


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007



Can someone give me some basic info about the paragon class, and what proffesion combinations work the best?

Thanks in andvance



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

Paragons can cause lots of conditions (Anthem of Flame, Barbed Spear, etc). They have an interrupt which is condition-based also.

They use shouts (like warriors) and chants to help heal/protect the party, rid and prevent conditions and hexes, and increase damage.

They are ranged attackers (spear) and many skills rely on adrenaline, like a warrior. Therefore, paragons do not have a lot of energy, nor do they need a lot.

A good secondary for a paragon is almost anything; but I think warrior or ranger is a good choice. (I made mine P/R because I'd like the option to bring her to Tombs; plus I wanted a rat pet for one of my characters. )

Ritualistic Spankin

Ritualistic Spankin

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006

If you use a Warrior/Ranger secondary you have a great setup for a runner. One thing to note is that if going P/W most of the run skills between the two classes are shouts, meaning they will cancel each other.

If using a P/R you have some stances to throw in.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007



So the paragon in general can be a runner (I'm not really interested in this side of the paragon), a dmg inflicter (this seems like an appealling side to me) or a buffer who gives partymembers, or himself, an advantage in combat (I like this side just as much as the dmg side)


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006



they shine as team buffers . fun and relaxed playstyle too


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006



they shine as team buffers . fun and relaxed playstyle too



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Jul 2005

The Eyes of Texas [BEVO]


Check out the entire section on Paragons in the Campfire section.

Regarding combinations, the /Warrior secondary by far has the best synergy with a Paragon class, due to both of them using Shouts.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by Ritualistic Spankin
One thing to note is that if going P/W most of the run skills between the two classes are shouts, meaning they will cancel each other.
Shouts don't cancel each other, stances do.

I Phoenix I

I Phoenix I

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2007

The Elite Lords of Chaos [LoC]


I would go Paragon/Warrior and dig into the Tactics line of the Warrior a bit for protective shouts like [skill]"Watch Yourself!"[/skill] and [skill]"Shields Up!"[/skill]. Also, there's [skill]Healing Signet[/skill] if you ever need it, as Paragons are meh on the self-heal part.

Crom The Pale

Crom The Pale

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2006

Ageis Ascending


I am currently running a Paragon/Ranger and its working out very nicely.

One great combination is using the shout "Stand Your Ground!" and laying traps at your feet. Flag your Hero monks/casters next to you and youve got a perfect trap + protection for them.

Another thing with P/R is that you can use apply poison to your spear and inflict multiple conditions with one shot. In fact using Anthem of Flame before Barbed Throw while apply poison is active lets you inflice burning, bleeding and poison in one attack.

Lastly with any paragon build you must keep in mind your party make up. Shouts that increase damage often work off of attack skills and will have little or no effect on casters. Shouts that grant energy or healing when casting a spell will do nothing for wars, rangers or other paragons.