I apologize if this has been suggested before, any searches I performed yielded no relevant results. It's an idea I've had for several months, but never had the chance to put it out there and this is my first suggestion

There are a lot of people complaining that they've never had the opportunity to obtain the Survivor title track on characters created before titles were introduced. I have this problem, too. There are people demanding for some form of compensation, but I don't think anybody has come up with a viable solution yet.
This is where my idea comes in. You'll get this title based on how many deaths you have suffered. The point is to have something to make up for your inability to acquire the survivor title. So, if you've worked on a survivor character and you lose the title, this'll make up for it.
I think it's a better idea than some other suggestions.
People shouldn't be allowed to have both this and the Survivor title tracks. It just wouldn't make any sense, plus, there'd be people trying to get both titles at once by obtaining survivor then dying. So, you should only have one, or the other.
Of course, it needs to be tweaked around, maybe lower the required deaths, maybe change how it works or maybe someone has a better idea for a title name. So, please give me some feedback on this.
Anyway, on to the main part of my post.
You receive the title track after 50 deaths.
Requirement: - 100 deaths
Comments: - The idea behind putting this at level one was, that while stuntmen do take risks, they usually take safety precautions. Unless you're talking about old-style martial arts movies

Requirement: - 500 deaths
Comments: - Just your average Risktaker. The usual ol' person who mixes soda with pop rocks.
Courageous Risktaker
Requirement: - 700 deaths
Comments: - More fearless than your average Risktaker.
Insane Risktaker
Requirement: - 1000 deaths
Comments: - Someone who would perform stunts and tricks without any safety gear. In Guild Wars terms, being naked when rushing into battle.
Maniacal Risktaker
Requirement: - 1500 deaths
Comments: - "Maniacal Risktaker" sounds like a higher level of crazy than "Insane Risktaker", don't you think?
Suicidal Risktaker
Requirement: - 2500 deaths
Comments: - The kind of person who would douse themselves in gasoline and then play with fire. Or, rush into a group of Mursaat without wearing any armor at all.
Well, I think the title names are pretty much in order, from the mildest risktaker to the most severe risktaker. I'm sure the some of the first characters people used to learn how to play racked up quite a few deaths, so they'll have a head start on newer characters.
I understand that there's going to be a problem with PUGs willing to pick up players who display this title. However, I think that there is plenty to make up for this.
- It's another title to help you on your way to Kind Of A Big Deal.
- Characters that died before titles were introduced will have something to compensate for not being able to obtain Survivor.
- ANet doesn't have to unbalance things to accommodate to non-survivors. Think about it, if you got Survivor the old-fashioned way, then ANet decides to make achieving survivor easier (which is doubtful, anyway), wouldn't you be pissed?
- Did you lose your Survivor title mid-way through? You don't need to lose the time you put into your character by remaking.
- Pretty much anybody can get this title. You don't have to be incredibly rich or incredibly resourceful. Just by playing normally and not even trying to get it. I'm sure that novices would be better at this than veterans, It gives them a chance.
Also, just don't display the title if you're looking to get into a PUG, or just group with guildies

I intend for this to compensate those without the survivor title track.
I'd like some of your opinions.