OK, I used to think that piercing damage meant armor penetration, until 5 minutes ago when I read the article on GuildWiki. GuildWiki states that it does [B]NOT[B] mean armor penetration, but it does not explain the difference between the two.
Can someone shed some light on the difference between the 2?
Slashing and Piercing Damage
Both are forms of physical damage. An opponent may have protection from one or weakness to one. For example:
notice the bonelace armor.
notice the bonelace armor.
OK, so aside from the enemies armor protection, there is no difference?
Nope, it's kind of like cold damage versus chaos damage. It's just another form of damage.
Franco Power
The only difference is this skill can make you useless if you have piercing dmg
[skill]"Shields Up!"[/skill]
[skill]"Shields Up!"[/skill]
And since NF there's also Bladeturn Refrain to counter Slashing Damage, but afaik it hasn't seen THAT much play yet.
I Phoenix I
Geoffer's Bulwark, which may or may not be common now (was a while ago due to Ranger Spike) gives +10 vs Piercing damage.
Piercing Damage comes from:
some Daggers, Bows, Spears, some Axes, some Hammers
Slashing Damage comes from:
most Swords, most Axes, some Daggers, Scythes
Piercing Damage comes from:
some Daggers, Bows, Spears, some Axes, some Hammers
Slashing Damage comes from:
most Swords, most Axes, some Daggers, Scythes
Originally Posted by I Phoenix I
Geoffer's Bulwark, which may or may not be common now (was a while ago due to Ranger Spike) gives +10 vs Slashing damage.
Slashing damage: most swords, most axes, most pets, some daggers, all scythes.
Piercing damage: Pickaxe-style axes, Colossal Pick (a hammer), Dune Lizard and Black Widow pets, some daggers (more than Slashing), all spears, Spike Trap and Barbed Trap.
Blunt damage: Jitte (a sword), most hammers.
I Phoenix I
Woopz, sorry about the +10 slashing/piercing thing, I was thinking of something else...lol
Anyways, listen to Savio lol.
Anyways, listen to Savio lol.
Piercing and Slashing damage are both typre of physical damage. The only Difference is the type of weapon they are on. Bow's arrows, some daggers, pointed axes... all do piercing because they all come to a point and have no real blade. Whereas swords, most axes, scythes, some daggers... all have a bladed edge to them.
Ah...now I understand. Thanks for the help everyone!