So what ever happened to reconnects?
I just spent a while fighting from one end of a map to the other, to a town that was new to that character. And what happens when I'm going into the town? Disconnect. A message pops up asking if I'd like to recoonect and I say 'yes'. Then I get an error code back to sign in screen. Then I have no option to reconnect and am back at the previous what's the deal?
Depending on the nature disconnect and possibly other factors I am unaware of it is not guaranteed to work 100% of the time. From my experience - most of the time it does.
The reconnect doesn't work in towns. Sounds like it got confused about whether you were in or out and then decided you were in, but you hadn't entered completely so put you back to last town.
I've now confused myself.
I've now confused myself.
Smile Like Umean It
LOL. I think I understood that.
I think...
I think...
yea the reconnect function is an instance spawn. It could not possibly work for a town as that is handled differently by the game client software. The instance reconnect even works if your alone (With heroes or henchmen) in an instance. I have even reconnected into alliance battles. But unfortunately the crash must have happened before the town GAMEID was loaded into your profile. Thus the Map bip didn't show up. I have had this exact thing happen before and it spawned me back at my starting town, BUT the map bip was on my map for the next town. So I guess its just a matter of when the crash happened, as to if it allows it to count for map progression...
Just out of curiosity was it a town that had a Cutscene first on entering?
Just out of curiosity was it a town that had a Cutscene first on entering?
This is probably an issue caused by the broken portal bug that has been running rampant lately. You got err 7'ed by the gate bug, then attempted to reconnect, but the bug probably messed up the reconnect attempt, since the last place you were was inside the portal; however, the bug may have prevented the game from recognizing that you actually reached the town, and it tried to stick you back into the transition.
In other words, it's not reconnects that are bugged, its the portals being bugged that are causing this problem.
In other words, it's not reconnects that are bugged, its the portals being bugged that are causing this problem.
when u zone a portal reconnect system wont work-
and if it is ur connection that makes u err7 u cant reconnect.
and if it is ur connection that makes u err7 u cant reconnect.
I think it's somethig else, here.
Disconnects are usually due to trouble between your computer and the Anet servers (your ISP provider). So, if you get disconnected, wait a bit first until your connection is reestablished. Minimize, run firefox and open a webpage, and when it works, only then reconnect. Otherwise the computer will just try to connect, with the connection still interrupted, fail to connect to Anet at all, and fail.
Disconnects are usually due to trouble between your computer and the Anet servers (your ISP provider). So, if you get disconnected, wait a bit first until your connection is reestablished. Minimize, run firefox and open a webpage, and when it works, only then reconnect. Otherwise the computer will just try to connect, with the connection still interrupted, fail to connect to Anet at all, and fail.
Wrath Of Dragons
You cant reconnect if you DC while zoning
well..lately, when ever i zone, my thingy stays on 0%..5mins later i get error7.
2day, i zone and get erro7 straight away.
but before all this started the reconects was working fine for me.
2day, i zone and get erro7 straight away.
but before all this started the reconects was working fine for me.
I must have been lucky on Monday night. Lost connection to the server 3 times on Nundu Bay. Each time, it asked me if I wanted to reconnect. I came back right to the same spot. Of course, once during a battle. How a group of heros/hench aggro'd someone while I was "out" I'll never know.
I have to agree with DRGN. I have been Dconned when entering several towns only to have been warped back to where I started from when the Reconnect failed. Logging back in and opening the map tells me that I did indeed reach the new town and I have no problem warping to it. Fixing the portal bug that was there has apperently created even worse bugs. Maybe they need to just unfix whatever they did.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse