while the first one is still going, then you don't get the benefit twice, right? I mean, it must be that way; otherwise you could sit there and spam Parasitic Bond, for example, on one person as fast as you could cast it, and keep your health at 100% as all the casts ended.
So correct me if I'm wrong on that. BUT, my question here relates to my first question about the recast timing: If the new spell replaces the old one/renews the hex length, do you get the benefit (such as the heal in Parasitic Bond) when the FIRST cast ends, or when the FINAL cast ends (ie when the hex truly comes off him)?
If nobody knows, I'll just find a buddy to pvp experiment on and I'll post it here; I am normally a PVE-only loner player so I just haven't hooked up with anyone who could report back to me on that.
Thanks for your help.
What if you do put the same hex on the same guy twice.... Say your hex lasts 20 seconds and you put it on and then reapply it 17 seconds later.
Does it restart the timer, thus having the hex on him for a total of 37 seconds, or does it say "sorry, you already did that" thus having the hex on him for a total of 20 seconds (from the first time only)?
Also, I'm pretty sure I know the answer here, but... If you have a hex spell that benefits the caster when the hex ends (such as Parasitic Bond or Reaper's Mark), if you cast it, then recast it while the first one is still going, then you don't get the benefit twice, right? I mean, it must be that way; otherwise you could sit there and spam Parasitic Bond, for example, on one person as fast as you could cast it, and keep your health at 100% as all the casts ended.
So correct me if I'm wrong on that. BUT, my question here relates to my first question about the recast timing: If the new spell replaces the old one/renews the hex length, do you get the benefit (such as the heal in Parasitic Bond) when the FIRST cast ends, or when the FINAL cast ends (ie when the hex truly comes off him)?
If nobody knows, I'll just find a buddy to pvp experiment on and I'll post it here; I am normally a PVE-only loner player so I just haven't hooked up with anyone who could report back to me on that.
Thanks for your help.
The second casting replaces the first one, restarting the timer for the spell and not triggering the "when ends" effect.
It gets reapplied for the full duration.
It ignores the first hex completely, it will not trigger any effect it should have on ending ( like parasitic bond, casting it twice on the same target will just reset the 20 sec timer on it, and it won't heal you )
It ignores the first hex completely, it will not trigger any effect it should have on ending ( like parasitic bond, casting it twice on the same target will just reset the 20 sec timer on it, and it won't heal you )