Farming Korr (Korr's Focus)

Zargos Blarkslore

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

the Merry Jichaels


What is it with this guy I've killed him 12 times and no 'Korr's focus' drop.
I've disscussed with othes and they said they did it with full henchie build but I just can't seem to get this artifact that I so rightly deserve with all my hard work.

I can't solo since I only have one 20 pyro and 1 lvl 8 derv..

+ P.S> I can't afford it right now, so I'm trying to earn it the hard way, but to no avail ..

Any suggestions?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


#1 try reading up in the farming forum - lots of tips.

#2 12 times with a group of henchies is nothing. Even solo you'll have close to 1 in 20 odds.

#3 Rightly deserve? Riiiiiight. =)



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


its all a matter of luck. you could kill him 100 times and get nothing. someone else could kill him once with full hench and have it drop for them. thats all there is to it.

had a similar thread here a couple of days ago. check it out:

Zargos Blarkslore

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

the Merry Jichaels


thanks fo the help D j Monk ..Relevant help..
I'm now on my 37th run...going to give up soon though and save up to buy .
I would've prefered to obtain it my-self, but what ev's '''them's the breaks''' ............(my back from farming)..............

Star Naiad

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

heheh i could help you get it.. contact me in the game in 4 hours from now that is 7PM eastern time.. ID is Star Naiad



The 5th Celestial Boss

Join Date: Jul 2006

Inverness, Scotland

The Cult of Scaro [WHO]


Originally Posted by Mournblade
#2 12 times with a group of henchies is nothing. Even solo you'll have close to 1 in 20 odds.
I must have killed over 150 bosses last weekend skill capping...I got one green... Happily enough it was Rajazan's Fervor and I wasn't even trying to get his skill I just kinda thought "Well, the chances are slim but while I'm here..." I tried thinking that for the next boss I killed but it didn't work again >.<

So yea, with 7 hench you probably want to be aiming for more than 12 attempts.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Often, it's better to farm stuff that your character can farm well and earn money to buy the items you want. I remember back when the Icy Dragon Sword came out, the price went down to 20k after a few days. Yet, many people who could not solo farm for it kept trying in large groups for hours and days trying to get one. It would have been easily obtained by solo farming normal enemies such as trolls and selling the junk items obtained.