There Should Be Something To Prevent This
Vinnitos Pazria
One of the officers in my guild kicked just about all my members out and then left the guild himself. Most of the people weren't inactive either, only 2 not being on for a week or less. It put a dagger in my guild be cause we went from over 30 members to maybe 15 now. There should be a way to prevent this from happening I say.
amish lifeguard
Re-invite them.
The only way to prevent it is to not create any officers.
Maria The Princess
or dont promote to officer those who are not trustworthy
I know this won't stop it from happening, but what I do is take screen shots of the guild roster every so often in case of some event so I can re-invite people back if need be. Thankful this has never happened to our guild.
The guild status lists who was kicked as well - just depends how long the list of people is I guess.
Vinnitos Pazria
I know, just wish there was a way to assign powers to certain officers and what not. Kind of sucks too because I think it almost could have been prevented. The day it happened was the day I was about to knock him down ot a member too. I was going to re-order my officers and he wouldn't be one and I was going to demote everyone the night before, but I was too late.
Hell Raiser
All you can do is be careful who you promote. You say you were about to demote him, emotion can run high in guild wars, especially in guilds, just don't hesitate to kick him or demote him if someone in the guild is insulting/arguing with him or he is doing/saying something that could offend someone in the guild, if he gets angry and does not have self-control I'm sure he wont hesitate to really hurt the guild.
Cow Tale
that sucks, find a way to hack his bank account and really make him sorry.
That sucks, sad to hear how some ppl abuse their gained trust in them...
Tark Alkerk
there is nothing that anet can really do, you just have to be careful of of who you promote and who you invite into your guild.
jerks for the lose.
jerks for the lose.
Vahn Roi
There is no way to prevent the abuse of power in guilds. I myself was trolled by an officer in my guild in GC, and then kicked by the same officer for acknowledging it.
Acidic Won
Originally Posted by Cow Tale
that sucks, find a way to hack his bank account and really make him sorry.
Vinnitos Pazria
Originally Posted by Hell Raiser
All you can do is be careful who you promote. You say you were about to demote him, emotion can run high in guild wars, especially in guilds, just don't hesitate to kick him or demote him if someone in the guild is insulting/arguing with him or he is doing/saying something that could offend someone in the guild, if he gets angry and does not have self-control I'm sure he wont hesitate to really hurt the guild.
Maybe not a kick, but a demotion. I may be wrong, but I see that the person you promoted wasn't mature enough, or had something happening to him that led him to this (knowing the average player in the game, it's probably the first... O_o). When such things happen, try to talk to the officer, meet up with the others or people that are on a lot and see what they think about the situation. Can't hurt do do a little investigation at times. But in the end, it remains your decision. Just make sure your other officers won't make him an officer back if you demote him... but if he's the average player he'll just leave after.
Originally Posted by Kusandaa
Maybe not a kick, but a demotion.
*snip* Just make sure your other officers won't make him an officer back if you demote him... but if he's the average player he'll just leave after. |
But of course like others have said, do not promote anyone--ANYONE--who you would not trust in the leader's position. If anything happens and you do not log on for a certain amount of time, one of your officers will be auto-promoted to leader.
Our officers were promoted based on their nature and their strong character; not seniority, not their GW gold, not their PvP rank. And current officers must be unanimous in deciding to promote. And I trust them ALL implicitly.
Trust your instincts first and don't ever allow emotional pleas to be promoted sway you. When a guildie had expressed interest in being an officer, and I promoted someone else, he left angrily; I knew at that moment I'd made the right choice. Subsequent news (he's still in our alliance) has confirmed this, that that person was never going to be right for the position.
Our officers were promoted based on their nature and their strong character; not seniority, not their GW gold, not their PvP rank. And current officers must be unanimous in deciding to promote. And I trust them ALL implicitly.< said by Sofonisba
this is exactly the same attitude and stance i take in my guild in promoting officers. it couldnt have been put any other way. BTW, all my officers have surpassed at least one year in their current position.
this is exactly the same attitude and stance i take in my guild in promoting officers. it couldnt have been put any other way. BTW, all my officers have surpassed at least one year in their current position.

Kuldebar Valiturus
There's no feasible way to prevent this kind of thing without causing other limitations that could also be detrimental to a guild.
Also, I see way too many guilds hand out officer positions as recruiting incentives, so that would be one thing to avoid, lol.
But, obviously, the answer is to only make officers of tried and true players
Also, I see way too many guilds hand out officer positions as recruiting incentives, so that would be one thing to avoid, lol.
But, obviously, the answer is to only make officers of tried and true players
Rodhin Kinning
Originally Posted by Sofonisba
It's probably rather humiliating to be demoted from officer unless one requests to be demoted. He would have left if you did that. It's almost better just to /kick if you can't get the person to communicate with you.
But of course like others have said, do not promote anyone--ANYONE--who you would not trust in the leader's position. If anything happens and you do not log on for a certain amount of time, one of your officers will be auto-promoted to leader. Our officers were promoted based on their nature and their strong character; not seniority, not their GW gold, not their PvP rank. And current officers must be unanimous in deciding to promote. And I trust them ALL implicitly. Trust your instincts first and don't ever allow emotional pleas to be promoted sway you. When a guildie had expressed interest in being an officer, and I promoted someone else, he left angrily; I knew at that moment I'd made the right choice. Subsequent news (he's still in our alliance) has confirmed this, that that person was never going to be right for the position. |

Everyone in my guild is an officer - I'm the only one that can kick. Problem solved.
Heh, I more or less know how to phrase this, I've been redoing this post for half an hour now...
But my point in demotion was that it would at least taught him that such thing was unacceptable for an officer. If he's not suited to be one, he's NOT suited to be one, period. Sometimes you have to stop being the friend and take your dad/mom voice and say "I didn't promote you officer to let this happen. I'll demote you because this is what I feel is right for my guild, but you won't get kicked until we talked this issue over."
Of course the average player will take it as "he doesn't trust me anymore therefore he doesn't like me therefore I'll quit!" rather than "he's right, I've done something bad here..." but if he reacts as the first, I say he wasn't suited to be an officer.
Little story on demotion: A short while ago, we had an officer asking to be demoted because he hadn't been very active due to IRL things; the leader gave him the go, he stayed as a member for a few days, then left to make his own guild, who joined our alliance to stay in touch. They're two members (a guildie followed him) and those two are coming back after the school year. The leader then found another officer, someone who we completely trust and won't have troubles with (grats on promotion BTW - I know he's on guru =P).
As for the guy coming back as an officer, I don't know. But IMHO being an officer also implies that you can accept the fact you're NOT suited anymore...
Sorry if it didn't make sense, I get too many ideas at times =.=
But my point in demotion was that it would at least taught him that such thing was unacceptable for an officer. If he's not suited to be one, he's NOT suited to be one, period. Sometimes you have to stop being the friend and take your dad/mom voice and say "I didn't promote you officer to let this happen. I'll demote you because this is what I feel is right for my guild, but you won't get kicked until we talked this issue over."
Of course the average player will take it as "he doesn't trust me anymore therefore he doesn't like me therefore I'll quit!" rather than "he's right, I've done something bad here..." but if he reacts as the first, I say he wasn't suited to be an officer.
Little story on demotion: A short while ago, we had an officer asking to be demoted because he hadn't been very active due to IRL things; the leader gave him the go, he stayed as a member for a few days, then left to make his own guild, who joined our alliance to stay in touch. They're two members (a guildie followed him) and those two are coming back after the school year. The leader then found another officer, someone who we completely trust and won't have troubles with (grats on promotion BTW - I know he's on guru =P).
As for the guy coming back as an officer, I don't know. But IMHO being an officer also implies that you can accept the fact you're NOT suited anymore...
Sorry if it didn't make sense, I get too many ideas at times =.=
Nymph of Meliai
I am the same as cellardweller - everyone is an officer means everyone can recruit and nobody can kick but me. Only one trouble with all officer guilds and that is everyone can do gvg - if you have a lot of newish players this can destroy your rank if you care about it. But if you are like us and just out there to have fun and not take things that seriously then it is fine.
I sometimes put trustworthy guildies as leader if I have some rl things to take care of but they are always people who have been members a long time and I can trust
I sometimes put trustworthy guildies as leader if I have some rl things to take care of but they are always people who have been members a long time and I can trust
There's no need for privilege-giving to officers. Officers should only be promoted if they're trusted enough with the people's's why guilds that operate under "first 5 that join are officers" never work out
sucks man. I saw it happen to a guild I join back in the Summer on Nightfall. I was a Level 8 Warrior/Necromancer, and I joined this one guild, and I was made a officer along with this one guy. The Guy kicked everyone, and I mean Everyone in the guild Expect for us of course, then he left, but he sucked up to the leader before hand, and said I (me) threated him to do it, even though I never did then I got kicked..
I know how it feels a bit..
Just take a pic of the roster and re-invte them..
sucks man. I saw it happen to a guild I join back in the Summer on Nightfall. I was a Level 8 Warrior/Necromancer, and I joined this one guild, and I was made a officer along with this one guy. The Guy kicked everyone, and I mean Everyone in the guild Expect for us of course, then he left, but he sucked up to the leader before hand, and said I (me) threated him to do it, even though I never did then I got kicked..
I know how it feels a bit..
Just take a pic of the roster and re-invte them..
There is something to prevent this.. it's called good judgment and common sense. You should only make friends or trusted players have any kind of privilege in your guild.
Anet cant hold your hand all the way through the game. Learn your lesson and re-invite your members.
Anet cant hold your hand all the way through the game. Learn your lesson and re-invite your members.
I know the responses I will get right off the top... Watch who you promote, but the first time this happened to me I was careless, never knew something like this would happen in a game created for fun, when it happened I was amazed. My Guild [REA] worked together and got the Guild twice the size it was before the Sabotage incident. About 2 months later, an Officer who was getting into trouble; got demoted, but all my officers were not on at the time. He went to each Officer asking to be promoted again saying - I said it was OK, until he found one that did promote him. He imeddiatly kicked out 45ppl from Our Guild. There was no way for my officers to demote him; all they could do is invite the ppl back as soon as he kicked them out. I immediately wrote to A-Net, there response was quick and skillful. However, I can not get the point accross to A-Net, that the Guild Leaders should be able to appoint privledges to certain Officers such as being able to kick ppl out, Promote, and Demote. I am happy to say we have rebuild again to 97members and the same officers we had before the Second Sabotage, and about 1/2 the Original Officers.
My Learning Lesson was... I hold Bi-Weekly Officer meetings and Daily Communications with any and all members that are on while I am on.
Members muct be part of the Guild at least 1 month and participate in ALL [REA] events to have a chance to become an Officer (If a spot is even available)
50% of the Officers must give there approval for someone to become an officer....
BTW please forgive my spelling... As my Guild knows I AM a Horrible Speller
My Learning Lesson was... I hold Bi-Weekly Officer meetings and Daily Communications with any and all members that are on while I am on.
Members muct be part of the Guild at least 1 month and participate in ALL [REA] events to have a chance to become an Officer (If a spot is even available)
50% of the Officers must give there approval for someone to become an officer....
BTW please forgive my spelling... As my Guild knows I AM a Horrible Speller