I have been thinking about this for some time.....and have not been able to find a reason for it.
There are currently 3 ways to use images in threads
1 put the image directly in the thread requiring the user to have another website from which to post from---image is viewable in the thread.
2 image hosting....requiring the user to post on another thread/site and then link to the guru thread---link clickable by anyone viewing thread.
3 adding an attachment which ONLY LOGGED IN USERS can view.
now I have a problem with 3 since I have no outside website and loathe imageshack type sites ---I dont like the spam they use, I have no choice if I wish to post an image.....but this isnt very fair as only logged in users can view these images while anyone can view the other 2 (the first being the easiest since the images are already imbedded in the thread).
I ask why?
Why cant we all have the same image imbedment/access?
why does one need to log in to see images posted as 3?
If this is the incorrect forum, I would really appreciate if I would at least get an answer from an admin about my questions.
my site feedback.....make all images the same type or access to them equal (no loggin in necessary).
It doesn't take that long to sign up. And of course, signing up gets benefits in itself, why shouldn't it be that way? The game is about encouraging people to sign up and post, not to lurk
You'll find that the attachment situation is usually this way on most VB boards... So for what compelling reason would we want to give unregistered viewers more perks? At least they can view the forums
I really don't have a problem with requiring someone to take 5 minutes to sign up and log in. Call me immoral but that's the way I see it.
You'll find that the attachment situation is usually this way on most VB boards... So for what compelling reason would we want to give unregistered viewers more perks? At least they can view the forums
I really don't have a problem with requiring someone to take 5 minutes to sign up and log in. Call me immoral but that's the way I see it.
Well cosyfiep, never had this question come up before actually. It's a setting in VBulletin I know, but I've never thought to turn that on before. As some of what Lasareth stated above, it does give people an incentive to sign up. Which is even more helpful for them as then the ads and intelltxt are turned off for them in the forums as well. I don't think we'll be changing it for right now though as this hasn't been a common complaint and could even be saving some resources for registered users (though don't quote me on that as I'd have to ask our server admin.)
Malice Black
I'm pretty much computer retarded and have never posted a pic because I don't know how but I agree with Las and say let the lurkers suffer..they don't contribute anything so why should they have all the benefits we do??
Kuldebar Valiturus
Ya, it's reasonable for a forum site to have some limitations on a non-registered lurker.
IMO, Guru's policy is vastly superior to GWOnline's policy of REQUIRING a person to be signed in just to view a post. Of course, that's not the only silly policy they have in place over there, outside site linking, mentioning GW-Wiki, etc
IMO, Guru's policy is vastly superior to GWOnline's policy of REQUIRING a person to be signed in just to view a post. Of course, that's not the only silly policy they have in place over there, outside site linking, mentioning GW-Wiki, etc
lurkers and people with slow connections
I dont often sign in, it DOES take more than 5 minutes for me to do that,
and I get to see all the pics from others without having to sign in, only those of us with out an external 'warehouse' are excluded..... I can easily just look thru the screenshot threads and see what people are doing.....even after I sign in, clicking on those images and waiting for guru to update (sometimes I just get the white screen of death) does take toooooo long.....its not fair to those of us who dont have the resources. it hinders others from commenting on your photos (if you dont believe me, then just take a few minutes to look thru the screen shot thread for the different characters and notice how often people comment on the photos that are there and NOT on the ones they have to click (and sign in) to see......obviously people who are commenting are logged in, its just easier for them to NOT click (and wait while the image updates, if it does).....
I feel that there should be NO images.....that we should all be on equal grounds.....then see what people have to say.
for me, my snail dsl and guru lag just make it tooo dang hard sometimes to click on guru links (imageshack is faster, and I get 5 ads with theirs )......
I dont often sign in, it DOES take more than 5 minutes for me to do that,
and I get to see all the pics from others without having to sign in, only those of us with out an external 'warehouse' are excluded..... I can easily just look thru the screenshot threads and see what people are doing.....even after I sign in, clicking on those images and waiting for guru to update (sometimes I just get the white screen of death) does take toooooo long.....its not fair to those of us who dont have the resources. it hinders others from commenting on your photos (if you dont believe me, then just take a few minutes to look thru the screen shot thread for the different characters and notice how often people comment on the photos that are there and NOT on the ones they have to click (and sign in) to see......obviously people who are commenting are logged in, its just easier for them to NOT click (and wait while the image updates, if it does).....
I feel that there should be NO images.....that we should all be on equal grounds.....then see what people have to say.
for me, my snail dsl and guru lag just make it tooo dang hard sometimes to click on guru links (imageshack is faster, and I get 5 ads with theirs )......