Salvaged Items

Cyon Vaan

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2007

In front of a computer.

Paladins of the Mists


What items give Deldrimor Steel Ingots and/or Bolts of Damask when salvaged, and with what kit? Thanks!

Stormy Healer

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006



i dont think you can salvage em from items
instead you can craft them from several material crafters scattered over the entire map

Cyon Vaan

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2007

In front of a computer.

Paladins of the Mists


But, I have found that if you use a Master Salvage Kit on an item, you can get rare crafting materials. So I was wondering if it was that way for the Ingots and Damask.

iCe X

iCe X

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2006



if u need those materials to craft armor, why not do some farming and buy them directly from the materials npc... isn't easy n much faster


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Sorry, you can't get these from drops or salvaging armor. But, you can get them crafted at various material artisans in Prophecies. The easiest one I've found to get to is in Tangle Root, south of the Henge of Denravi. (Prophecies)To get there, go straight south from Denravi. Once you cross the second root bridge, look for one going down to the east - there's a group of trolls at the bottom of it. Curl around back to the north and follow the path to the end and you'll find the rare material artisan.

For deldrimore steel, you'll need 10 Iron ingots, 1 lump of charcoal, and 5 glittering dusts + 200g per ingot crafted. For the Damask, it takes 5 plant fibers, 5 glittering dusts, and 200g.

Cyon Vaan

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2007

In front of a computer.

Paladins of the Mists


Do you mean from the Material NPCs found in cities and towns, or ones found outside of cities and towns?



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Thanks to all the guru [mods]

outside of towns.