Alliance Questions?


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006



I'm pretty new to the whole Alliance format for guilds and I don't see any forums that address Alliances. So...can anyone tell me what are the advantages of joining an alliance? If you are a member of an alliance, do you still have control or your guild? Can you leave the alliance at any time. Are there any disadvantages of joining an alliance? Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on this.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Anchorage Alaska

Haz Team [HT]


Basically Alliances are a way to allow for more friends to communicate in multi guilds. Well that's how We use Ours I should say...

There is the Alliance farming function that is in GW Factions, for controlling Kurzick and Luxon Towns, and ultimately access to the Factions Elite missions by being the best alliances of both sides and having control of the capitals.

Beyond that the alliance allows for 10 guilds to be linked together and share resources, Like guild halls and services, and have ability to get more friends to pull from for missions or PvP party formations.

You retain control of your Guilds and can leave an alliance at any time. But be aware that joining an alliance costs the alliance leader some gold, so if you leave often they may not let you back in later.

The alliance leader is the only one that can KICK your guild out. But as I said you can leave at any time if you are that guilds leader.

Being in an alliance means that you can go to each others guild halls free of charge(no guest fee), so its a common rule of thumb to try to have as many guilds with all different halls in an alliance. Then you can practice in each freely.

It is also a common that the Alliance Leader Guild Hall has all the guild services. Now this is not a rule or anything just makes since to have it that way. Then each guild after that adds what they want as they can afford too. IF they want too.

Some alliances has a required alliance faction to be maintained. IE 100000 a week per guild or something like that (depends on the alliance goals)... This is to maintain the control of towns over time since this faction degenerates. And to ensure the alliance is active with members from each guild in it contributing.

The other important factor is the Alliance sides. Luxon and Kurzick, (and maybe soon Corsair from Nightfall). Currently the only places to do this is in Factions. House Zu Heltzer, and Cavalon... You need have your guild leader pledge loyalty to either faction THEN you may join an alliance of the same allegiance. There is not way to create an alliance in Nightfall as of yet. However If your Guild Leader owns Factions they can do the necessary tasks to either join or create an alliance from there.

Nightfall only owners may or may not have access to the alliance battlefields from their Guild halls. My instinct tells me NOT; I know people from Prophecies only did not, BUT I'm not sure in Nightfalls case.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
The other important factor is the Alliance sides. Luxon and Kurzick, (and maybe soon Corsair from Nightfall).
Who in the what now? Where have I been? Corsairs??? Never heard of this development!

We had a close-knit group of three guilds, some common friends amongst us (leaders and officers of the guilds) who had been playing together for a long while, it was only natural to ally with them. We never planned to own a town or faction farm too much; we only allied for friendship's sake. Technically the combination of faction donation from each of the member guilds is the primary reason ANet created alliances.

[If only one could see the alliance roster (ie who's online/away), it would really really help out w/ the ol' friends list that I keep having to rearrange!]